96DXCivic wrote:
And speaking of Grand Prix, does anyone know where to find it on DVD or Blu-ray?
amazon.com, Best Buy, its fairly easy to find, It was recently released as a special edition.
I mostly liked F&F4, I hated the tunnel thing, it made absolutely no sense, was unrealistic, and looked bad. The story and acting were not that bad for a car movie. I thought the driving sequences were shot and edited well though the driving was not that great, they were exciting to watch.
Driven? Driven? Open wheel cars racing down Chicago streets? We have potholes that swallow Hummers. Those things wouldn't last four feet.I wanted to smash myself in the head with a tack hammer. Ungh!
Anyone think "Duel" was actually kind of scary?
Ian F
4/7/09 8:00 a.m.
I remember seeing Duel years ago and remember it being kinda scary... but again... it's sort of like Vanishing Point... you can tell it was made in the 70's... the entire plot is a truck chasing a guy in a car. That's it. I still bought the DVD when I saw it (but havent' watched it yet).
Another car movie to look for is Thunder Road. A pre-NASCAR era 60's movie about running moonshine.
Best Buy has a Smokey & the Bandit I, II, & III box set for like $15... need to get that. 
I enjoyed both Cannonball Run movies... Silly? yes. But they're supposed to be.
Appleseed wrote:
Driven? Driven? Open wheel cars racing down Chicago streets? We have potholes that swallow Hummers. Those things wouldn't last four feet.I wanted to smash myself in the head with a tack hammer. Ungh!
but its suppose to be like real cart racing. Sly finished the last race with his suspension destroyed, but when Vettel tried in Australia, he got slapped with a fine! Sly can do anything!!
4/7/09 7:35 p.m.
96DXCivic wrote:
Ok they went over board with the crashes but Stallone and Reynolds together in a car movie come on. The reason I consider the second Italian Job so bad is because the original exists and that is so much of a better movie.
I will admit, I will always remember my final purchase at a Circuit City: Driven, because it was $4. At that price, you have to for the cheese factor. 
yeah the tunnel was weird I thought they would jump over a fence into the US. Oh Well..........
Smokey and the Bandit the first is the only one worth watching.
Oh wait I just remembered another.
Gumball Rally. Freaking awesome car movie.
I never saw driven, but the previews killed me. Lots of "Oh I want to pass now so I will downshift and floor it". Ummmm-you mean 90% of the race those guys drive around in one gear too high without the throttle floored? Wow-I think I will take up professional racing and be the guy who uses full throttle and the proper gear on every straightaway. I will be unstoppable! 
things like that always bother me.
by the way, if F&F did anyone notice something wrong with the Subaru when it rolled at the end?
My problem with 4F4F was that it was a movie, NOT the unabashed car-porn it should have been.
As a movie, it was meh. As car porn, it failed pretty miserably.
maroon92 wrote:
things like that always bother me.
by the way, if F&F did anyone notice something wrong with the Subaru when it rolled at the end?
the drive shaft was missing
Likely the engine and fuel system as well. When they do any rollover stunts a lot of the cars are super gutted.
4/8/09 9:03 a.m.
The Monte Carlo they rolled in Tokyo Drift was pretty complete, well except for an engine... 
New Reader
4/8/09 9:45 a.m.
I actually saw this on midnight last thursday, yes I went in for the midnight premier.
I've seen every F&F movie the first day it was out, though that involved seeing an already awful 2F&2F dubbed in Russian in Kiev Ukraine.
I absolutely love the first movie. It created a scene that I was heavily involved with at the time, it had a stupid plot, cheesy acting, cool cars, and lots of street racing and NOS, and I LOVED IT. Supras street racing ferraris? Eclipses with neon lights dragging stainless steel hoses through an industrial district at night? Finding someone breaking into a garage by smashing out the window and thinking he is therefore a cop? Building a supra and having 3 seperate intercoolers laying out for the build? Talking about racing a quarter mile to a TRAIN TRACK where you get 4 feet of air, and not thinking about the fact that you'd be hitting those tracks at end of the 1/4? But hey thats how you did it in high school.
The movie is fantastic. Its fun to heckle, its fun to laugh at, its just fun to watch. Its entertainment.
The second one was just silly, an tyrese acted like a big black muscly girl.
The third one was really sweet, if for no other reason than all the drifting scenes.
the fourth one, was...
My second favorite. It felt like a great family reunion. All my friends were there from the first one, a car or two came back, and I really felt like the producers were finally trying to link up all the movies into some sort of plot. I liked it a lot and have great hopes for the fifth.. which I'll probably see on opening day. I hope they keep the same core characters... they are what makes the movie. There is a reason tokyo drift was the lowest grossing movie...
New Reader
4/8/09 9:52 a.m.
Oh, and someone mentioned a remake of Smokey and the Bandit... I've been waiting, seems like the reintroduction of the camaro would be the perfect time. The big danger here is that it would turn into the remakes of, say, Dukes of Hazzard, or Starsky and Hutch, and basically end up being more about whatever A list celeberity is trying to bumble his way through the poorly improvised script while cracking not-funny jokes, instead of being more about the car and the driving.
Black Dog didn't do so bad, 10 years or so ago. A real remake of Smokey would be just about perfect.
And just out of curiousity, who would play the bandit? I don't think old bert is up to it anymore.
Hmmm the idea of a remake of Smokey and the Bandit would be interesting using the new Camaro. However what would be the reason for the run? I don't think the beer run would work anymore. Also you would need to find a new Cletus and Fred. Oh and don't forget "Frog" and Bufford T Justice.
Cletus could be filled with a modern country singer that could take Jerry Reeds spot. Don't know about his acting ability but maybe Alan Jackson, he would have to be able to be as goofy as Jerry was. Maybe BIlly Ray Cyrus. Frog would more than likely go to whatever Jessica Simpson type they can talk into the roll. I could see Bufford being played by someone like R. Lee Ermey.
The Bandit though that is a tough one. I don't know who today could pull off the roll as well as Bert did. I could see them sticking someone like Johnny Knoxville in the role but I don't know if he would pull it off, and it not just be another "Dukes" movie. Or they could stick some NASCAR driver in there.
There would also have to be like a cameo shot of Bert driving a black Trans Am, maybe asking for directions, then closely following him the old rig (you know the one with the scene painted on the trailer).
Oh and I'm sure they could convince a few of the regulars around here to be drivers in chase scenes lol.
A black Trans Am with T-Tops is still on my list of cars to get. My parents had one when I was a kid (it was gray though) and I have a pic of me when I was like 1 sitting under the hood checking out the shaker.
4/8/09 10:38 a.m.
My big complaint about the Dukes remake was what they did to the boys. Boss Hogg and Roscoe are supposed to be goofballs, not mean. The boys are supposed to be, well, two good ol' boys who stick up for each other, not morons who are always fighting. But the car stuff was sweet. This spectator clip of filming kinda sums it up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d23FXQooaB4
Car movies can't be good movies, otherwise they're not car movies anymore. That seems to be the message here. Bourne is as least as much of a car movie as Bullitt was. Ronin is more!
Whenever I want to go faster, though, I just shift into the next gear. It's how cars work, duh
. Just like how if I want to stop as fast as possible, I pull the handbrake. If I'm trying to drive fast, I hang the tail out. I learned to drive from movies.
Ian F wrote: I remember seeing Duel years ago and remember it being kinda scary...
Yeah, but totally unrealistic. I mean, a Valiant having trouble on the road? Come on ... 

Ian F wrote: Another car movie to look for is Thunder Road. A pre-NASCAR era 60's movie about running moonshine.
Make that a '50's era movie. 1957, to be specific. And NASCAR was in full swing. Robert Mitchum as a sulky Korean War vet running moonshine in a '57 Ford from his hillbilly home to the big city, with a girl waiting at each end of the run.
Great themesong, too: Ballad of Thunder Road
4/8/09 10:51 a.m.
The thought of Smokey and the Bandit is terrible. The movie worked once, was a little iffy the second time, and the third was awful. I can't imagine how bad a remake would be. Hollywood already has a dozen remakes in the works http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,25303514-5006013,00.html . Is it really that hard to come up with an original idea. It doesn't even have to be a particularly good one, hell I paid to see Borat, just give me something new, or if you are gonna remake it change it enough so that kids don't really think the Dukes were Johnny Friggin Knoxville and that other guy. The thought of my Nephew saying "Oooh, I loved Smokey and the Bandit. That Will Farrell is funny" makes me sick.
4/8/09 10:54 a.m.
Rendezvous > all. If you need the obligatory stupid love story and gratuitous boobs, open some B-pr0n in a seperate window.
Ian F
4/8/09 1:34 p.m.
Keith wrote:
My big complaint about the Dukes remake was what they did to the boys. Boss Hogg and Roscoe are supposed to be goofballs, not mean. The boys are supposed to be, well, two good ol' boys who stick up for each other, not morons who are always fighting. But the car stuff was sweet. This spectator clip of filming kinda sums it up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d23FXQooaB4
I don't know about that... I'm not sure the movie with 70's era campiness would have worked...
Also, watch the first few, GA-filmed episodes of the Dukes... those are a bit different than how we typically remember the show.. and actually a bit closer in feel to the movie.
If you're interested in the Dukes, watch Moonrunners, the movie the series was based on.
No driving a race car on the streets, but it does have Waylon doing narration, a much better Uncle Jesse, and the girl is not a cousin.