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Beer Baron
Beer Baron MegaDork
12/14/23 5:05 p.m.
slefain said:

I don't think I've ever seen anyone on here DIY an airplane engine rebuild. Yet.

I did that back in high school with my dad. Lycoming engine for an RV-4.

Airplane engines are simpler than car engines.

11GTCS SuperDork
12/14/23 5:48 p.m.
ShawnG said:

"Anything anyone knows is written down in a book somewhere." - My grandfather.


Further to this from one of my college professors: " We won't necessarily make any of you any smarter but we will show you how and where to look things up to get the correct answer."  Way before the internet at this particular point in time so yeah, books rule.

Mr_Asa UltimaDork
12/14/23 6:08 p.m.
nderwater said:

DIY gene editing has been possible for several years now using CRISPR and home lab equipment, but in this forum I would not recommend it.

Mechanic Gene:  Hands of a child, arms of a woman, strength of a gorilla 

Toyman! MegaDork
12/14/23 6:48 p.m.

In reply to slefain :

A friend's father did that back in the 80s. Crash landed in a corn field. Rented the farmers barn to pull the engine to take to his house for a rebuild. Got it reinstalled and paid the farmer and his son to pull a couple of mailboxes so he could take off on the road in front of the farmers house. It's no different than any other engine rebuild beyond the extra attention to detail. 

ShawnG MegaDork
12/14/23 6:52 p.m.
11GTCS said:
ShawnG said:

"Anything anyone knows is written down in a book somewhere." - My grandfather.


Further to this from one of my college professors: " We won't necessarily make any of you any smarter but we will show you how and where to look things up to get the correct answer."  Way before the internet at this particular point in time so yeah, books rule.

My Canadian Aviation Regulations exam was all open-book.

They don't care what you know, they want to make sure you know how to find it.

preach UltraDork
12/14/23 7:01 p.m.

I think the answer is "no".

Quite the empowering community.

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner MegaDork
12/14/23 7:06 p.m.

Everything started as DIY at some point.

This is the first Mercury capsule being transported to the pad on a couple of mattresses.

r/space - NASA'S 1st Mercury Capsule being Transported to the Launchpad - on top of mattresses on a flatbed truck

alfadriver MegaDork
12/14/23 7:08 p.m.
Toyman! said:
AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) said:
Toyman! said:

The rocket surgeon isn't smarter than the average Joe

yeah, he probably is.

He's not. He just has specialized knowledge pertinent to his job and field. Anyone one of us could build a rocket. All it takes is the knowledge and the drive to do so. 


Sorry, but to understand the core physics may seem super specialized, but there is a level of smartness that is needed to be capable of actually understanding the core physics. 

Not to say that history isn't littered with super smart people- that is very much true. But the same people who figured out how to build the pyramids are the same ones who figured out how to harness the Saturn rockets. 

alfadriver MegaDork
12/14/23 7:19 p.m.
ShawnG said:
11GTCS said:
ShawnG said:

"Anything anyone knows is written down in a book somewhere." - My grandfather.


Further to this from one of my college professors: " We won't necessarily make any of you any smarter but we will show you how and where to look things up to get the correct answer."  Way before the internet at this particular point in time so yeah, books rule.

My Canadian Aviation Regulations exam was all open-book.

They don't care what you know, they want to make sure you know how to find it.

When I was a TA, I let my students have a cheat sheet for the exams. Almost open book. That didn't meant at all that everyone did well. Still ended up with a typical bell curve of outcomes. 

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner MegaDork
12/14/23 7:22 p.m.
Keith Tanner said:

Everything started as DIY at some point.

This is the first Mercury capsule being transported to the pad on a couple of mattresses.

r/space - NASA'S 1st Mercury Capsule being Transported to the Launchpad - on top of mattresses on a flatbed truck

Of course, this is how SpaceX sometimes transports Raptor engines...

11GTCS SuperDork
12/14/23 7:29 p.m.
alfadriver said:
Toyman! said:
AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) said:
Toyman! said:

The rocket surgeon isn't smarter than the average Joe

yeah, he probably is.

He's not. He just has specialized knowledge pertinent to his job and field. Anyone one of us could build a rocket. All it takes is the knowledge and the drive to do so. 


Sorry, but to understand the core physics may seem super specialized, but there is a level of smartness that is needed to be capable of actually understanding the core physics. 

Not to say that history isn't littered with super smart people- that is very much true. But the same people who figured out how to build the pyramids are the same ones who figured out how to harness the Saturn rockets. 

Well, maybe in some things.  Albert Einstein was unquestionably a brilliant theoretical physicist.  That said, I read a story that at some point in his life he lived on the water in New Jersey and bought a small sailboat.  Because of tides he hit bottom a few times so he decided to saw a couple of feet off the centerboard and then couldn't understand why the boat was going sideways.   Those of us that sail understand and yet...

There are absolutely people that have superior theoretical / analytical abilities and those that have the same advantages in practical / hands on applied knowledge.  I suuuuck at math and yet somehow because of the practical applications where I went to school (marine engineering) I managed to survive the academics and thrive in the hands on making the ship go part.  Point being it take both types to get things done in most cases.

Appleseed MegaDork
12/14/23 7:29 p.m.
wae said:
Katie Wilson said:

Home circumcision? 


That probably belongs in one of the threads where we were discussing tips.



I'll see myself out.

Rabbis do it all the time.

alfadriver MegaDork
12/14/23 7:44 p.m.

In reply to 11GTCS :

I'm sure if Al gave a crap to really know, he would have. People really like to downplay Einstein- like how he struggled in school and whatnot. But there is no way an average person would have had the insight that he did about the core physics that bounds pretty much everything. 

This is the same line of thinking that leads people to think that there were ancient aliens. And I really hate that, as it discounts the really smart people peppered through history. Why can't people accept that there have been people that were smarter than themselves?  

As for DIY- there is understanding how something works, then there is understanding how to make it better, then understanding how to optimize it, and then the rare person who knows all of that and can transcend to a totally different level or application. 

brandonsmash New Reader
12/14/23 7:58 p.m.
Mr_Asa said:

Welding galvanized? 

Not difficult; I've done plenty of it. Here's a fun one: If you need to join copper, sure, you can braze it. It also works well if you use DC TIG and Romex as filler rod.


chandler MegaDork
12/14/23 8:04 p.m.
AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) said:
Toyman! said:

The rocket surgeon isn't smarter than the average Joe

yeah, he probably is.

Actually, my mind is kinda blown by the idea of a rocket surgeon. 

Curtis73 (Forum Supporter)
Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
12/14/23 8:44 p.m.

I've tried all kinds of crazy E36 M3 thanks to you guys.

I jacked up my house to replace the foundation
I built a powder coating oven
I installed a wood burning fireplace in my house
I did masonry work after Lotus7seven invited me to his home to show me some stonework
I did some roofing repair
I built a custom patio awning
I made it through a really crappy breakup with you all propping me up
I got local Baltimore advice for my first date with that same girl
I have rewired a load panel at work
I have done fly-n-drives based on research that you folks did
I autocrossed with you guys in Florida twice and you have broken my racing cherry
I leave tomorrow to drive from PA to TX to retrieve a boat that a member saved for me
I reclaimed a car I lost for 12 years 1500 miles away because 759NRNG was nice enough to bring it to me

My list goes on and on with crap that you people gave me the confidence to do.  Let's do more.

No Time
No Time UltraDork
12/14/23 8:55 p.m.
Appleseed said:
wae said:
Katie Wilson said:

Home circumcision? 


That probably belongs in one of the threads where we were discussing tips.



I'll see myself out.

Rabbis do it all the time.

I was going to mention Mohels and Bris. 

While the Mohel we used for my oldest sons Bris was a practicing urologist, many are not. The procedure took place on our kitchen table with family watching and a drop or two of wine for my son. 

Kendall Frederick
Kendall Frederick Reader
12/14/23 9:02 p.m.

I am used to assuming that the people around me cannot do anything, as my office and surroundings are full of people who outsource the most trivial of things (Wash your own car?  Nail a board on a fence?  Change the toilet flapper valve?  No can do...).  Then I come on this forum and it's just crazy what people are doing.  I feel like you can mention anything, no matter how arcane, and someone will give you knowledge.  It's an enjoyable change!

NY Nick
NY Nick SuperDork
12/14/23 9:02 p.m.

In reply to Appleseed :

ShawnG MegaDork
12/14/23 9:14 p.m.
Ian F (Forum Supporter)
Ian F (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
12/14/23 9:27 p.m.

My ex- drove me insane, but it's thanks to her my DIY skills leveled up quite a few notches during our time together. 

Framing? Check 

Roofing? Check 

Plumbing? Supply and drainage.  Check 

Natural gas piping? Check 

Electric panels? Check 

All manner of car work since she has a huge distrust of garages? Check 

alfadriver MegaDork
12/14/23 9:51 p.m.

The one thing this board is exceptional at is encouragement. Absolutely the best of the best at that. 
Knowledge is one thing, getting the courage to do it is another. And being an enabler is a great thing. 

Appleseed MegaDork
12/14/23 9:59 p.m.

In reply to alfadriver :

We do share joy in each others accomplishments, even if only vicariously.

OHSCrifle UberDork
12/15/23 5:25 a.m.
NY Nick said:

In reply to Curtis73 (Forum Supporter) :

I spent 3 years at Duke University as a R&D Engineer doing female reproductive health research. We built a machine that could measure gel thickness invivo and the research was used to increase the efficacy of gel based protection. I also made a portable colposcope for use in low resource settings. 
Also not a gynecologist but have made them some tools. 

I remember a radio show where they asked people to call and say the name of the kid they had after using gel based protection. I also remember calling... 

Not technically DIY (since it took 2)

Mndsm MegaDork
12/15/23 7:44 a.m.

I think the only thing any of us won't try is getting some on one's hootus- assuming one is so equipped. 


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