After reading the discussion a few days ago on the growing trend of highly suspect crowd funding campaigns, I decided to start my very own highly suspect crowd funding campaign.
Feel free to relink and share as much as possible. I can use all the help I can get:
Not a canoe. More like social commentary.
I think you're going to strike it rich and get millions, seriously. Imagine the ironic humor and all the hipsters! If I'm right will you throw a few K my way? 
Edit: After reading through all of it, I don't think you're being dismissive and wasteful enough to strike it rich, sorry.
I tried to contribute but there is some bug preventing it from accepting fractional cents. I will have to mail you a check for $.001
Thanks! I figure it has equal chances of being pulled for asshattery or landing me an interview on the news when it skyrockets.
GPS - sorry, fractional cents are only handled through paypal, and I refuse to use them. Maybe you could put together a group buy with other GRMers....
Remember, share on FB an twitter for maximum effect!
2/14/14 2:49 p.m.
I wish those things accepted other forms of 'wealth'. I have a crapload of unrecycled aluminum cans, probably worth a few bucks in can deposits. maybe enough to buy some more cans of beer for your cause.
2/14/14 3:11 p.m.
That's funny. Doesn't look like you are getting a lot of donations yet. I'm going to forward the link to some folks.
Thanks Teej. I just started it today so hopefully it will pick up.