Edit: I do know how to spell. The title is a typo...

It's legal to own suppressors here in MO after jumping through a lot of legal hoops. I'm debating whether I want to get one, but I don't need to waste money. I'm thinking the most useful application would be for a 22 rifle or a 45 ACP 1911. I'm thinking MAYBE a 10mm AR-15 would be very cool.
Anyone with suggestions?
Of course it is a waste of money. What hobby isn't? Get one of each. Duh.
So you weren't talking about tongue suppressors.
11/23/13 2:13 p.m.
Do you have a gun in mind for it already, or would you buy the suppressor first and then the gun? If you're thinking about .22 through a rifle, spend the extra and get a .223 rated one so you can put it on an AR later if you want. I don't know a lot about the pistol caliber models but you can use a larger caliber like for .45 with 10mm with nearly the same sound reduction. Just remember that most 10mm ammo will be supersonic.
For an AR, get a .308 caliber one, good for 300blk and .223 and 22lr. Word is that 300blk is the cats ass shooting subsonic suppressed, and still pretty good shooting supersonic too.
If you get one for a .22Lr make sure its servicable so you can clean all the power and lead slag out of it every so often.
Spot on with what Strizzo said too.
Cough solvent catchment device Cough
I heard story about a guy who bought a couple online. I'm convinced he bought them from ATF.. in a sting that hasn't crashed on him just yet. The iphone videos are pretty cool, regardless.
11/23/13 4:47 p.m.
For a while the adaptor lug was available on an atf tax stamp......so some of those are legal.
Stroker, what weapon do you shoot the most???
Since I've had kids I haven't really gone shooting at all, so I can't say I shoot anything more than anything else. I'm thinking of SHTF scenarios more than anything else.
OHSCrifle wrote:
Cough solvent catchment device Cough
I know a guy who bought a couple online. I'm convinced he bought them from ATF.. in a sting that hasn't crashed on him just yet. The iphone videos are pretty cool, regardless.
deep down I feel the same way
Don't any of you people own a lathe?
I second the vote for a .223 rated .22 cal suppressor. With all the hoops that have to be jumped through, you might as well get the most versatile suppressor you can get. I had thought about getting one and putting a ton of .22 down range through it for pennies.
They are legal in all 50 states. It's assigned to you, not the gun, as I recall (been a while since I read the papers). And as such, it can be transferred between weapons (again, as I recall).
Of the two you listed, I'd put it on the 45. A 22 barely makes a pop anyhow, while a 45 makes quite a racket.
I've always wanted one for hunting, as it's just good manners imo, and it lets me have a better chance at a 2nd shot if I need it, or if there are more targets I could take. But, it's specifically illegal here (and many other areas) to hunt with a legal suppressor.
11/23/13 7:33 p.m.
In reply to foxtrapper:
You can either have it set to a single weapon or just the can itself......it just depends what you want your personal info engraved into. You also must keep a copy of your paperwork on you at all times you are in possession of the NFA item.
So one thing people never realize about silencers... the bullet impact is LOUD. Like you should wear hearing protection loud. I was shocked about how loud a .22 impact is.
Also, I'm not sure I understand what the practical application of a .45 ACP handgun with a silencer is... but whatever. Just make sure you jump through the hoops and talk to your Sheriff. Definitely not worth going to big boy Federal prison over.
what I fail to understand is why they are so heavily regulated in the US... the UK's gun laws are extremely restrictive (think California or New York, but about eleventybillion times more restrictive on semiautomatic rifles, and absolutely no pistols other than muzzle-loaders) but over there, suppressor use is encouraged, especially for hunting; it's considered impolite to hunt without one. I don't get it 
minor rant aside, I'd go for a .308 suppressor, as you can use it for anything with a bullet diameter of .308" or smaller (.223, any .30 caliber, although I don't know how the supersonic .30 cal hunting rounds (.300 WSM, .300 savage, 30-06, etc) would like being run through a suppressor. also, curiously enough, the .303 British is a few thousandths too big to fit through a .308 suppressor, as if anyone would want to try) and could be fairly effective in keeping sub-.30 caliber rounds quieter as well, if you're only going to have one can for all of your rifles. For a pistol... imho I wouldn't bother unless you're just dead set on having a fairly quiet pistol that works out to about the same size as a .44 magnum revolver with none of the "you feelin' lucky, punk?" cool-factor
OHSCrifle wrote:
Cough solvent catchment device Cough
I know a guy who bought a couple online. I'm convinced he bought them from ATF.. in a sting that hasn't crashed on him just yet. The iphone videos are pretty cool, regardless.
This(is sketchy). When looking at random 10/22 parts, these pop up for $10 on ebay. "Only for use when cleaning guns/not for any other purpose/blah blah blah" Seeing as I'm in NY with our glorious SAFE act...