The theater has four Panasonic PT-DZ570u projectors with no remotes. Replacements from Panasonic are $85 plus $15 shipping and take 6-8 weeks shipping from China.
Someone suggested getting a USB-programmable universal remote, but I'm skeptical of what I'm finding. I don't mind chinese stuff, but when the brand name is something like Mbarko or StarbPlix I get a bit unsure.
Anyone use one successfully?
I've run midlevel Harmony progammable remotes for several years, I thints the 650 series? Easy to program, versatile, not too pricey.
In use they are a mixed bag. Can be a little flaky, go through batteries like popcorn. My wife fights with them and occasionally throws it like I do wrenches. They have specific operational sequences and if you dont understand the pattern you can be completely lost if you get outside it.
I'm okay with them but I know how to make it work. It does sort of lose itself more than it should though. If there is a better, cost effective alternative I'd be interested.
Edit : made by Logitech
I am also using a harmony 650 (I think) at home for various devices.
I find that they work well if you take a little time to program them to be logical for you to use and I have no complaints.
Also, it was cheap enough that I dont worry about my 5 year old breaking it or my wife losing it; both of which have happened with remotes in the past...
I have had a few of the Harmony remotes, they are great for multi-devices. They might be overkill for what you want (a simple replacement).
One note on the Harmony remotes though, do NOT get one with the thin buttons, you want one with the thick (cheaper looking) buttons. I had two of those thin (they are pretty pricey also), sleek button types and the buttons are CRAP. They wear out rather quickly and stop working (you can shim them but they eventually fail again).