My good neighbor State Farm insurance Agent; Debbie Luscombe sent me a letter today explaining how I can drive and save on my State Farm car insurance. By using an online OnStar type service; they can cut my insurance rates.
Per State Farm: Savings are based on the following driving behaviors and impact your Drive Safe & Save discount:
Turns (left and right turns)
Time of day the vehicle is driven
Speeds of 80 miles per hour and over
Debbie, please stop this madness.......

Ugh, I shall never put one of these on my car. Don't care if they make it manditory. I'll put it on my daughters car and wife's cars when they're parked. LOL
I would like to put that device on an airplane, to get some impossible numbers and see how they react.
It would probably turn into an expensive nightmare.
Like a good neighbor, State Farm tracks every detail of your driving! 
Like a good neighbor, state farm is there. Really.
1/7/13 3:37 p.m.
pilotbraden wrote:
I would like to put that device on an airplane, to get some impossible numbers and see how they react.
It would probably turn into an expensive nightmare.
I had heard rumor of a guy doing this with a device like that that was GPS based, and got on a commercial flight with it. The insurance wanted to know how the hell he was going 600mph.
At the moment all these insurance company spy devices seem to require an OBD I or OBD II to operate, sooooooo, yet another good reason to drive older cars!
And shouldn't a person's driving record speak for itself? This is like someone having a good credit rating, yet your mortgage company wants video surveilance place on your checkbook at all times.
mndsm wrote:
pilotbraden wrote:
I would like to put that device on an airplane, to get some impossible numbers and see how they react.
It would probably turn into an expensive nightmare.
I had heard rumor of a guy doing this with a device like that that was GPS based, and got on a commercial flight with it. The insurance wanted to know how the hell he was going 600mph.
I wonder if he knew he broke a federal law that could cost him $25,000.00.
You just heard about this today?
Reminder: remove the tracking device when autocrossing or going to the track...
kinda like yur car wearing one of these...

Progressive has been touting this for over a year on the idiot box.
stuart in mn wrote:
You just heard about this today?
I haven't heard about this at all, but then again when I checked their website, NV is conspicuously absent from the list of states where this program is available.
Not complaining about that.
That's not a good neighbor..that's Mrs. Kravitz.

Oh, yeah..JIC:
mndsm wrote:
pilotbraden wrote:
I would like to put that device on an airplane, to get some impossible numbers and see how they react.
It would probably turn into an expensive nightmare.
I had heard rumor of a guy doing this with a device like that that was GPS based, and got on a commercial flight with it. The insurance wanted to know how the hell he was going 600mph.
Well again, I'd say the rumor is 100% bullsheet unless the aircraft had an OBD II to plug into
Flo has been hawking a similar product over at Progressive for a couple years now, I think.
stuart in mn wrote:
You just heard about this today?
Indeed, I think Geico has it, too. And they do work off the OBD2 plug. A friend of mine had one from State Farm for a while. It would beep at him every time he accelerated or braked harder than it thought he should. I simply cannot fathom the mentality that would make someone think this is an acceptable thing, no matter how much money it saves them. My privacy is not worth any amount of money.
Go to one of those drive and F1 car or drive an Indy car places and take it with you :) Yes I know you need an OBD port, but let me have fun here.
Auto ADD wrote:
Progressive has been touting this for over a year on the idiot box.
Progressive tried it about a decade ago, too, and people voice a lot of very negative opinions about it... so they gave it a few years, and now that everyone has a new car with some sort of GPS based navigation system on it and a cell phone that tracks them in real time and is acclimated to being tracked all the time, they brought it back.. and people seem to love it. what a difference a decade makes, eh?
which brings up another question- why can't they just get permission from you to use your Onstar or whatever account to do the same thing as the goofy little OBD dongle, but without the goofy little OBD dongle? are they, perhaps, testing to see just how far people are willing to go to help give up their own right to privacy by physically plugging in the little tracker thingie?
and i just know that someone will point out that they don't really "track" you in real time or know exactly where you go... to which i'll reply with the one word response of "yet"..
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
Go to one of those drive and F1 car or drive an Indy car places and take it with you :) Yes I know you need an OBD port, but let me have fun here.
There's an OBD-II plug in the Targa Miata
Let's play a game of "can I give my insurance company a heart attack".
Meanwhile, my insurance company knows exactly what the Targa Miata is. And they're okay with that.
I bet they would love the times of day I am on the road.. it is at least a couple times a week I am on the way to work before the sun comes up
I should ask my agent for one for the Javelin just for lulz.
As far as I can tell, they are voluntary. I'd say its well within the rights of the insurance company to offer a discount if you will allow Flo to ride along to scrutinise your driving habits. As far as I'm concerned, Its bullE36 M3, but what the heck. Buy your insurance elsewhere.
I seem to recall a thread on here a while ago with people on both sides of the "Attatch a scanner to your teenagers ass so they can't drink, smoke or berkeley" argument.
stuart in mn wrote:
You just heard about this today?
I guess I was spacing out somewhere........