2/8/23 11:00 a.m.
My solution was to move out of the city.
I also have dogs who are very protective. I was informed by an officer about a week ago, if someone reaches over my fence and gets bit then Im liable.
In lots of places if someone breaks in or does something stupid and you defend yourself you can get tangled up in a legal mess.
Live in a place outside of the large cities, that is heavily armed, and has strong stand your ground laws. Its a deterrence for people doing dumb stuff and generally less likely to have a large homeless population.
This probably isnt helpful if you dont want to move, it was my solution.
In order of increasing commitment required and effectiveness gained:
1) Motion detectors, lights, cameras.
2) Large barky dog.
3) Relocation.
New invention......
loud stereo dog backing audio that "barks" at the door and then the window.... back and forth
add a "scratching machine" that sounds like the dog is trying to get thru the door !
I am not organized enough to take care of a "real dog" .....
In reply to californiamilleghia :
ferris bueller style!
My huskies are actually fairly gentle. They would rather lick you than bite. They do have a habit of standing around looking big and wolfish and that tends to scare people who aren't used to them. The Malamute I used to have was the same, only bigger. My Border Collie puppy will have a barking fit when anybody steps on the property which is enough to get the husky to get up and walk around looking intimidating and wolfish.
Works for me. I have never had a break in, even when I lived in a sort of rough neighborhood.
Opti said:
In lots of places if someone breaks in or does something stupid and you defend yourself you can get tangled up in a legal mess.
This is part of the reason that even though I have guns, they stay locked up and I have pepper spray and a baseball bat as my bedside grabs for home security. Other reasons are that I have kids.
2/8/23 8:03 p.m.
I used to live in a bad part of town. House next door was a crack house.
This was when I had my 2nd gen F-body parts side hustle.
Best security system is a dead Firebird on blocks and an engine hanging from a tree.
Nobody bothers the redneck house.
Thanks everyone for all the responses I think I was just really upset at the moment. Camera's we have but apparently not enough, so those are on the list. Guns I have so many that is covered. Dogs are out with the five Maine Coons running around the house but the motion sensor idea's I like. My brother in law worked for RING at one point and apparently there are Camera's now that sink with the cloud and use my network for storage so I can see everything in real time.
On the good side of things the vintage bike that was stolen was apparently "found" by one of my neighbors. Which means that the monster ex marine likely just went down to the encampment a few miles away an took it back like he took back his bike. Guy is being arraigned for a bunch of stuff but likely not the trespass or the theft.
Calmed down now but still a bit upset.
Teach the new dogs and the Maine Coons to team up. No joke, I saw my lab mix, my Uncles German Shepherd and our marmalade tom cat beat the ever lovin' berk out of neighbor's dog that kept screwing with them. It was glorious.
I saw something a couple weeks ago about some convenient stores playing loud opera/classical music to deter homeless/drug addicts from sleeping on their property and it seemed to work. However, not sure if your neighbors would like it either.
2/10/23 12:49 p.m.
Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) said:
Pffft... if someone broke into my property, my dog would help them load the valuables. Vicious pit bull indeed.
Not much to offer that hasn't been said, but had to agree with Mr Curtis73. My friend around the corner has a key and couldn't make it over to let my dog out for me once, so she had a friend that was staying with her come instead. This person had never been in my house, never seen by my dog.
She told me my dog was at the top of the steps (I have a split level), tail wagging and head bowed. She had no issues coming up the steps and my vicious pitbull followed her outside to potty and waited patiently for his cookie. I too think mine would help a burglar load up especially if he got a treat.
Someone mentioned fostering dogs, I volunteer at the local Humane Society and know other local groups, that might be an option.
Down in Orange County they were having problems with taggers at the back of their building , it was prime wall space as it could be seen from the 405 freeway.....
they set up a motion sensor that turned on a water sprinkler system ,
it did 2 things , got the walls wet so spray paint would not stick and taggers left as they did not want to get wet !
Fight crazy with crazy. Turn your batE36 M3 crazy neighbor loose on the perp.
Appleseed said:
Fight crazy with crazy. Turn your batE36 M3 crazy neighbor loose on the perp.
She has actually calmed down recently. They have her on better medication and she is so much more stable. But yeah she normally calls the cops before I even know something is wrong in the neighborhood.
2/10/23 5:52 p.m.
Does anyone make a security cam that will track a person and put a red laser dot on them while doing so? That would make me nervous.
wearymicrobe said:
Dogs are out with the five Maine Coons running around the house
If you are in for the long haul, start with a puppy. Growing up around the cats should negate the issue.
NOHOME said:
Does anyone make a security cam that will track a person and put a red laser dot on them while doing so? That would make me nervous.
A while back I pondered a motion sensing system that starts with turning on interior lights and exterior flood lights then proceeds to play the sound of dog claws running on a hardwood floor... then dogs barking... then the sound of a pump shotgun cocking.
But I love the red laser idea.
Sound Deterrent
I first ran into a store protected by a high pitched sound in Puerto Rico. Raging headache after about 5 minutes in the area.
Could be an option.
Dogs can read people's intentions a lot better than you may think. They can tell if someone is there to make trouble. Obviously, some are more perceptive than others.
When I was a young man, I had a cream puff of a female German shepherd that instantly wanted to kill a guy who had knocked on my door one day. She never showed any sign of aggression towards anyone else in the ten years we had her.
He asked questions about low life neighbors that I hadn't seen in years, then asked me if I knew where he could buy drugs.
The specific questions, the phrasing of the request about buying drugs, and the 30 year out of date "hippie" look to his clothes made it obvious that he was really a cop.
Appleseed said:
Teach the new dogs and the Maine Coons to team up. No joke, I saw my lab mix, my Uncles German Shepherd and our marmalade tom cat beat the ever lovin' berk out of neighbor's dog that kept screwing with them. It was glorious.
I have seen Main Coons that are bigger and more substantial than smaller dogs. If only you could teach them to bark.
2/11/23 3:36 p.m.
Cats + motion tracking laser:

Sorry to hear about this Weary, let us know if we can help. After my catalytic converter theft I installed automatic lights (and a huge plate on the bottom of the car). The lights certainly help me sleep better, because at least if I hear a noise and the light isn't on, its not likely a problem.
Adding a bit of an update because I got subpoenaed by the state over this. He is going to have a BAD time over this.
Charges are from memory after talking with the DA.
assault on a police officer.
evading arrest
giving a false name to a policy officer
felon in position of a weapon
felon in possession of contraband.
Something about being on parole at the this
something about not showing up for another case where he was being charged
Something about a third strike.
In reply to wearymicrobe :
Gee. What a shame.