1/28/09 1:58 p.m.
I did a search and couldn't find anythign on this, I am sure it has been discussed before though... In another thread I referenced my/my father's sailboat so that is what prompted this.
anyway, what are your other hobbies?
for me, I sail hereis the sailboat ->
I am the staff advisor for the University of Illinois Sailing club as well, we sail on Clinton lake in Central Illinois.
So, whatcha got?
I think this is what you were looking for:'other+hobbies'
1/28/09 2:05 p.m.
Sweet! I was on the sailing team when I went to school at Monterey. We sailed FJ-15's, and were way more hardcore than other schools, since we were pretty much the only ones that practiced in open water.
Now, my other big two hobbies are Rock Climbing and Dancing.
I do mostly indoor rock-climbing, but do boulder outside occasionally. For dancing, I like partner dances. Mostly swing and Argentine Tango. I hate ballroom crap. Of late, I've been really into Blues dancing, very sexy and improvisational.
All-in-all, I like kinesthetic activities that require smoothness, thinking ahead, and the ability to improvise. I dance with beautiful wimmens, hot cars, and hard rocks.
I may like to race cars, but my real hobby is to be on the other side of it. I like being on the inside.
I know it isn't really a hobby, but I really like watching movies, and listening to music...I have seen more movies than anyone I know, and I have about 20 days of music on my computer.
Music/movies. I'm a "budget" audiophile and am always picking up nifty knickknacks. I started out just with an Onkyo reciever and some Infinity floor standers and it's ballooned from there to the point that i have two dedicated 2 channel rigs and a surround sound setup.
And on the what may be considered "fruity" side... i like working on houses, specifically interiors. Wall paneling, painting, layout, etc....
Used to be big into rock climbing, love skiing and biking. (trail not road)
1/28/09 2:20 p.m.
Tim Baxter wrote:
I think this is what you were looking for:'other+hobbies'
Well when I did a search on "other hobbies" I got a blank page. Maybe you got some super special access that I don't have.
I think this thread will have wings though.
Although I haven't done it in a while I was really into Scuba diving. The rest of the world doesn't exist when your underwater.
I know it sounds sad but cars are the hobby, Being a dad and a good employee are my jobs.
Flying ~THIS~
Building ~Model Steam Engines~
Reading The New York Times
Beatin' the crap out of my little brothers. 
1/28/09 2:28 p.m.
I have a basement full of woodworking tools. This hobby can be as expensive as racing my Miata (if not more). Since there is over a foot of snow outside right now, I'm not racing any time soon. I will be sucking sawdust tonight, though.
I race sailboats (I crew for phrf racing) and ride horses. I keep getting hurt on the horse....
John Brown wrote:
I know it sounds sad but cars are the hobby, Being a dad and a good employee are my jobs.
Agreed. I am in the same boat, so to speak. After work, taking care of my kid (and all of his activities on week-end), taking care of the cars (mine and my wife's) and fixing minor stuff around the house that break, I barely have enough time to autocross...and may be occasionally, like once every two months, play golf.
Sounds like a typical married life 
Riding my fixed gear, playing Halo 3 with my friends, drifting my RC car.
Shootin' and drinkin'. 
I go to the range periodically and out with some guys I know who collect vintage WW2 stuff.
I also like drinking beer and sometimes mixing it with eating cheese. Beer and cheese go together like rubber and pavement.
I used to ride dirt bikes all the time. It's still way up on my list of interests but the way fambly and work go I can either race cars or ride dirt bikes but not both. So, I race cars. I also have a real love for metal fabrication which goes right back to building race cars.
1/28/09 3:25 p.m.
aeronca65t wrote:
Flying ~THIS~
Sweet! I was almost going to ask you if that was an air-knocker... then I noticed your screen name. 
I learned in a PA-16 Piper Clipper.
Beer drinkin' is a hobby? Well shoot........ pop a top! 
winter: riding the rollers
spring/summer/fall: mountain biking, road biking, biking around the neighborhood with my 7-year-old.
anytime: home improvement projects when my wife's not telling me how to do it or how it shouldn't take so long.
Electonics/microcontollers & embedded programming, running/hiking, reading, shooting.
1/28/09 4:03 p.m.
I collect old and unique paintball guns and occasionally attempt to restore/rebuild them.
Drinkin' and Craigslist. Hopefully not in that order 
I also like to build models, woodworking and rallyX.
I collect molds, spores, and fungus
1/28/09 4:13 p.m.
Race and collect HO Scale slot cars, especially the vintage Thunderjet and original AFX stuff. The AFX and Super G-Plus lines had some of the best HO Scale F1 and sports cars ever.
Build 1/24-1/25 scale model cars. Since I can't own them all in real life I have to build them small. Most of my models are highly modified but I do enjoy buying old built-ups and restoring them to "factory stock", especially the Johan AMC stuff. My new kits all end up with twin turbos, custom built roll cages and chassis stiffening, and engine swaps. I like em wild 
I also play Warhammer 40K. We have a 4-month "off" season up here with no racing so I watch football (go Arizona!) and play these tournaments. I really should play year-round as I'm really good and actually win schwag.
I also love Legos, though I haven't touched them in ages. I'm actually a lifetime Lego club member if that tells you something...
I guess I just like to build stuff no matter how big or small it is. Shoulda been an engineer...