In case anybody is wondering, she is now moving out.
I know it sounds bad, right? She was just offered a better deal (her older sister is moving away for 6 months, owns a townhouse, rents it to two other dudes) so I can't really blame her for moving where there is more space and cheaper rent (in a really new townhouse). I completely understand, which is part of the reason her name isn't on the lease. One months notice and she can be gone.
The nice thing is, this means I have 1.5 months to find a decent human being to live with, that will probably pay at least $600/month in rent. SCORE! Or, I have an office, I haven't really decided yet.
And now to work my magic, let the "bow chicka bow wow" comments commence. I will now no longer treat her as just a roommate... this could be fun