Curmudgeon wrote:
Jalapeno/shrimp fried grits: mix up some REAL grits, don't you DARE use that instant stuff because that ain't grits, it's wallpaper paste that didn't make the grade. Mix in diced jalapenos and shrimp. Dump it in a shallow pan and spread it out about 1/2" thick. Let it get cold and hard. Don't you DARE eat them like that because you will show that you are a heathen or, worse yet, a Yankee.
Cut the grits into ~ 2" squares and then fry them in hot oil or butter (butter's better). Flip them when the edge turns brown and then keep on fryin' till the other side turns brown. Serve hot and make sure your grandmomma ain't within arms reach because this is so good you'll slap her.
Fixing them Polenta style I see. When I was a kid my granny used to do that and I never liked them fried up, but everyone else seemed to like them. Years later I found they were onto something there.
My favorite shrimp grits recipe is to make cheese grits and top them with blackened shrimp in a generous butter sauce. With all the frozen big bags of frozen individual shrimp you can buy nowadays it's simple to pull a handful out and drop them in a hot frying pan with lots of blackening seasoning and too much butter for a couple of minutes and then pour all over the grits. Looks pretty and is might fine eatin' too.
I like it when I can cook and only mess up 2 pans.
In reply to carguy123:
Sorry, sarcasm can't be seen through the computer monitor. 
...there's something besides Hashbrowns on the menu? Chili, Cheese, Onions and Ham, Please.
I'll take mine with jalepenos and cheese, please.
Grits with sharp cheddar, hot sausage and shrimp is great too. Use Jimmy Dean or similar, fry it up in little chunks. Throw some diced scallions on just before noshing. Only problem is you have to eat them quick because cold grits are awful. And it's a shame to have to eat something that good fast.
1/24/12 3:59 p.m.
+1 for a good resolution to the initial problem.
I've never been to a Waffle House either. Do they have fried chicken & waffles?
1/24/12 4:33 p.m.
love me some WH ... and no there aren't any Mom-n-Pop greasy spoon type places here ... at least not open late at night ...
it's not been mentioned but I also love the Huddle House ... eat at either on a regular basis
wbjones wrote:
love me some WH ... and no there aren't any Mom-n-Pop greasy spoon type places here ... at least not open late at night ...
it's not been mentioned but I also love the Huddle House ... eat at either on a regular basis
Bringing the Spirit back from NC we stumbled on a Huddle House. It had LED lit letters so we didn't eat there.
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
No waffle houses in Illinois
Probably because IL is the only remaining state that doesn't allow concealed carry. 
WH isn't great, but it's edible, and more importantly, open when most other places are not. If you're in a small town, just try getting something to eat between midnight and 4 AM.
New Reader
1/25/12 12:04 a.m.
someone murdered a man in a waffel house and the thread turns to this .
Was this man who shot this guy a supreme court judge who could impose a death penalty on this guy?? not saying the robber was inocent but did his crime deserve the death penalty?? i know in most countrys robbery is not a crime punishable by death,
Otto Maddox wrote:
In reply to Osterkraut:
Cracker Barrel is homestyle food, in the south anyway. I don't like it but it certainly fits the category.
The point is that it's not GOOD homestyle food.
You guys suck. Seriously. The nearest waffle house to me is 4000 miles away 
1/25/12 1:59 a.m.
Mitchell wrote:
WH isn't great, but it's edible, and more importantly, open when most other places are not. If you're in a small town, just try getting something to eat between midnight and 4 AM.
One of the great things about living in New York. We don't have a Waffle House but I can get pretty much anything between midnight and 4am, including a really good breakfast.
1/25/12 5:05 a.m.
DoctorBlade wrote:
...there's something besides Hashbrowns on the menu? Chili, Cheese, Onions and Ham, Please.
This. The WH stands for Wonderful Hashbrowns. Get a double. Anything else is a side dish
danvan wrote:
someone murdered a man in a waffel house and the thread turns to this .
Was this man who shot this guy a supreme court judge who could impose a death penalty on this guy?? not saying the robber was inocent but did his crime deserve the death penalty?? i know in most countrys robbery is not a crime punishable by death,
If you point a gun at me, and I point one back, just like highlander, there can be only one...survivor. If he didnt want to be un-alive, prolly shouldnt have been running around with something designed to make you dead. The shooter was exercisizing his right to defend himself, I see no foul play here.
Bottom line, the douche got what he had coming. Couldnt have happened to a nicer a-hole.
1/25/12 5:31 a.m.
BTW, thanks guys, for ignoring the danvan's anti-self defense troll.
1/25/12 5:57 a.m.
^^^^Hmph!......this thread is going down hill. I need to save it somehow....

JoeyM wrote:
^^^^Hmph!......this thread is going down hill. I need to save it somehow....
I don't recall seeing that on the WH menu. Can I get it scattered, smothered and covered?
Does WH have corned beef hash?
1/25/12 7:47 a.m.
Sorry, I loves me some waffle house. None of them near my place in NJ but it's a staple of BABE rally life to eat breakfast there.
No it's not gourmet fare, but its decent cheap food. We usually walk in with 3 or 4 teams an there's never an argument over the bill because someone just plops down a $20 and it's got the table covered, too easy :)
And those waffles will stick with you all day, seeing how lunch can often be missed when you are trying to resurrect a fuel pump on the side of some dirt road in the middle of nowhere, this is a good quality to have in a meal.
Osterkraut wrote:
Otto Maddox wrote:
In reply to Osterkraut:
Cracker Barrel is homestyle food, in the south anyway. I don't like it but it certainly fits the category.
The point is that it's not GOOD homestyle food.
Most southern homestyle food sucks to me. All the vegetables are boiled in lard or butter for a few hours with small pig chunks included in the mix.
New Reader
1/25/12 8:08 a.m.
ThePhranc wrote:
danvan wrote:
someone murdered a man in a waffel house and the thread turns to this .
Was this man who shot this guy a supreme court judge who could impose a death penalty on this guy?? not saying the robber was inocent but did his crime deserve the death penalty?? i know in most countrys robbery is not a crime punishable by death,
Occupational hazard.
Died of natural causes. Natural to his line of work.