I'm not nearly as excited as I should be about a week of vacation that starts in just a few short hours. It might have something to do with the fact that it is a week at the future FIL's house in San Antonio, Tejas. I can honestly think of a few ways I'd rather spend $350 clams on airfare and a week of PTO.
As much as I like her family, I'm a bit sick of spending all of my PTO (and a fair amount of scratch) on vacationing with them. I've already thrown down the gauntlet; this is the last trip involving her family until we do the destination wedding thingo. Period.
3:30 am exists simply to make getting up at 6 am seem like sleeping in
9/19/13 6:25 a.m.
corytate wrote:
I hate the fancy gmail view. All it does is slow down the browser and piss me off. All the categories are harder to get to, it basically improves nothing.
Why is there no possible way to set html view as a default?! I have to be lightning fast while it's loading to select it, otherwise I'm stuck with the E36 M3ty standard view. I've loved gmail for years but this is really bugging me.
same here ... I CAN'T stand the new G-MAIL ... I can't understand why every thing has to be MADE BETTER ... usually it's not better ...
every upgrade to iTunes makes it worse than before, same for iPhoto ... they change ... it's harder to use ... pisses me off
9/19/13 7:25 a.m.
wbjones wrote:
corytate wrote:
I hate the fancy gmail view. All it does is slow down the browser and piss me off. All the categories are harder to get to, it basically improves nothing.
Why is there no possible way to set html view as a default?! I have to be lightning fast while it's loading to select it, otherwise I'm stuck with the E36 M3ty standard view. I've loved gmail for years but this is really bugging me.
same here ... I CAN'T stand the new G-MAIL ... I can't understand why every thing has to be MADE BETTER ... usually it's not better ...
every upgrade to iTunes makes it worse than before, same for iPhoto ... they change ... it's harder to use ... pisses me off
Yes, this. It's only gotten worse since they started.
Solidworks 2006 was the best version, too. And the new MSoffice stuff doesn't compare to the version form about 2002. Weird.
9/19/13 7:27 a.m.
I made eggs today for myself. I usually make three, with some cheese and tomatoes.
Tunakid #1 wanted some. I told him 'no way' because last time I made them for him for breakfast he stared at them for 45 minutes and then we threw them away and were late to school.
Tunakid #2 is sick in bed.
Tunawife asked that I make some for Tunakid #4. I threw in an extra egg.
Then I finished.
Tunakid #3 pointed and begged, so he got some of the finished eggs, probably 1 1/2.
Tunakid #1 had been pouting, so Tunawife grabbed some and gave them to him.
Then Tunakid #4 got her cut.
I got no eggs. I did not enjoy my cereal.
9/19/13 8:17 a.m.
tuna55 wrote:
And the new MSoffice stuff doesn't compare to the version form about 2002. Weird.
Why can I not open Excel in separate windows? Why would you take away that most basic of functions? Probably 1/2 of all businesspersons in the US use 2 monitors to have 2 excel windows on 2 separate screens for cryin out loud.
9/19/13 8:19 a.m.
[Office Space voice] I swear - to GOD! - I am going to kick the E36 M3 out of the next berktard shiny happy person that throws a cigarette butt out the window. [/Office Space voice]
9/19/13 8:22 a.m.
yeah, it's disgusting, and illegal to throw cigarette butts out the window .. (disclaimer: I don't smoke so this really doesn't affect me) but new cars are coming without ashtrays .... at least my Mom's new Fit doesn't have one ... what is a smoker supposed to do ... besides quit .... ?
9/19/13 8:29 a.m.
Oh, I don't know - go to Pep Zone and buy an ashtray? Carry an empty soda can with a little water in the bottom in a spare cup holder? Eat it?
Frankly, I don't give a E36 M3 what you do with your cigarette butt, just don't make it the rest of the berking world's problem.
9/19/13 8:35 a.m.
keep in mind that the smokers that throw cigarettes out the window aren't concerned with how bad it is .. so there's not much chance that they'll do any of those things ... my point was that cars don't come with ash-trays anymore ... so odds are there will be more cigarettes coming out the windows in the future
I can't count how many times I've been tempted to pull up alongside a car someone has thrown a cigarette butt out the window of and toss a piece of garbage out of my car and into theirs (likely an empty water bottle). It's really bad here given how much of the population seems to consider it their civic duty to smoke and support the state's tobacco farmers. Thankfully I'm neither as much of an ass as it seems they are and I'm not in any hurry to get into a fight. Did come really close to kicking the crap out of the sheet metal of a car whose driver flicked a butt out the window and hit me when I was on my bicycle though. What NEEDS to happen is for it to start being earnestly enforced as littering, but I know that won't happen anytime soon around here.
As for what I initially clicked here to rant about...
When you pull up to a stop sign and intend to turn, USE YOUR MOTHER BERKING TURN SIGNAL!!!
Pulled up to a 4-way stop near home yesterday at the same time a car pulled up coming the opposite direction. No cars on the cross street, no turn signals on the other car blinking. We both come to a complete stop, pause, and start forward across the intersection, accelerating as usual. No problem so far. Car coming the opposite direction STARTS TO TURN LEFT and barely screeches to a halt to avoid plowing into my Saturn's front fender.
I swear... in the last few weeks I've had so many close-calls in the Saturn that it's scary. I know I've joked that I'd love to be able to get one of the new electric vehicles, but having to do so because the Saturn has been totalled would NOT make me happy...
Butts don't bother me anywhere near as much as dumping tobacco spit cups in the parking spaces at the convenience store. Get outta your car and... well, ya just stepped in it. 
... and the trash can is like right there a few steps away.
9/19/13 11:30 a.m.
Duke wrote:
mtn wrote:
Why can I not open Excel in separate windows? Why would you take away that most basic of functions?
Launch 2 sessions.
Easier said than done when opening files from Sharepoint. And yes, I do know the way around it (or a way around it anyways), but I would much rather just do it like every other program ever.
How can I get myself laid off to collect unemployment so I can concentrate on my business start-up? I am getting fed up with my current job (except that I am still employed) and working for others.
I need to go punch something.
berkeley Visio. What a useless pile of E36 M3 program!!!! I swear I am going to find who ever came up with this pile and smack them in the mouth.
The new ios7 has killed my battery and I haven't even used my phone today.
I have to change my lock screen (photo of my truck getting rowdy) to be able to even see what time it is...
I'm not pleased with this update at all.
FranktheTank wrote:
The new ios7 has killed my battery and I haven't even used my phone today.
I have to change my lock screen (photo of my truck getting rowdy) to be able to even see what time it is...
I'm not pleased with this update at all.
I'm not planning on updating to iOS 7 anytime soon... I can already do most of the things it does with my jailbroken phone and the additional things I can do thanks to the jailbreak are nice enough that I'll wait until the public jailbreak for iOS 7 beomes available.
In reply to corytate:
It's sort of a pain, but if you go here: http://mail.google.com/mail/h/ instead of gmail.com, it'll go straight to the html view.
Dear Cop:
I've been around, I've driven enough miles to make it to the moon and back twice and..... Yeah. So when you were thinking you'd be O-So-Clever and slip in behind me and wait for me to speed or muck up I was onto your donut-scarfing ways. I have GPS and a keen eye for cops on the take. When I went under the railroad bridge doing 20(the speed limit in that section!), you came flying up expecting to catch me doing 35. No luck! I'm careful. I went on into the next town, and right out of your fingers.
So Sorrry (not!)
9/19/13 7:09 p.m.
I may have found the worst place for diarrhea to hit. In the middle of a dental appointment. I have had bronchitis and a wicked sinus infection this week, so bad I called into work for the first time in 5 years. I finally felt well enough to leave the house today so I went to get my latest root canal finished. With one of those goofy dams clamped into place, a band and who knows what else I had to go. My hardware and I ran from the chair, through crowded waiting room to bathroom. Clanking back to my seat I saw several horrified children looking at the scrap collection dangling from my mouth I garbled "Be sure to brush and floss." Hopefully they all learned something from my misfortune.
monknomo wrote:
In reply to corytate:
It's sort of a pain, but if you go here: http://mail.google.com/mail/h/ instead of gmail.com, it'll go straight to the html view.
you, sir, are a godsend! I edited my bookmark to link to that instead. Many thanks!
Ugh so apparently the expensive catalytic converter I bought and had installed on my Saturn is not kosher with Cali CARB nazis. Here I thought I was fine considering the amount of time I spent to ensure I ordered the right one. I have no idea what happened and am inclined to believe everyone is against me. The car passed on the sniffer but failed because apparently my Saturn has some odd requirements that no manufacturer can meet to make an aftermarket cat that meets CARB requirements.
Anyone have a 1998 Saturn SL2 midpipe with working catalytic converter you want to greyhound or UPS me? I'll pay.
Also hi, I've missed you lugnuts. Work is crazy in a good way.
9/20/13 11:45 a.m.
You hired this temp to clean this place for your German visitors on Monday. He knows how to clean, what to do, and how long it will take.
Stop interrupting him every 10 berkeleying minutes to have a 5 minute conversation on watching the time and making sure he gets this this and this done. And I'm ready to shove that shop vac that's been running for 2.5hrs straight right in my area right up your ass.