somapusher New Reader
12/26/10 4:54 p.m.


One handed driving @ 190MPH

Read about it.

friedgreencorrado SuperDork
12/26/10 5:35 p.m.

Y'know, the article's author makes a good point.

"There are many lessons here, but the most important one is this: if he did this on a track he'd have maybe sold his car and not ended up going to jail. Now he potentially might have to sell the car for a low price just to cover his legal bills."

He could have taken that thing to a drag strip or HPDE and may have gotten close to what he wanted for it, instead of having to make that "hello Dad, I'm in jail" call.

MrJoshua SuperDork
12/26/10 6:36 p.m.

Curious about that one. Entertainers "pretend" to do things in song, movies, etc... all the time. Combine that with the fact that you can pretty much tell a GM computer to make the gauges say whatever you want and video editors that allow a 10th grader to videotape me killing Darth Vader, I think a decent lawyer would get this dropped in a heartbeat.

Edit-Guy is still a d'bag.

Mental SuperDork
12/26/10 8:35 p.m.

That car is kinda known around here as well.

neon4891 SuperDork
12/26/10 8:58 p.m.
cheering himself on after finishing a 40 second sprint. the ladies love it when he does that

dj Reader
12/26/10 10:28 p.m.
MrJoshua wrote: Curious about that one. Entertainers "pretend" to do things in song, movies, etc... all the time. Combine that with the fact that you can pretty much tell a GM computer to make the gauges say whatever you want and video editors that allow a 10th grader to videotape me killing Darth Vader, I think a decent lawyer would get this dropped in a heartbeat. Edit-Guy is still a d'bag.

Guy was an idiot for talking to the police.

Rufledt Reader
12/27/10 12:24 a.m.
dj wrote:
MrJoshua wrote: Curious about that one. Entertainers "pretend" to do things in song, movies, etc... all the time. Combine that with the fact that you can pretty much tell a GM computer to make the gauges say whatever you want and video editors that allow a 10th grader to videotape me killing Darth Vader, I think a decent lawyer would get this dropped in a heartbeat. Edit-Guy is still a d'bag.
Guy was an idiot for talking to the police.

More of an idiot for going 190 on public roads, and even more for RECORDING IT AN POSTING ON THE WEB, even more for using his real name, and then there's the 190 on public roads thing again...

HappyAndy HalfDork
12/27/10 7:37 a.m.
Greg Voth
Greg Voth HalfDork
12/27/10 9:15 a.m.

You need the other hand to shift. Duh...

When you have 1000 hp and six speeds you dont have time to take your hand off the shifter between gears.

DrBoost SuperDork
12/27/10 11:44 a.m.

By my calculations: 1) He's a d-bag for going that fast in public roads, intraffic none-the-less 2) He didn't do 195. Af what appeared to be the fastest point he covered about 10 while striped on the road in a 2.6 second period. Each white stripe is 10' long with 30' in between. He covered about 400' in 2.6 seconds, about 166 feet per second. That's only about 113 miles per hour. Now granted I wasn't able to play the vid frame-by-frame but for him to be able to cover 286 ft./sec (195 mph) my counting the lines would have to be waaay off.

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