9/8/16 12:58 p.m.
St. Paul and the Broken Bones: a tribute to the late, great, Ois Redding
Thank you "ultraclyde" for introducing us to 100.9 fm from Macon, GA (the creek). Listening to that great radio station I learned that there's an Otis Redding tribute concert in Macon on Sunday night, and these guys are headlining.
Time and again (a geezer expression if I've ever heard one ... and I'm a geezer), I've said this thread is invaluable (meaning a good thing) to those of us who appreciate great music. I rely on "youse Dorks" to keep posting your favorite music. Even though I have my own playlist of a few thousand favorites, I always find new favorite music here. 
Pastor bases his sermons off of Metallica lyrics to see if anyone notices
But foremost in the minds of the congregation is last Sunday’s impassioned sermon about the Exodus, which Blackburn claims “consisted entirely of lyrics from the song ‘Creeping Death,’ and nothing else. I even got the congregation to chant ‘Die! Die!’ when we got to that part of the song. I can do no wrong here.”
So. Much. Win.
9/13/16 5:33 p.m.
Yes, I've done this one before, but it's a favorite song and the video production is superb, including vintage video from 1969:
Fire Lake
9/13/16 6:28 p.m.
Mid-week, and Annie and I are drinking wine on a fine September evening in Southern New England. (We're retired so we can do that). We're talking about music from our youth ( because we're in our sixties), and Annie offered up this one:
Archie Bell and the Drells
Preparing for Rallycross Nationals. This mostly consists of building up my alcohol tolerance and listening to The Kleptones, since Bestival and Uptime is mandatory RXNC-Trip listening.
"If you want to do something, really want to do something, don't wait to be asked, don't seek permission, don't put off until you have passed the right exams, or saved up enough money, but be prepared to accept complete failure. Don't give a E36 M3 about whatever your mates or your girlfriend or boyfriend think. Whatever it is, start now. Today. Tomorrow is always too late."
Acoustic guitar cover. Mind = blown
I bought the Jack White acoustic collection on vinyl last weekend and it is great.
9/22/16 11:52 p.m.
Alabama 3: Woke Up This Morning
(Nice Riviera)
This is the version that HBO should've used for The Sopranos.
9/23/16 10:26 a.m.
I love this berking song. "You've got a great car! Yeah, what's wrong with it today? I used to have one too, maybe I'll come and have a look."
9/23/16 3:29 p.m.
Kings' X and some Simply Red thrown in.
9/23/16 5:28 p.m.
Sergio Franchi
Pretty decent voice, but most importantly, Sergio was a car-guy. He lived in Stonington, CT until he died from the big C in 1990. They still have a summer music festival in his honor at his former estate (a short Miata drive for me), but his cars were long-ago dispersed.
9/23/16 6:27 p.m.
Tom Waits (early years)
He still performs, he's in his mid-sixties now, but you don't even want to see or hear him today. (I'm a slightly older guy. He's younger than me, but looks and sounds like he's ancient).
10/2/16 10:00 p.m.
California Girls / Wouldn't It Be Nice
I bought my first Beach Boys record in '63, and I've been a long-time fan. I'm currently reading Mike Love's memoirs. Their vocals were absolutely phenomenal, and this "a capella" version ... vocal track only, is one of my favorites.
Blind Mississippi Morris, Best of
10/3/16 5:27 p.m.
10/3/16 5:30 p.m.
I'm on a Metallica kick - these arrived today and Ride the Lightning is on the way.
Ian F
10/3/16 8:34 p.m.
There's a guy on YouTube who has been putting together surprisingly well done edits of fan phone video footage from the recent GnR tour. I've been a fan of the song Coma for years.
A little bit of Swedish Stoner Rock...
I have been enjoying lighter hearted music lately, and live is always better
I'm getting back to punk. Suicidal tendencies on Pandora today.
10/10/16 5:06 p.m.
ELO: Do Ya
Because it's being piped into the men's room of the Coast Guard House Restaurant in Narragansett, RI. Pretty good group from the seventies. Good song too. And the Coast Guard House is a great restaurant ... if you're ever in Narragansett, RI.