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Cone_Junky Reader
6/23/10 4:57 p.m.
racerdave600 wrote: but the big O is so far worse than W that it is not a laughing matter. The damage he has done to this country is going to be difficult to overcome, and if you think he is giving money to the American people, think again on that one. All he has done is payoff his buddies with your tax dollars and is creating a system that will leave most Americans with nothing in the end. As I always say, follow the money. They make the Bush boys look like the Church Choir.

Please list what he has damaged (besides all the Repugs ego when the American people said "get the berkley out" on Nov 4th 2008)

Bush boys look like the church choir? - Haleburton(sp?), ties with the royal families that bankrolled 9/11, ties with the Bin Laden family, bankrolled and tied to the owners on Enron, owned by the oil industry, torture, failure to see 9/11 a mile away, 4500+ Americans killed by his orders, Cheney's disgusting abuse of power (that he never should have even had), 275,000 different vacations while being President, total denial of climate change, "weapons of mass destruction"... I could write a book, but luckily many others have already. More like Bush looks like a Catholic priest- buggering us from behind all in the name of God while ignoring the abuses around him.

racerfink Reader
6/23/10 5:08 p.m.

Wow! Cone Junky watches too much Keith.

ignorant SuperDork
6/23/10 5:11 p.m.
racerfink wrote: Wow! Cone Junky watches too much Keith.

and racerdave watches too much beck..

now.. back to the topic at hand..

oldsaw Dork
6/23/10 6:38 p.m.

In reply to ignorant:

All "floundering" aside, the President has appointed Petraeus as military leader in Afghanistan.

This is most interesting as Petraeus was vilified by the same people who now have saddled him as "the last, best hope" to simultaneously implement ambitious policy and counter-productive rules of engagement.

One cannot but revel in the irony that those now in power are beholding to a man they literally slandered and libeled to gain power.

madmallard New Reader
6/23/10 7:41 p.m.


And yeah, its pretty entertaining that now he's viewed favorably by both sides compared to the previous news standing of General Betray-us.

Strizzo SuperDork
6/23/10 8:22 p.m.

In reply to Cone_Junky: i'll try and respond to your conspiracy theories in the order you puked them out onto the board. also, iggy, why is it that when someone disagrees with your opinion, its floundering, but when they spew rediculous conspiracy theories, its fair game?

Cheney worked for Halliburton, but resigned the post before becoming VP, is that somehow worse than obama being a lawyer for an organization that was part of voter fraud in November 08 that you reference, has been shown to have no ethical problems with helping people cheat on their taxes and hide income from prostitution (Acorn), and has been known to associate with radical activists that promote the violent overthrow of the government?

4500 americans killed by Bush? are you confusing this with the folks that the clintons supposedly had killed?

275,000 different vacations? not sure if you were just throwing that out hoping nobody knew how to do math anymore, but 8 years is only 2,920 days, so Bush would have had a hard time doing all the other crap that's been blamed on him if this were true.

do some research on the difference between "Global climate change" and "Anthropogenic global warming" and maybe you'll understand the disagreement. probably not though.

i think you're confusing your companies and prez buddies there, its Jeff Immelt and GE that's had ties to bin laden. you'll notice that GE/MSNBC has been all over the whole cap/trade, as they stand to gain quite a bit if it goes through.

i'm not even going to address the 9/11 nonsense.

i dont' have to watch beck to figure out who's screwing who from behind in the name of the "greater good"

ignorant SuperDork
6/23/10 8:27 p.m.
Strizzo wrote: , iggy, why is it that when someone disagrees with your opinion, its floundering, but when they spew rediculous conspiracy theories, its fair game?

Umm.. I floundered on the last guy to comment.. Cone Junky needed a floundering and the same with racerdave..

It wasn't a pointed flounder it was a general shut up guys...

Strizzo SuperDork
6/23/10 8:31 p.m.

In reply to ignorant:

fair enough

ignorant SuperDork
6/23/10 8:54 p.m.

So one thing I love about politics is the phrase...

"today I accepted the resignation of Mr/Mrs. X.."

I wish they'd just say..

Today I fired this dudes ass......

carguy123 SuperDork
6/23/10 9:04 p.m.
Please list what he has damaged (besides all the Repugs ego when the American people said "get the berkley out" on Nov 4th 2008)

Tried to buy or sell a house lately? Over 50% of the hardworking people with jobs, good credit and money who could buy a home at the time of the election no longer can.

That's just one thing, there are multitudes of others

Cone_Junky Reader
6/23/10 9:29 p.m.
carguy123 wrote:
Please list what he has damaged (besides all the Repugs ego when the American people said "get the berkley out" on Nov 4th 2008)
Tried to buy or sell a house lately? Over 50% of the hardworking people with jobs, good credit and money who could buy a home at the time of the election no longer can. That's just one thing, there are multitudes of others

The housing market and unemployment crashes started before President Obama was elected. In fact I can go far as to say it started when, you guessed it, Bush was in office. But I wouldn't say that.

My house lost all it's equity well before that communist overthrew the prior administration. But it's coming back up, does he get credit for that?

Strizzo SuperDork
6/23/10 9:38 p.m.

In reply to Cone_Junky:


you must be one of the lucky ones, my value is still dropping now that the tax credit has expired.

oldsaw Dork
6/23/10 9:51 p.m.

In reply to Strizzo:

Please, stop paying the troll-toll.

FauxNews facts will never sway "some" people that their demi-gods were complicit in that failure, and all the others, too.

Osterkraut Dork
6/23/10 10:00 p.m.
Cone_Junky wrote: an all night cocaine/booze fest.

To be fair, I'm sure if we were to rank presidents by grams of cocaine consumed, Barry would come out on top.

Cone_Junky Reader
6/23/10 10:04 p.m.
wrote: In reply to Cone_Junky: i'll try and respond to your conspiracy theories in the order you puked them out onto the board. also, iggy, why is it that when someone disagrees with your opinion, its floundering, but when they spew rediculous conspiracy theories, its fair game? Cheney worked for Halliburton, but resigned the post before becoming VP, is that somehow worse than obama being a lawyer for an organization that was part of voter fraud in November 08 that you reference, has been shown to have no ethical problems with helping people cheat on their taxes and hide income from prostitution (Acorn), and has been known to associate with radical activists that promote the violent overthrow of the government?

Halliburton had way too many contracts with the gov't to be a coincidence. They even screwed up a lot of those jobs....Katrina was just a little one you might have heard of. Don't forget overcharging us taxpayers for feeding and bringing fuel to our fighting heroes. That other thing Halliburton is connected to....seen it in the news....something about oil...or a spill?

wrote: 4500 americans killed by Bush? are you confusing this with the folks that the clintons supposedly had killed?

Iraq and mismanagement of the first 7 years of Afghanistan - All under his command

wrote: 275,000 different vacations? not sure if you were just throwing that out hoping nobody knew how to do math anymore, but 8 years is only 2,920 days, so Bush would have had a hard time doing all the other crap that's been blamed on him if this were true.

The number was an obvious (I thought) embellishment. Here are some more accurate #'s for clarification

487 days at Camp David

490 days at Crawford Ranch

43 days at Kennebunkport Compound

1,020 days of vacation during his 2,920 (you're #) in office...that's scary. Who was at the helm? Cheney? That's scarier.

wrote: do some research on the difference between "Global climate change" and "Anthropogenic global warming" and maybe you'll understand the disagreement. probably not though.

I'll just agree with the 70% of the scientist worldwide instead.

wrote: i think you're confusing your companies and prez buddies there, its Jeff Immelt and GE that's had ties to bin laden. you'll notice that GE/MSNBC has been all over the whole cap/trade, as they stand to gain quite a bit if it goes through.

Bin Laden's extended family flew out of the United States in private jets with a military fighter escort during the grounding of all aircraft travel days after 9/11. It was Kenneth Lays' private jet that flew Bushy around during the election debacle (you know when we the people DIDN'T elect him) It's also been proven through a pile of personal letters between the two of them that they were buddies. Think they shared some great financial tips?

Cap trade? Your argument is the same as all the others about his policies - this is only your doomsday prediction of what will happen. No proof, just biased speculation.

wrote: i'm not even going to address the 9/11 nonsense.

9/11 Commission

oldsaw Dork
6/23/10 10:23 p.m.

In reply to Cone_Junky:

Well, you've certainly embraced a lot of conspiracy plots. Those points will go far in advancing your points in rational debate.

Wait, did you hear that?

Did you just see that black SUV that just drove by?

You better call your Mom to see if she's OK. But, "they" are monitoring your phone, so just drive over to her house.

Damn, "they" are already following you cause you're "on to them" - you're up E36M3 Creek.

BERKELEY, YOU, Bush and Cheney

donalson SuperDork
6/23/10 10:31 p.m.

this reminds me of the good old days... back when my mom and dad (USAF) went to the 'o club for holloween... it was a costume party... they won 1st place... a cruise to Columbia... as I recall they attended as Bill and Hillary... complete with clown costumes...

the military guys sure loved them :)...

now back to your regularly scheduled programing... "UFO's abducted my hamster and then used him to anal probe me because Bush told em to" (after all it's well documented that Bush and the extra terrestrial alien community has very close ties)

Strizzo SuperDork
6/23/10 10:36 p.m.

biased speculation? like "halliburton has way too many gov't contract to be coincidence"?

how about this: obama has way too many ties to people who hate democracy, have openly admitted to acts of terrorism against the US, or are just regular old vowed communists for me to believe that he doesn't share the same beliefs as those people.

also, i'll take sitting at the ranch over spending half a million dollars in taxpayer money on one night on the town in NYC. i'll also argue that time at the ranch is the same as working from home, kinda like working from the white house is... and how many of the days at camp david were entertaining international guests? lastly, how many days of vacation has obama taken in his first year? has it or has it not outpaced other presidents?

as for the global warming comment, i've already posted my thoughts on this board, you can search them if you want. personally, i have a hard time giving credibility to a group of people who colluded to exclude the opinions and discredit those who disagreed with them in an effort to maintain their access to funding and keep themselves in a job.

TJ Dork
6/23/10 10:50 p.m.

I heard General McChrystal resigned....anyone have any thoughts about that?

Cone_Junky Reader
6/23/10 11:20 p.m.

In reply to TJ:


Toyman01 Dork
6/23/10 11:34 p.m.

I doubt we will ever hear the "real" story as to his motives. Maybe he just got tired of all the political crap and decided to stop playing the game. Maybe he is a secret GOP supporter who did a kamikaze run on the President. A little more bad press. Maybe he is a Dems supporter who gave his career to get the oil spill off the front page of the paper. Maybe he's just senile. Who knows. At this point it's water under the bridge. The real question is what's next. Does the Afghanistan war continue as planned or does it fall apart and get blamed on McChrystal. I'm thinking it's probably time to get out of there. Russia tried for 15-20 years to subdue that country and failed. I seriously doubt they were as nice about collateral damage and civilian deaths as we are. The world is past the point of bombing the crap out of a entire country.

oldsaw Dork
6/23/10 11:41 p.m.
Cone_Junky wrote: In reply to TJ: Who?

McChrystal, the man who sacrificed his career in order that some can offer nonsensical diversions.

Thanks, TJ!

I (and too many others) were distracted away from the issue: a commanding general who grossly violated protocol by promoting and allowing attitudes detrimental to policy.

To Cone_Junky: If you really want to re-hash the past, start another thread.

Cone_Junky Reader
6/24/10 12:07 a.m.
oldsaw wrote:
Cone_Junky wrote: In reply to TJ: Who?
McChrystal, the man who sacrificed his career in order that some can offer nonsensical diversions. Thanks, TJ! I (and too many others) were distracted away from the issue: a commanding general who grossly violated protocol by promoting and allowing attitudes detrimental to policy. To Cone_Junky: If you really want to re-hash the past, start another thread.

It's a political discussion, it's not black and white, so it will go off topic. I can't silently sit back while people make unfounded assumptions and accusations that can't be backed with facts. McChrystal f'd up, now he's fired. It doesn't matter if anybody agrees with the politics involved. In any professional or military environment those comments will almost always end in the same results...you're fired. What was the point of this thread other than to stir up some political e36m3?

To the conspiracy theorist remarks, please disprove my comments.

Name calling, always an effective rebuttal to proven facts

Salanis SuperDork
6/24/10 1:26 a.m.

Our founding fathers decided, very wisely, that the Commander in Chief of the armed forces would hold a civilian, not military, office. That was brilliant for lots of reasons.

Generals only need to worry about how to conduct a war. The president and congress have to balance a wide variety of other pressing needs. Were I president, I would be much more concerned about the economy, unemployment, etc.

We also have to take into account the possibility that this war may not be winnable. How long do you try and how many resources do you devote before you give up? What if it is "winnable", but at an exorbitant cost in finances, lives, and international political credit?

If you are a general, the answer is easy: "whatever it takes until the futility is clear." If you're a president with a deficit and weak economy, the answer is much less clear.

Wally SuperDork
6/24/10 1:33 a.m.
TJ wrote: I heard General McChrystal resigned....anyone have any thoughts about that?

Rumor has it he had enough, threw his vuvuzela in the back of his Ridgeline and was heading to New Hampshire for this weeks Nascar Races

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