In reply to HiTempguy:
Pretty much
HappyAndy wrote: Also, there has been a lot if talk in this thread about Tony Stewart's reputation (one of my posts included), but has anyone looked into Ward's? Is it possible that he was a known hot head, or even psycho?
He's a 20 year old man. Isn't hot headedness kind of a given? Ofcourse at the time I didn't see it that way I was just always right and would argue it to the death. It was like being on the Internet but in 3D.
from teh Washington Examiner another racer responds:
"Those of us who love racing grieve any time any driver — or crew member, or spectator — dies, regardless of the circumstances. It's a sickening thing.
But it's also sickening to read and hear the macabre sensationalization, vituperation and character assassination being heaped on Stewart, especially by journalists and sports commentators, hardly any of whom have ever raced competitively at any level.
It's bad enough that the ambulance-chasers will have a field day in the court system for years to come with this case. Nobody but the lawyers will win, regardless of the verdicts.
But it's absolutely nauseating to listen to click-hounds posing as experts who obviously have no clue what they are talking about.
There has been much discussion, for example, about "road-rage" among NASCAR drivers like Stewart. There have indeed been well-publicized incidents, including angry drivers tossing helmets at competitors and melees in the pits involving drivers and crew members.
But since the nationally televised fisticuffs between Donnie Allison and Cale Yarbrough at Daytona in 1979, there have been thousands of events run by legions of NASCAR drivers who collectively covered millions of laps during practice, qualifying and races.
It's simply preposterous to turn a dozen finger-pointing, helmet-tossing incidents during those millions of laps into what the Washington Post's Mike Wise called "the twisted, accepted culture of road-rage" that he blindly sees as racing.
I don't recall Wise branding Major League Baseball a mob culture because a dozen times during the typical season somebody gets beaned and bench-clearing brawls ensue.
That Stewart has been a hot-head on and off the track has zero relevance to the situation in New York, though its irresistible to some professional journalists who are supposedly paid to get the facts.
The fact is that even if Stewart had instead been a saint all of those years, it is all but certain he still would not have been able to avoid hitting Ward.
That's not a crime, nor is it road rage. It's a tragedy."
In reply to Chris_V:
I'm not sure how much stock to put in that guy's blathering either. This was not a NASCAR event, nor was it in anyway related to NASCAR except one of the parties involved races there too. It's a little like the local news mentioning where you work in a report about getting in a car accident over the weekend. "Steve who is an ambulance chaser from Didwe, Cheetum & Howe was involved in a bit of irony this weekend when he was punched in the nose by another driver!".
It seems maybe such a poignant observer and experienced racer as the author might have mentioned USAC road rage instead. Perhaps he knows that #NASCAR will get more clicks?
Okay, after watching that video in slow motion, yeah, it looks like to me that Ward grabbed Stewart's car. I highly doubt it was a reaction to getting hit by the wheel, too, since the rotation of the wheel would have likely pulled him down way faster than he could react.
I am glad I avoid the news.
I heard that this was all due to Southern Redneck pissing contests.
So a driver from Indiana attacks a race car on a hot track in New York, and it's the fault of the South?
Evidently there is a second video:
Looks like we know how Darwin won over the boy. Dad's not real bright either.
Datsun1500 wrote:z31maniac wrote:Yet there are still people saying a rule needs to be put in place.... How's their horse doing?Datsun1500 wrote: We need a rule stating you are not allowed to grab the wing. A rule, and a sign.I think you've turned the horse into mush at this point.![]()
There was sixteen posts between the last time anyone even mentioned any kind of "rule" and your post. You're being dense.
Woody wrote: The wing grab video seems to have disappeared.
Whatcha got in that bucket? Chicken wings?
Bobzilla wrote: Looks like we know how Darwin won over the boy. Dad's not real bright either.
Gotta love The Worldwide Leader's headline, too. "Tony Stewart's Actions Questioned". Yeah, by the father of the kid that died running into a hot track.
Bobzilla wrote: Looks like we know how Darwin won over the boy. Dad's not real bright either.
he might be a little bit biased, and also a bit emotional... he seems to understand that his son was at least partly responsible for his own death, but he passes the blame onto Tony by saying that he shouldn't have raced his boy so hard in the first place, which is what caused him to hit the wall, which led to him getting out of the car... which is crap..
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:Woody wrote: The wing grab video seems to have disappeared.Whatcha got in that bucket? Chicken wings?
that's racists
more proof that the media has no idea what they are talking about.. they can't even get the headline right:
Did Southern Culture Kill NASCAR Star Kevin Ward Jr?
me thinks they are thinking that "NASCAR" is a generic term for "circle track racing"... also, it was a guy from Indian and a guy from New York on a track in New York..
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:Woody wrote: The wing grab video seems to have disappeared.Whatcha got in that bucket? Chicken wings?
Yeah, man. I got a whole bucket o wings back there, go ahead and reach your hand in there...
Let's just get it over with and replace journalists with small shellscripts. They're not doing any better.
novaderrik wrote: more proof that the media has no idea what they are talking about.. they can't even get the headline right: Did Southern Culture Kill NASCAR Star Kevin Ward Jr? me thinks they are thinking that "NASCAR" is a generic term for "circle track racing"... also, it was a guy from Indian and a guy from New York on a track in New York..
Pathetic, ignorant, pretentious journalists and armchair detectives with a narcissistic and pathological need to post on the internet about something they know nothing about make me sick.
Present company excluded.
It really is a sad statement on our society (the fallacies and untruths propagated on us by our elite media).
novaderrik wrote: more proof that the media has no idea what they are talking about.. they can't even get the headline right: Did Southern Culture Kill NASCAR Star Kevin Ward Jr? me thinks they are thinking that "NASCAR" is a generic term for "circle track racing"... also, it was a guy from Indian and a guy from New York on a track in New York..
Stupid media being stupid, and they need to check their facts: SCOTS are on a West Coast tour this summer they had nothing to do with it!
Just saw on the news that Stewart is more or less in hiding right now. I would imagine he's getting death threats.
Still no word on whether he'll race this weekend at MIS.
GameboyRMH wrote: Let's just get it over with and replace journalists with small shellscripts. They're not doing any better.
Why you gotta pick on shell scripts? They are very powerful tools!
novaderrik wrote: more proof that the media has no idea what they are talking about.. they can't even get the headline right: Did Southern Culture Kill NASCAR Star Kevin Ward Jr? me thinks they are thinking that "NASCAR" is a generic term for "circle track racing"... also, it was a guy from Indian and a guy from New York on a track in New York..
They successfully drove traffic to their web site, thus generating revenue from their advertisers. Its clicks these days - not facts.
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