You called the dumpster in. Tell them where to put the motherberkeleyer.
Jerry wrote:
You hired this temp to clean this place for your German visitors on Monday. He knows how to clean, what to do, and how long it will take.
Stop interrupting him every 10 berkeleying minutes to have a 5 minute conversation on watching the time and making sure he gets this this and this done. And I'm ready to shove that shop vac that's been running for 2.5hrs straight right in my area right up your ass.
I swear to god, nonstop shop vacs are the worst berkeleying thing in the world.
Right after I left nissan they fired the douches who detailed inside with their shop vacs on all the time. and gave everybody a $3 raise. of course. lol
Dear Patrons of Pull-A-Part:
I'm not an expert at diagnosing suspension noises on a car I've never driven, charging issues of your car I've never seen, or renting tools out of my bag becuase you "forgot" to bring them or too lazy to walk back to your car get them.
Been waiting for a well deserved weekend off after working three weeks straight... and it rains. 
I hate overtime. If I get too much taxes make my time and a half worth like 10 bucks an hour.
I have 15 hours already this week for the third week in a row. I think I'm going to just use it as comp time and go fishing.
Found out yesterday the 5 acre property of mowed field and woods adjoining the rear of my property has just been sold, development is imminent. Living on the last street in city limits w/ in two minutes of berkeleying everything was the reason for buying here. The woods and wildlife out back was the icing.... my buffer zone.
Was planning taking down the '40s era 2.5 car garage in the spring and building a 3 car + w/ lift. Not gonna happen now.
Will be looking at country property now w/ a shop or room to build one.
Maybe this isn't as bad as it seems.
9/21/13 7:28 p.m.
In reply to FranktheTank:
I have been taking it in comp time. If the ever let us have time off I'll be in good shape.
fasted58 wrote:
Found out yesterday the 5 acre property of mowed field and woods adjoining the rear of my property has just been sold, development is imminent. Living on the last street in city limits w/ in two minutes of berkeleying everything was the reason for buying here. The woods and wildlife out back was the icing.... my buffer zone.
Was planning taking down the '40s era 2.5 car garage in the spring and building a 3 car + w/ lift. Not gonna happen now.
Will be looking at country property now w/ a shop or room to build one.
Maybe this isn't as bad as it seems.
Might be a good time to sell. Depending on the size of your property, it can be added to that development
Tires, you are the bane of my existence. I am not the Michelin man, who can rapid fire new shoes on everyone's ride when they are flat and destroyed. Do not remind me oh dear, that I need to fix the problem on Sunday. No place worth a damn is open today. Even those open YESTERDAY, told me at least $185/each. I know the game and Mr. Murphy too. So get off my back about it. Do you want me to just fix it or fix it so the kid, you want to force your opinion about how to fix the problem, is "safe"?
Just because it isn't berkeleying perfect, doesn't make it not safe. Does it look like I want to fix things twice? Nevermind the huge stack of pediatric nursing paperwork from last week's clinicals, I have yet to start on, that needs to be done for tomorrow, so everyone can carry on with their lives. Thanks. 
Day 2 of the cold from hell
we have a master tech from another store here for another week, and two new people starting this week as techs.
So I shouldn't have to work this crazy monday thru saturday open to close shift anymore, right?
wrong apparently.
I'm scheduled m-f 7am-8pm, saturday 7-7, sunday 9-6.
One new person gets the weekend off, the other one gets sunday and another day off.
why the berkeley have I been working this hard?
From open to close there isn't a moment that goes by where I'm not working on at least one car, usually about 3 of them at the same time.
I haven't gotten a lunch break the past two days at all. friday was 7am to 9pm with no breaks.
Don't you think I'd like to have a weekend off? or, idk... a lunch break?
I feel like E36 M3 constantly from this schedule now.
corytate wrote:
we have a master tech from another store here for another week, and two new people starting this week as techs.
So I shouldn't have to work this crazy monday thru saturday open to close shift anymore, right?
wrong apparently.
I'm scheduled m-f 7am-8pm, saturday 7-7, sunday 9-6.
One new person gets the weekend off, the other one gets sunday and another day off.
why the berkeley have I been working this hard?
From open to close there isn't a moment that goes by where I'm not working on at least one car, usually about 3 of them at the same time.
I haven't gotten a lunch break the past two days at all. friday was 7am to 9pm with no breaks.
Don't you think I'd like to have a weekend off? or, idk... a lunch break?
I feel like E36 M3 constantly from this schedule now.
If you want to make a fuss about it, I don't think thats actually legal most places in the civilised world.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
corytate wrote:
we have a master tech from another store here for another week, and two new people starting this week as techs.
So I shouldn't have to work this crazy monday thru saturday open to close shift anymore, right?
wrong apparently.
I'm scheduled m-f 7am-8pm, saturday 7-7, sunday 9-6.
One new person gets the weekend off, the other one gets sunday and another day off.
why the berkeley have I been working this hard?
From open to close there isn't a moment that goes by where I'm not working on at least one car, usually about 3 of them at the same time.
I haven't gotten a lunch break the past two days at all. friday was 7am to 9pm with no breaks.
Don't you think I'd like to have a weekend off? or, idk... a lunch break?
I feel like E36 M3 constantly from this schedule now.
If you want to make a fuss about it, I don't think thats actually legal most places in the civilised world.
I know that we are "supposed" to take a lunch break for at least 30 min for any shift over 8hrs, per company policy.
2 weeks into me working there the the store manager and other tech walked out, the service manager left a couple days before as well.
The tire techs are okay at tires but can't really do much else for the most part.
We have a good team now for the most part, new store manager new serv mgr, and the master tech from another store, but they are all leaving after next week to go to a different store=/
But the reason I haven't been getting to eat is every shiny happy person customer decides to come in between 11 and 5 to get their E36 M3 done and waits on it. Nobody else in the store to work on it so I'm usually swamped until closing time. Feel like E36 M3 all the time now though, wife says I've lost weight too, which isn't good because I was already 6'1", 160lbs
and anothert rant: mouthbreathing customer berkeleytard: stop staring at the person working on your car the entire time. it drives them berkeleying crazy. If you don't want them to berkeley anything up then don't stare at them nonstop while they are doing their job. jeezus.
dear people grocery shopping. Dirty, ripped, torn, or worn through Pajammas belong at home. Heck, Pajammas in general belong at home. They do not belong on your body when out in public food shopping.
I realize that getting dressed can be a hassle, but if I can put on a clean pair of jeans and a shirt, you can at least put on clean sweats and a teeshirt. It's not that hard and you might realize that people treat you a little nicer.
Also, if you insist on wearing your pajammas to the store, please do not bore holes into me because I choose to at least dress decently. I like looking, smelling, and feeling clean. Just because you don't does not mean you are allowed to hate everyone who does
Never fails.
One of my co-workers will go on a 10 minute rant about another co-worker, trade or boss.
If I even comment "well, I kinda see what you mean", now I am solely responsible for the entire 10 minute rant verbatim. The original ranter now stokes the fire w/ the people he dissed, sits back and watches the drama unfold.
I'll climb out from under this rock (which wasn't mine to begin with) in a week or so.
We don't need no stinkin' drama.
Rather pissed over a parts order.
Ordered a new exhaust for my Miata from (Major Racing Parts Supplier) on the 18th of August. At the time it showed on their website as "In Stock".
Order goes through and it says shipping from the manufacturer, ok, lots of these things are drop shipped.
I had planned to install the exhaust when I took a week off to visit my mom in mid-September.
The parts had not come in the week or so that the site indicated that I should expect it. I call and find out that (Exhaust Manufacturer) had to make the part and it would ship September 2nd from (Parts supplier) customer service, when they called (part manufacturer) with me on hold.
The next week goes by and I see nothing. I give it another week and nothing. My vacation comes and goes, no exhaust.
I call them again last Friday (9/20) and ask them where my exhaust is.. they say their system shows that I should have it. Umm, no, I don't... (part manufacturer) was closed for the day so they were calling today (Monday).
They tell me it shipped today (9/23) and gave me a tracking number (which I expressly told (Supplier) to get me).
I feel like someones been jerking me around. Don't know if its (Supplier) or (Manufacturer), but this is lowsy.
If I don't see my exhaust in the next week I am going to look into contacting my bank regarding the charge. As it stands, I am getting it a month after it was promised by their website and person on the phone when I placed the order.
What would GRM do?
(names hidden for now.. but I promise these are names you know and are NOT miata-specific)
Sounds like Summit sending me the wrong Holley injectors. I was livid. I called and was polite for a while.... Then I was like how hard is it to send me a set of 84's and a set of 82's? Then I found out that they sent me 74's and 76's and their part # was what? Yep.... 84 & 82. How ridiculous is that? I'm not ordering by prt number I'm ordering by orifice. Luckily a local drag racer and friend traded me straight up.
Why are the people who insist on never driving the speed limit the worst drivers? They'll slam the brakes if they reach 24MPH in a 25 and glare at you for getting too close, but they'll bob and weave around the lane like an ADHD 9 year old kid on speed, check their phones like a tweener, and absolutely refuse to follow any other traffic law, such as using their blinkers, stopping at stop signs, or not being a reckless driver.
Sure are safe rolling 29 in the 35 though!
In reply to Javelin:
because they don't care about driving past where they are going and making sure they don't speed and get pulled over.
If the police would pull people over for the rest of the infractions that are committed, then we might have something.
Nearly got broadsided by an old whacker in a baby blue civilian Crown Vic with a police push bar, PIAA Pep Boy Special fog lights, and a host of fake strobe lights.
I guess the moron thought he could bully traffic around in his dumpy old car by driving worse than the real cops. Sorry Gramps, but I'm not yielding my lane for you.
At least I got a variety of curse words and racist epithets thrown in my direction for my trouble. 
bcbs is flushing my current health insurance plan at the end of the year. it's replacement is a piece of crap & costs $350 more per month.
thank you affordable healthcare act.