Coming up for air from an intense two-month work contract, I promise to get back to the rotary Miata soon.
In the meantime, let me distract you with my friend's blog. Jay is the guy helping me with the Miata whenever he's down from Oregan. He just flew down to LA to buy the Ultravan (powered by a Corvair engine) his parents once owned and is blogging his adventure getting it back to Oregan. It's suitably GRM, so I'm sharing. Enjoy!
Being in the Corvair club, I have seen many Ultravans. I will definitely keep up with this adventure.
Thanks for sharing!
Nice, may have to follow this if only to compliment your friend on his pink tools. I too have painted many of my tools pink, and he is correct no one steals pink tools.
Sweet! One of my neighbors actually has an Ultravan he uses for camping and cruising, seems like a great little RV.
I read some more, he doesn't have a 140 in there (which there is supposed to be), it looks like a 110 or 90 hp engine which someone swapped in there at some point.