mistanfo wrote:
Hmmm, working on the car and thinking of ways that I could work on the bike, if ever it broke down (the recent accident has left me with lots to do on that front, at least on the cosmetic side though).
I'd love to do more fishing, but that will wait for me to move (not much around here). Also, I'd love to sail, but again, no decent sized lakes in the area (at least not in my opinion, but growing up on Lake Huron changes one's perception of a "decent sized lake")
I read lots, enough that I sometimes get half way through a book, and realize that I read it years ago.
I like to hike, and that's one thing that we have lots of in central VA. Unfortunately, the same incident that has given me a chance to work on the motorcycle has made it exceedingly difficult to do this.
Cooking. I love to cook. Tableside cookery is great, flambe, that sort of thing.
How are you coming along since your accident? I hope well.
Setting the dogs on a good fresh hog track and then running with them and slitting their necks when the dogs got them bayed up .
Hunting and fishing in Keaton Beach Fll .
Swimming with manatees in Crystal River
Shooting Pool and old school video games as well as the new WII games
Leg is improving, I'm up to a walking stick. Leg does get sore and tired quickly though, so no motorcycle yet (though 50 degrees on Sunday sounds mighty tempting). Thumb is awaiting yet another X-ray, to make sure that everything is "in place" before it starts to heal (according to the docs no real healing takes place for 3 weeks). Bike has yet to go to the shop for an estimate, I want to be there when it happens. PT for the leg goes for another 4 weeks, I guess I could call that a short time hobby.
racinginc215 wrote:
I've got 3 border collies in turn they each have 4 sheep. and one has a stray cat that she takes care of. I do love flyball.
Here's a guy who wrote several books about his Border Collies. There are some great pictures on his site.
Glad to hear you're getting better!
New Reader
1/30/09 11:53 a.m.
bicycling (mountain and road mostly, some DH).
woodworking (although not as much as I'd like)
telemark skiing (again, not as often as I'd like).
...as well as slew of others... Right now, biking is starting to become more importatn than cars again... been getting a bit burnt out on wrenching and the XC racing itch wants to be scratched for awhile... I still plan to play with my cars, but with more moderation.
1/30/09 12:14 p.m.
gamby wrote: =
Skateboarding (bowl)--took a 15-year hiatus up until 3 years ago. Now I'm a better skater @ 36 than I was @ 16. Great cardio, too.
Neat- how'd you go about picking it back up without breaking your neck after 15 years? I think that I'd love to build myself a miniramp in my backyard and rip it up, but I don't know if I could really get my nerve up for it after yeeeears off a board. I'll be 30 in March- I probably couldn't ollie over a pencil lying in my way any more.
As for other things that I enjoy doing:
Playing with my kids
Home remodeling
Training my hopeless mutt
Exercise comes and goes, I tend to go on a health kick for a year or so and then off for a year or so. Haven't ever managed to make it a lifestyle.
Project cars/ bikes do the same thing. I don't have anything to tinker on now, in favor of working on my house, which needs it.
Between all that, I stay pretty busy when I'm not at work.
Another sailor here.
Have a Catalina 22 that I race and cruise most weekends. Race with national champions which make it very challenging.
I learned to sail in the ocean out of Miami on larger boats and Grapevine lake near Dallas is small by any comparison, but it sure beats not sailing.
It kind of makes me a sailor who wishes would race cars I guess.
Otherwise anything outdoors (camping/hiking) or that involves problem solving.
Shooting. Brewing beer.
I have an AMF Force 5 sailboat. I'll have to dig the trees off it right now. I was a professional sailor for 7 years, but sailboating isn't the same thing. I guess about all my other hobbies have an internal combustion engine. But my New Hobby is: Staying Warm. We'll have electricty again any minute now. That's what they've been telling us since Tuesday.
1/30/09 8:01 p.m.
My hobbies tend to run in cycles. I started competitive shooting at age 14 and auto-xing at 16. In my 30's those got dropped and replaced with motorcycles (enduros) and photography. At 50 I went back to the cars and shooting. At 60 I dropped the shooting and brought back the photography. I would like to get another morocycle but the wife says "Absolutely Not".
That looks like a Tuna near the Corronado Bridge. Cool!
I think I will be at the WD Schock Memorial in Newport at the end of Feb. Will you be there?

1/31/09 8:22 a.m.
Cars are pretty much my world, but I do digress occasionally. I like to read American history and biographies. I enjoy researching railroads of local interest. My 'tangible' hobby currently is model trains. I belong to a N scale club and we do public displays. Pretty cool running 50+ car coal trains. However, I like modeling in detail and it mostly gets overlooked in such a small scale so I've taken up O scale narrow gauge (On30, or O scale on HO track). Fewer rules to follow and building equipment that is beaten and used up is more fun. I used to do model cars but they took up too much space and weren't interactive after being built. Love playing with our dogs and taking trips all over the US. But cars and racing are my main passion.
1/31/09 9:32 a.m.
Jake wrote:
gamby wrote: =
Skateboarding (bowl)--took a 15-year hiatus up until 3 years ago. Now I'm a better skater @ 36 than I was @ 16. Great cardio, too.
Neat- how'd you go about picking it back up without breaking your neck after 15 years? I think that I'd love to build myself a miniramp in my backyard and rip it up, but I don't know if I could really get my nerve up for it after yeeeears off a board. I'll be 30 in March- I probably couldn't ollie over a pencil lying in my way any more.
Well, there are a TON of over-30 skaters out there. I originally aligned myself w/ some locals via a collector's webboard. My current local park has a decent older skater contingent. It's pretty sweet.
Prior to that, a younger then-coworker and I always used to talk skating. He took me to his local public concrete park and I dropped into the mini on the first shot (hadn't dropped into a ramp in 15+ years at that time). That got the gears turning. I later saw "Dogtown and Z-boys" and thought "I'd really love to get back into this".
Big lesson--never drop into a masonite ramp/bowl on brand new wheels. I did this and DESTROYED my right anterior deltoid first time out at my current home park when I slid out rather violently. I was out of commission (in terms of skating) for a couple of months, but I got back in the saddle and never looked back.
The "you gonna kill yourself" thing is silly. You're more likely to get hurt in men's league hockey or soccer. I wear a helmet, knee and elbow pads and wristguards. I've also gotten good at falling properly. It's pretty safe if you know your limits and pay attention.
I couldn't be happier that I got back into it. Had some great times and met some great people. 
Biking has actually got put on the back burner because I finally have a new car, the 240SX!
I'll still likely buy a hitch for it though...I can go to many nice springs days without some singletrack.
Biking (urban road biking or BMX)
Outdoorsy stuff
Collecting movies/books on Hobo's
I.C. engine design/building
I ride alot when during the non winter months (cycling, mountain biking, puttin' around town). I just finished building my single speed from an old Schwinn mountain bike and i'm going to start getting the hang of it. Also I cook, read, train in martial arts, travel, tinker around with antiques, shoot pool, throw darts, gonna start homebrewing soon, kayaking, camping, hiking, indoor rock climbing and I listen to and own way too much music.
Add another inactive scuba diver. I grew up on the NC Outer Banks, but now live in Atlanta (great city, except that it's not a seaport). Model and Mid-Power Rocketry. I used to build model cars, but the `shelf of doom' is getting a little dusty after discovering GT4. I've played a little GTR2 and Race 07, but my boat anchor won't play them without the "shudder". I suppose homebuilding gaming computers will be the next one...
I am halfway through my first batch of homebrew and am very excited about really getting into that more as a hobby. I also simply like to drink beer by the jug.
I mountain bike and road bike a ton during the warmer months.
Motorcycling ( and dirt biking when I get the chance)
Almost anything outdoors: Hiking, fishing, camping, pond hockey, etc.
I'm learning a lot related to sustainable living and architecture, and am on my way towards being prepared to build my own sustainable home when I get out of college.
I have two 8'x12' vegetable garden beds with the lady and have the fence bumped out to get three more. We do broccoli, basil, carrots, potatoes, squash, beans, hot peppers, whatever we can get to grow.
Wow, I guess i'm into a lot. I don't think I could take any one of those off the short list.
1/31/09 7:27 p.m.
A few days ago, I was cooking something, which is the hobby that my wife and I share. She's much better than I, though.
I was putting away a utensil, and I had a better idea where it should be stored than it's current location. My wife said "I don't go in your garage or basement and move your tools around!" I put the utensil back where it belonged.
Woodworking and cooking are very similar--the right tools make the finished product better, and there are lots of different ways to make exciting variations.
2/2/09 4:57 p.m.
Besides cars I like to build models, collect some racing and old advertising stuff, i do some photography, and perhaps my current favorite, people watching.
Wally wrote:
Besides cars I like to build models, collect some racing and old advertising stuff, i do some photography, and perhaps my current favorite, people watching.
What about scrounging internet news for the weird stories, or do you not list it because we already know
2/2/09 5:08 p.m.
That's more of an compulsion than a hobby