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Jim Pettengill
Jim Pettengill HalfDork
1/18/13 9:29 a.m.

^^Truth. I was born and raised just west of Rochester (Spencerport, if anyone's interested), and when I left the area 45 years ago, the county was the third-highest consumer of industrial salt in the nation. When I was growing up, long before galvanized body panels, a sure sign of Spring wasn't just the robins, it was the sound of air compressors as everybody was patching the new rust holes and painting their cars. Even the most conscientious owners had rust holes in body panels in the second or third year of ownership. It was an annual ritual around our house.

Tom: not for naught, you learned a good bit about Tacomas, and you never know when that knowlege will come in handy. Any time you learn something, there is benefit, it just may not be obvious for a while.

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