We've probably done this before, but whatever.
In the Metallica thread, I shared a story about buying my first CD ever, which was Metallica's Black Album. That was my first CD, purchased when I was in 5th grade. If I rewind a bit further back, my first ever album was a cassette: Pyromania by Def Leppard. It was a hand me down from my older sister when I got my first cassette player around the age of 3 in 1985. She wore it out a bit, so she bought a new one and gave me the old one. I can anticipate the imperfections in playback on that album even to this day. My first LP came later, around 1995. I became fascinated with vinyl records, and discovered my dad's old Fisher turntable and Technics receiver. I bought an album in Boston called Whitey on the Moon by a band called Fluf. They were a 3 piece pseudo-punk outfit from California, and they were on a Transworld Skateboarding compilation CD my friend had.
All that said, what were your firsts? Again, here's mine:
Cassette: Def Leppard: Pyromania
CD: Metallica: The Black Album
LP: Fluf: Whitey on the Moon
Stories are encouraged for nostalgic feels. 
First cassette: Thriller.
First CD: Metallica Black Album.
First 8-track(yeah, I'm old)... Pretty sure it was Alabama, or maybe CDB
First album... I think it was a K-tel disco compilation, or Culture Club
First cassette... Actually, I bought 2: AC/DC Dirty Deeds & For Those About to Rock
First CD... I was pretty late to adopt CDs - I already had about 200-cassettes - it was around 90/91, and I'm sure something Metal, but no idea what artist/album.
Ugh, as early as I can remember, my first cassette was either traveling wilburys or John prine from my parents.
First actual cd I bought, was marylin Manson anti Christ superstar. I was like 8, and hid it from my parents for the better part of a year.
Vinyl... Well I inherited(stole) my parents vinyl collection was I was 13, but first I bought was either dark side of the moon or a dropkick Murphy's album.
I honestly didn't know I liked music as a kid. Growing up in the era of mellow gold soft rock and hair/glam metal that didn't connect with me, I mostly just listened to whatever records my dad and mom had around (Beach boys, jan and dean) and wondered why music was important to people
My first purchase was probably this

The first real album I bought that sparked my love of music was this

I still have both BTW
Vinyl: some 45 from Beverly Hill Cop
Cassette: Quiet Riot -- Metal Health
CD: Meatloaf -- Bat out of Hell
In reply to petegossett:
LATE? I didn't get my first CD until 1995
Joe Gearin
Associate Publisher
11/22/16 10:32 a.m.
First musical recording --- Rush "Exit Stage Left"--- on 8-track
First albums---- Black Sabbath-- "Best of Black Sabbath", Ted Nugent-- "Intensities in 10 Cities"
First tape--- bought? Hell I don't know, we just recorded off of records that other buddies had purchased
First CD--- Dire Straits " Brothers in Arms"
I have still never downloaded a song, or album--- although a buddy of mine filled up an MP3 player with about 100 albums and gave it to me, so that's my music when I'm on an airplane. MP3's never did it for me when you actually want to listen to the music--- too thin, too much missing.
First album - I think it was a Beach Boys "best of" album. Vol. 2, if memory serves.
First CD - Brothers In Arms. This was in 1985 or 1986, it was a big seller at the time. I remember having to choose between single and triple beam laser tracking on the player. The big thing at the time was that DAT was going to smoke the CD...
Joe, MP3s will sound as good as you want them to. Like JPG pictures, it all depends on how much you choose compression over quality.
Album = Dark Side of the Moon (used)
Cassette = Van Halen (not Van Hagar) 1984 (I think), turned out to be a bootleg I believe.
CD = Don't remember. Probably something from Columbia House that Neville Chamberlain had delivered to my house (?!)
First tape: Motley Crue Dr. Feelgood
First CD: AC/DC The Razor's Edge
First record (used); Herberie Hancock Thrust
11/22/16 11:15 a.m.
Cassette, Lee Greenwood American Patriot
CD, '90 TMNT soundtrack
LP, Lumineers Cleopatra, white vinyl pre order.
Odd spread. 
The first cassette I remember having was The Descendents Somery. The first cassette I spent my own money on was The Offspring Smash.
I assume the first CD I bought was Nirvana's Nevermind, because you simply had to have that in your Walkman in a Portland grade school.
First LP was DeVotkcha's A Mad & Faithful Telling, I think. Maybe The Descendents Milo Goes to College.
11/22/16 11:39 a.m.
First CD was in about 1997. Either Chumbawamba Tubthumper, or John Fogerty Premonition. Got them at about the same time--Chumbawamba because I liked it, Fogerty because Dad told me I would like it. 20 years later and I'm still listening to Fogerty. Thanks Dad.
First Cassette... Well, I don't think I ever bought a cassette until about 2006 or 2007. I was in a vehicle on a road trip (Crown Vic? Chevy Truck?), and the antenna was broken and the cd player wasn't working very well. Went into a gas station and they had a clearance bin of random stuff, including a Jimmy Buffet Havana Day Dreaming cassette. I bought it for about $2. Ironically, dad had bought the same exact cassette about 10 minutes into a road trip under similar circumstances probably 10 years prior to that.
My first vinyl album was likely something used. First new one I want to say was Reckless Kelly in about 2010. Not sure on that though. I've bought about 20-30 vinyl records in the last 5 years, to a total of 6 CD's.
First casette: Guns and Roses, Appetite for destruction
First CD: Jimi Hendrix, The ultimate experience
First cassette?? Dont think I ever bought any, I had a bunch of blanks for making mix tapes.
Fist DC: Offspring, Smash

I can still happily listen all the way through, great album.
11/22/16 1:06 p.m.
Cassette: Midnight Oil
CD: nine inch nails - Pretty Hate Machine
LP: none that I can recall
First Cassette (I was 5): Michael Jackson "BAD".
First CD (5th grade): Guns N Roses "Appetite for Destruction"
First LP (high school): Actually a bulk buy of mostly 80's stuff (Cars, Dire Straights, and the like)
Judas Priest Unleashed in the East, Live in Japan was my first ever LP that I bought for myself. I was probably 12. I had been given some as presents (Billy Joel, 52nd Street and some Bill Cosby comedy stuff) but that one was the first one I ever got on my bike, rode to the store and handed over my own paper money for. I still have it. It still berkeleying rocks.
My first cassette was They Might Be Giants' Flood.
My first CD was Dead Kennedy's Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables.
My first LP was Tool's Undertow.
Ian F
11/22/16 1:29 p.m.
8 track: Joan Jett - I Love Rock & Roll. (yes, 46 is just barely old enough to still be in the 8-track era).
Vinyl: I honestly don't remember. I've had records from an early age. Something from Sesame Street, I think which I may still have. I also have a few 45 singles that may pre-date my cassette purchases.
Cassette: Also not 100% sure, but Pyromania would be a likely guess. I was a huge Def Leppard fan back then.
CD: This I actually remember very well as I still have and play them from time to time. When I got my first CD player in 1986 for Christmas, I went to the store (Woolworth's at the local mall, I think) and bought Def Leppard's Pyromania and High & Dry and The Scorpion's World Wide Live.
Cassette: The Best of Elvis Costello & The Attractions
CD: Sum 41's All Killer No Filler
Vinyl Record: Tears For Fears Pale Shelter 12" Single.
My first LP was a twofer: Foreigner 4 and Journey Escape. Def Leppard Pyromania and Stevie Nicks Bella Donna followed shortly thereafter. Can't recall my first CD. Oh, and my first 45 was Steve Miller Band Fly Like an Eagle.
11/22/16 1:35 p.m.
First album owned: The Mothers Of Invention, We're Only In It For The Money. I E36 M3 you not. Eldest sister gave her old copy to me when I was about 7 and I used to play it on my little portable. Probably had a larger effect on adult me than it's safe to admit. I seriously freaked out my high school art teacher in the early 1980s when I found a copy in a stack of records on top of a cabinet in the art room. I put it on the class stereo and was able sing through the entire first side (in the appropriate voices) without missing any words. The music itself blew the minds of the rest of the class.
First vinyl purchased: Probably some Beatles crap. I was 10, it was 1975, what do you want.
Cassette: Yes, Fragile. Given to me by my youngest older sister in about 1976-77. Never bought a prerecorded cassette for myself, but sure did buy a lot of blank Maxell UDXL-II C-90s.
First CD: Van Morrison, Moondance. Bought in 1989 when we finally broke down and bought our first CD player, a big old Yamaha 5-disc carousel. That album has, uhhh, significance to DW and I.
11/22/16 1:35 p.m.
JamesMcD wrote:
My first cassette was They Might Be Giants' Flood.
My first CD was Dead Kennedy's Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables.
My first LP was Tool's Undertow.
OK, you're winning at this.