.... to treat people helping you like crap? I've been in the customer service industry for ...well.... too damn long. The last few years it's gotten very different than it has been the previous.... too many. The number of customers that cuss you out, expect to order on Sunday night and have the order on their doorstep Monday morning and the general rudeness has skyrocketed.
so i guess the question is: When did it become socially acceptible to treat working people like E36 M3 because you want to?
In their eyes you are a meaningless little servant. Its YOUR fault they are having a problem. Know your place for they are much better than you.
I've been cussed out, insulted, and demeaned in ways I never imagined.
almost 20 years in the customer service industry... I believe you. It's amazing just how rude people can be. Then expect you to not be meanto them in their profession.
11/6/14 2:57 p.m.
I worked at Burger King about 15 years ago. it was like that then. I could tell you stories that would make you red in the face, and I learned to say "yes Ma'am" and handle it regardless.
The way I looked at it is this: Thee were the scum people who got kicked around and had anger issues already. The burger flipper in high school is the one and only guy that they can beat up on.
Whatever. It didn't bother me much.
11/6/14 3:05 p.m.
This is nothing new. Come back when you've had had someone throw a pre owned tampon.
These are people driving LUXURY cars. Not bottom feeding welfare babies.
Makes me think of this...

11/6/14 3:08 p.m.
Wow. I am very fortunate, I guess. No rude clients, decent bosses, customers that thank me for calling them. Maybe because they are not Americans?
11/6/14 3:11 p.m.
In reply to Bobzilla:
"bottom feeding welfare babies"? You might want to rethink some things.
My opinion is all the big corporations have killed customer service, by farming out clerical duties to other countries that do not have quality control and customer service overseas lacking training. When you do get someone from America on Customer service side they lack proper training and it requires the customer to cuss out anybody to get a standard or lackluster service. So when that customer calls a professional company that knows what they are doing the customer is so use to having to raise h3ll, they simply have no other way to react.
11/6/14 3:21 p.m.
In reply to Bobzilla:
It has spread upwards. I used to expect and get it in bad neighborhoods, but the last time I had a problem a 40 something year old woman missed her bus and threw a $6 gluten free muffin at me and called me a E36 M3 head for not making the bus wait.
11/6/14 3:22 p.m.
Wally wrote:
This is nothing new. Come back when you've had had someone throw a pre owned tampon.
We have a winner, folks...
Watch out for those gluten-free muffins, Wally. Those things are like bricks.
Also in customer service, I can't believe how people treat EACH OTHER. No mutual respect unless you earn it, it should be respect until you lose it.
pres589 wrote:
In reply to Bobzilla:
"bottom feeding welfare babies"? You might want to rethink some things.
Are you just trolling every post I make to create an argument? If so, GFY. I used to get the thank you's and "great job" a few years back. I do nothing differently than I did then and do my best to make my customers happy. Now I rarely hear it and instead get the "you're just trying to rip me off", or "you're a berkeleying thief if you expect me to pay that".
It's fun.
In reply to chandlerGTi:
True. It's not just the people serving them, but pretty much EVERYONE.
Bobzilla wrote:
pres589 wrote:
In reply to Bobzilla:
"bottom feeding welfare babies"? You might want to rethink some things.
Are you just trolling every post I make to create an argument? If so, GFY. I used to get the thank you's and "great job" a few years back. I do nothing differently than I did then and do my best to make my customers happy. Now I rarely hear it and instead get the "you're just trying to rip me off", or "you're a berkeleying thief if you expect me to pay that".
It's fun.
Yes... YESS....
Let the ginger rage flow through you!
trigun7469 wrote:
My opinion is all the big corporations have killed customer service, by farming out clerical duties to other countries that do not have quality control and customer service overseas lacking training. When you do get someone from America on Customer service side they lack proper training and it requires the customer to cuss out anybody to get a standard or lackluster service. So when that customer calls a professional company that knows what they are doing the customer is so use to having to raise h3ll, they simply have no other way to react.
THat's a pretty piss-poor way to live life. I give people the benefit of the doubt. I don't call EXPECTING it to suck, I let them make it sucky then react accordingly. IF you treat people like E36 M3 right off the bat, you'll never know if it wouldn't suck.
In reply to Swank Force One:
Just tired of some people here that are ALWAYS looking for a fight.
chandlerGTi wrote:
Also in customer service, I can't believe how people treat EACH OTHER. No mutual respect unless you earn it, it should be respect until you lose it.
This. I used to be one of the people saying "You have to earn my respect." It took me a long time to realize that may be the single most shiny happy persony thing I could think, say, or act upon. And I'm quite accomplished in the shiny happy person realm.
We'd all be better off if we tried a little not-so-common-anymore courtesy first, and then turn into a raging anger-beast if we need to.
I just assume everyone is one comment they don't like away from exploding like a refurbished russian rocket engine.
I'm not in customer service but notice how rude people are in public. I blame a few things. First a bad economy, every one thinks they are getting ripped off becasue their dollars are short. Second, I blame reality TV. I had no idea how many people cuss on a regular basis and act like total jackholes. Throw that out in the wild and it becomes the norm. Finally, I blame social media. Those folks who used to hide behind a keyboard are out in public and after so many "likes" they think they are on the right track.
How do you fix it? I try to be as nice to everyone I encounter. Smile, say hello, excuse me, bless you, etc. My SIL gave my daughter a t shirt that says "Smile, it confuses people". I think that is absolutely true. In closing, thanks for your service Bobzilla, hope you have a good day.
I one made the mistake of reading all the reviews that the Borgata (my place of work) gets online. Some people truly dinged the place for some seriously stupid stuff. Like the one lady who gave the place only a single star because she was not allowed to take the Hotel towels to the beach (the Borgata is one of the Casinos in the "marina district" and is a mile or so from the sand).
Other's complained how they were ripped off for their room.
Sorry, but even though the Borgata charges $300+ a night on a weekend.. it is almost always full up on those weekends. There -is- a reason they can charge that much, it's called supply and demand.
I've tossed customers for attitude, and suggested that I wasn't the person they needed to do their work. Phonewise, the best reaction is one of silence. They rant, you don't respond, eventually they get tired of yelling at nothing and calm down, or they just berkeley off.
Life is way too short to deal with knobs.