The engine suddenly died in my 67 Dart, half way around a turn on a hilly, winding two lane in Western Pennsylvania. Three AM, no moon, on a truck cut-through between two highways. No shoulder, so I had to stop in the road. Scariest spot I've ever broken down, for fear of getting run over by a truck.
I set out a flare, gapped the points with a match book cover, and was on my way in under five minutes.
When I lived in Gainesville, I swapped the heads on the 302 in my Panther LTD. That was easy, my apartment was on the back of the complex, and I could park in the shade right behind it.
Tougher was when I cracked a cylinder in the same car a couple of years later. Different apartment, did a short block replacement in a very different parking lot. No shade, no privacy, lots of people coming and going. Things get a lot more involved when the whole engine comes out.
It was pretty much a major tear down, since I reused the ported heads, intake, headers, sheet metal, basically everything except the short block. A lot of the passers-by couldn't believe that it was possible to take an engine apart and get it to run again.
I started the engine, ran it for about 10 minutes for a cam break in. Timing was retarded, and I had forgotten to put coolant in the radiator. Headers were glowing red hot when I shut it down.
I let it cool overnight, added coolant, then drove it around the block. No leaks, so I loaded it up and drove to North Carolina. I had an externship lined up, and needed to be there the next morning. Good way to break in an engine.
I'm glad I don't have to do things like that anymore.