Mifflin, Pa. sits in a valley between a series of ridges running north to south that are 1500 - 2000 AGL. When the wind is from the east or west, it hits the ridge and rolls over the top. Put a glider anywhere on the face and you're booking. This weekend it was 3 - 8 mph; working but it's been better. The ridges are in parallel series, with enough altitude you can hop from one ridge to the next. Go five ridges west and you hit the big banana that can take you to Alabama.
Remember, you have to come back .....
All day long I kept hearing what sounded like a hit & miss machine or a one cylinder diesel engine. On the second day the farmer with property next to the airport was cutting the field nearby. The noise I heard was the mechanical clanking of his two horsepower sickle bar.
Mifflin Soaring's new club house. Restrooms, showers, nice kitchen, small living area, big table. The loft above, or "bunk house" is where you camp if it rains through your tent.
Ridge Running with Tony.
Saturday the local Sky Divers came out. They jumped at 10,000 feet, but as the cloud cover became more dense they packed up. They cannot fall through clouds.
Tony (back seat) saw a trailer he liked in Italy. Why ship an empty trailer? So he bought this Grob to fill it. He'll sell it after the season.
Someone "landed out", that is to not make the airport. He was 14 miles away and turned away from the Ridge, barreling down the valley. He swooped in a mile short. Worse, he didn't see the power lines until he was right on top of them, he slid under.
Tradition dictates he buy dinner for all his rescuers. He picked up breakfast the next morning after everyone ordered the $2.99 special.
The Grob 103 I flew all weekend. Had to get signed off on Ridge Soaring and Thermalling. Got both.
The world's coolest hangar pit bike!