10/22/14 12:46 a.m.
I used to put too many quarters into Night Driver.
There were a lot of games out that had actual graphics and levels and storylines and monkeys that threw barrels, but I liked this game. Driving at night. Used to think of Radar Love while driving. Back them cars didn't have fancy LED or HID headlights so all you could see where the white reflectors on the side of the road.
10/22/14 1:54 a.m.
Hm. I dunno, Pole Position was great when I was 10, but I think my favorite arcade racing game was the Sega F355 Challenge game from the 90s.
The various Sony Gran Turismo titles win out over all the arcade versions, though, IMHO.
10/22/14 6:34 a.m.
In reply to T.J.:
I'm old enough to have lost a lot of quarters in that game. What was the one where you were driving around a graveyard or something and had to run into zombies/monsters/whatever? When you did they turned into a tombstone, and an obstruction for later. The targets were as fast as the car so you had to be quick on the wheel to catch them changing direction.