I have a local friend here, he had a 4 small inner city grocery stores in the Latino neighborhoods last 15 years. He is a CPA by trade. Did really well and sold them all during covid.
He then last 3 years buying 50-80k homes in Akron Ohio and the surroundings. He hired 8 people there, and they do all the management/repair etc. Once he disposed of his business here, he now has 4 people in OH working for him, and he himself is there 2 weeknds a month.
Per his info, he gets $900-$1100 rent per month/per unit. He has 93 homes he has purchased in the last 36 months.
Question for OHIO people:
1) What do think of investing in Ohio?
2) Are the numbers my friend showing reasonable?
3) My thought is, locally if I showed you a $1100 a month rental, you wouldn't even want to be close to it, live in it, much less invest in it granted the demographic.
4) If you think it is a good idea, any particular areas you would recommend?
He recently aquired two commercial properties, and they are 64% occupied. He had recommended looking into that as well.
P.S. it doesn't have to be 50-80k, those are what he has. Where I am, you are looking at 550-650K for a decent rental, and monthly rent is about $3600. Of course, the appreciation of the market over time, really helps. We have some in NC/FL/TX, but looking to expand a bit elsewhere. We will also be disposing of a hotel in Missoula this year, which will free up some capital that I want to put in more passive investing.
Before most of us on west coast, would go to Reno/Vegas/PHX to buy cheap real estate. However, one thing is, when the market is down, those places are hit quite hard.
Appreciate any insight you can provide on locations, prices, thoughts on Ohio in general.....