Anyone play it? Would you recommend it?
I loved the first two, and am ready to pick up a new game. I've been reading a lot of negative reviews of it, mostly about how much the ending sucks. I haven't read too into detail because I'm trying to avoid spoilers.
So, if anyone has played it, is it worth purchasing or not?
9/1/12 11:42 a.m.
I haven't, but I know a decent amount of people who have. Most of them seem to think 3 pretty much ruined ME.
I dunno, I don't plan on buying it.
I never pay too much attention to reviews, unless there's some sort of flaw that renders a game nearly unplayable. If you liked the rest of the series, give 3 a try!
If you're looking for a game to just sink a bunch of hours into, go pick up a copy of Skyrim. 
Grizz wrote:
I haven't, but I know a decent amount of people who have. Most of them seem to think 3 pretty much ruined ME.
I dunno, I don't plan on buying it.
That's what I'm worried about. I loved the first two. I loved the characters, the races, the universe, and the moral questions and struggle. I don't want to finish ME3 and discover it damages my view and enjoyment of the universe as I've come to enjoy it. I loved Mordin's moral struggle and helping him resolve his involvement in the Genophage.
I don't care if the ending is sad or anything, I'm just worried that it sounds like what Shepard did ultimately didn't matter. I don't care if Shepard dies or not, as long as what he/she did means something.
The amount of anger at the ending doesn't sound like a "I wanted a happier ending", it sounded more like the ending undermined the epic scope of everything that's happened. Just wondering if that was the case or not.
I mean, I just finished Deus Ex: Human Revolution and I loved the endings in that... none of which were particularly "happy". Some were just a bit more hopeful and others a bit more chilling.
9/1/12 12:34 p.m.
From how it's been explained to me, this picture is 100% accurate.

They corrected the ending about a month back with a monster 1.4gb of a update. If you have played the first two you will really like the third.
My daughter is working on the Mass Effect movie.
If there's any interest, she'll be over tomorrow and I can get her to get on and tell you guys about it.
carguy123 wrote:
My daughter is working on the Mass Effect movie.
If there's any interest, she'll be over tomorrow and I can get her to get on and tell you guys about it.
Oh sweet Jesus yes.
Although... count me a bit nervous about the normal quality of video games turned into movies, although Mass Effect does seem like something that would have potential to actually be made decently.
wearymicrobe wrote:
They corrected the ending about a month back with a monster 1.4gb of a update. If you have played the first two you will really like the third.
That is good to know. And Origin has it for sale for 50% off this weekend, so I think I'll pick it up for $20, although I won't really be able to download it for another week until the high speed internet is hooked up here. (I have internet access but... well, the hotlink page takes a couple minutes to load fully.) Until then, I'm playing the original Deus Ex.
I enjoyed it quite a bit with the new endings. I managed to get the "red" supposedly best ending without online play which was nice.
The first play through I made a mistake ( without spoiling too much I shot the catalyst) and got the new ending which resolves the ending but not nearly in the way I hoped, that caused a bunch of cursing.
Overall it's a good ending and puts a decent ending on 120 hours of a character. The resolution of the genophage was a bit sad but good closure.
I ended up a bit aggravated with the ending when it first came out. I really need to go and download the new ending possibilities, and give them a try. The original endings for the game really did seem to line up with the decision tree above though.
OK, my daughter who is working on the Mass Effect Movie is in the house.
What do you want to know?
She'll give you a little synopsis of what they are doing and timings, etc. and then you can respond. She'll be here most of the day tomorrow also so we'll watch this thread.
Hey guys! So I am the producer of the newest anime based on James Vega from Mass Effect 3. My company, FUNimation, teamed up with Bioware games to make an authentic extension of the video game Mass Effect 3. This is actually a chance for you to better understand James Vega's backstory. I know he's not the most exciting of characters that we could cover but Bioware really wanted this and when we have had gamers get sneak peaks of the movie they have all decided to go back and re-play ME3 again because of this new story. we do have some characters from the game making little cameos like Liara, Anderson and Hackett. If you are interested in seeing more, everyday we are constantly updating our website with new visuals and information on the movie. Soon the trailer will be coming out, so check out
The film will be coming out directly to DVD on November 13th at all digital and normal DVD stores. Feel free to ask any questions.
In reply to carguy123:
So.... is this live action or anime? Is it covering the whole series, or just focusing on the events of one or two of the installments (maybe 1 and 3)?
Will the Genophage be a theme in the film? (It was my favorite significant background point from the games, not a primary plot point but the fallout was fascinating and I loved having it as a background theme.)
I can come up with more questions later, but I am drunk.
I liked ME3, everything but the ending. It seemed that the emphasis BioWare had put on "gamer choice" in the previous installments did little more than change the color of your ending. If you liked Mordin's story arc in the first 2 games, you will like his part of the 3rd as well (it's pretty emotional for me).
9/3/12 10:59 a.m.
I like ME3 - no regrets even at retail price for the game. The DLC endings are icing on the cake.
The ending is not what I expected, that's for sure.
So it is an anime, the live action will not be coming out for quite some time. This anime will be covering a small section between game two and three when Shepherd was supposedly "dead." It is on the planet of Fehl Prime and how the reapers were attacking that planet. The Genophage is not really a theme of this film. i hope you like it,it covers somethings the games doesn't cover. reply to Beer Baron:
carguy123 wrote:
This anime will be covering a small section between game two and three when Shepherd was supposedly "dead."
2&3 or 1&2? So does this mean it's a side story not starring Shepherd then?
It's between 2 & 3 and it's starring James Vega.
Here's an interview my daughter did on the new Mass Effect movie.
Unfortunately there's almost 2 minutes of ads before you get to the interview.
You can see that the movie was actually created with the game developer and was integrated in the actual game.
You'll hear about some cool extras on the DVD.