Went to sign the paperwork for the new job today..and when I was to sign the I-9 form, I discovered that my birth certificate was gone. I have no idea where my Social Security card is, I got it more than thirty years ago and have just been using the number. And on top of everything else--I've never had a passport.
Would a driver's license and a W-2 form be enough to get a replacement SS card? Wording on the website is ambiguous, and the state of Florida site says it takes a week just to respond. I start training tomorrow, but if I can't produce a 2nd proof of citizenship before Monday, I'll have to stop training because I can't work without a completed I-9. FWIW, the company says it's not a deal-breaker for being hired (HR rep says they see this with older employees all the time), they just can't take the risk of having me on the property until they can file the form away.
Anybody had to do this before?
Isn't there some guy here who offers all sorts of good ID all the time? Maybe time to paddle his way...
Government issued ID is odd. Up here, you can get just about anything with a birth certificate, which in my case is 52 years old, and would be very easy to fake.
In reply to Streetwiseguy:
Eh, Georgia's "cracking down" on Latinos. The younger HR lady asked, "how did you get a driver's license without one?" Uh..because I had the certificate when I applied for it?
In her defense, that was in 1986. 
5/16/13 8:14 p.m.
Should be plenty good with that. I had to get a new one with my name changed and I had it in 10 minutes. Somehow it was easier for SS to give me a new card then DMV to add the 3 to my license.
5/16/13 8:14 p.m.
Were you born in FL and are one of your parents still alive, and if so, do they live in the state you were born?
Without actually looking, my gut tells me a bc copy is going to be faster and easier to obtain than a ss card copy.
Voter ID card?
Edit: hopefully my gut is wrong and it's as easy as Wally's experience.
In reply to bluej:
My mom still lives..and retired to FL! I'll give her a call tmw. Surely she can request in person for a record of her own son. There's still a lil' cash in the bank, I'll send her some to overnight it if she can get it. I just went through my wallet again..Voter ID card's gone as well.
I think I lost everything when I got a new wallet for Xmas. I can't believe I would have thrown out that stuff..but stranger things have happened.
Aside to Wally: Thanks, man. I'm hoping it goes that well..cross your fingers for me?
Maybe you put the old wallet in the last place you'll look for it 
Hopefully it'll have everything in it.
FWIW I have requested duplicate birth certs from the state (in this case MS) several times (yeah I have had trouble keeping up with it). From what I remember I sent the form in with a money order and the replacement showed up.
Local SS office should issue a temporary? Pay them a visit.
Go visit your local SS office with as much ID as you can scrape together. I got a replacement card this last year and the office was super helpful and super nice. Go ask.
How do I replace my Social Security card?
First, realize you may not need a replacement card. You will rarely need to show it. Knowing your Social Security number is what is important. To get a replacement card:
Step 1: Gather documents proving your:
•Identity; and
•U.S. citizenship or current work-authorized immigration status.
A noncitizen not permitted to work must show us a letter from a federal, state or local government agency that explains you need a number and meet all the requirements for a benefit.
Step 2: Complete an Application for a Social Security Card.
Step 3: Take or mail your completed application and documents to your local Social Security office.
All documents must be either originals or copies certified by the issuing agency. We cannot accept photocopies or notarized copies of documents. Any documents you mail to us will be returned to you along with a receipt.
Also, the local SSO should be able to print you out a confirmation letter with your SSN on it that an employer should/has to accept as a substitute for an SSN card.
Just went through something similar. SocSec won't do anything without a birth certificate. You can apply yourself to the state you were born in, doesn't have to be your mother. I've gotten mine that way after I moved out on my own. Process to get your SocSec card can be quick if you have original or certified reissue birth certificate and know you SSN.
Went through this recently with my wife applying for medicare, requirement at a certain age with military benifits (I'm retired military, she's dependent). Biggest problem we had is she's from a country that doesn't issue birth certificates and records are nonexistant, especially during the time she was born since there was a war going on there then (kinda still is). Korea.
I may have it covered. Mom found the birth certificate, she'd squirreled it away in her family memorabilia. Overnighting it to me. Thanks for the advice, everyone!
It looks like the state of Florida also has an electronic method of obtaining a duplicate birth certificate from their department of vital records show, for future reference.
Here's what the SSA says:
So..ended up all they used was my drivers' license (although the employee at the window was impressed that I remembered my parents' middle names). I'm hoping the only reason I freaked out so much is because I need the job so badly. New employer was satisfied with the receipt, they have granted me a 90 day extension. If the SSA can't get a new card to me within 90 days, I'm writing my Congressman & Senator. 
Thanks again for the suggestions--and for your patience during my freakout moment! Yeah, I'm this guy..