Damn, day light savings time. I just time travelled. I listened to Pleased to Meet Me before the Minutemen, yet one would never know by the time stamps on my posts above (and/or below)
Damn, day light savings time. I just time travelled. I listened to Pleased to Meet Me before the Minutemen, yet one would never know by the time stamps on my posts above (and/or below)
T.J. wrote: The Replacements - Pleased to Meet Me (Expanded Edition) [FULL ALBUM]
Yes! Crazy they got back together after all that time.
Today I'm listening to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I813BaEr3zU
Ok, listening to isn't the appropriate word......more like laughing my ass off at it.
Parker Millsap. Haunting voice, shocking to hear it from a 20 year old
I was expecting radioactivity
I love the way Jeff Burke can work a round into a song
Insomnium - Shadows of the Dying Sun
If you are a fan of old In Flames (Pre-Clayman), like Scandinavian-flavored Melodic Death Metal, or are just trying to make that next step from the Avenged Sevenfold-like "metal" that you are currently subjecting yourself to, then this is the album for you. They have been around for a while, and they make some of the finest Metal of this genre. It is brutal and beautiful at the same time. They keep getting better with every album.
10/10. Will listen to again.
The "before they were famous" recordings of Lynyrd Skynyrd.
That version of FreeBird and Simple Man are epic.
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