9am, Jan 9th, Western Carolina mountains ... bright sunshine, 40+ degrees, birds chirping as though it was late March/early April .... ( high predicted for Sat is 70 )WTF
guess they're right ... globule warming is here ... ( excuse climate change )
does make it easier to get outside and do work on the cars 
It's supposed to go over 50 here in SE Michigan, so I'll be putting the new differential carrier in my Miata. I like winter but a warm Saturday to put the car back together is welcome right now.
It is right here.
North Pennsylvania mountains. bright sunshine, 24F, 12" of old snow from last week on the ground, windshield needs to be scraped.
1/9/13 8:19 a.m.
Where is Winter?
It's here. Get it off my lawn.
We've had way too much of it already, but then again if it hits freezing even once I've had all the winter I want and I'm ready for spring.
We had a freak winter rain storm last night. It's the first good rain we've had in over a year. My ponds went up over 8 FEET, but they are still about 2 feet low.
It's not in Michigan :( Just keeping enough ice to keep my bike in the garage.
Hopefully gone. I berkeleying hate winter.
93EXCivic wrote:
Hopefully gone. I berkeleying hate winter.
Yea, I'm ready to sweat again without the help of Kevlar.
It's definitely out here.
We've had more snow that usual for this time of year, which is good because it alleviates the drought conditions somewhat.
It's here.. We'll be ice racing soon.
Calling for mid 70's here on Friday and thrrough the weekend, have to gt the bike out.
If the weather is true to history, by this time next week we will be knee deep in snow.
1/9/13 9:38 a.m.
We have a big mango tree in the back yard. Lots of blooms, baby fruit already growing. Going to be a good fruit year. We don't need no stinking winter.
It's been quite cold here for a few weeks, but we're supposed to have 50+ weather by Friday. It's not that unusual in Columbus to have a few nice days a month through the winter but this does seem more extreme than usual. It was 15 degrees the other night and now they're calling for 63 as the high on Saturday. Almost a 50 degree swing in less than a week. Supposed to be back down to 20 by next Friday. Yikes.
Grtechguy wrote:
It's not in Michigan :( Just keeping enough ice to keep my bike in the garage.
Agreed. Something like high in the 50's this weekend in lower Michigan.
On the downside, that likely means no ice racing in our region this winter (for the second year in a row).
On the upside, Gingerman is opening up for an impromptu open track day this Saturday! $150, 9am - 5pm.
1/9/13 9:59 a.m.
Its in El Paso!!!! Come and get it ! I dont wont it. Snow Paso !
I was glad it finally showed up here, just north of dculberson. In the last couple of weeks I was able to take the kids sledding, have a couple of snowball fights with the boys.
After being stationed at Ft Polk for 2.5 years I really missed having seasons. Snow can be a pain but the other day when I got up is was lightly snowing, sticking in the trees and everything was covered in a blanket of white, gorgeous.
1/9/13 10:09 a.m.
Theres been snow on the ground since before xmas here.......it hasn't left. Yay central indiana. Screw everyone else's global warming. We've been dealing with retarded changes for a long time.
It's supposed to touch 70 here in the Bluegrass over the weekend. This is the second straight winter where we've not really HAD a winter. Not saying I WANT ice storms and power outages, but I do enjoy a good snow every now and then and being out in the brisk winter air...
supposed to be 74 here in central GA saturday. I think we've been below freezing maybe twice so far overnight. I'm about to be forced to mow my yard.
ultraclyde wrote:
supposed to be 74 here in central GA saturday. I think we've been below freezing maybe twice so far overnight. I'm about to be forced to mow my yard.
Now that's winter!
"Ooooooo a light dusting of snow it's so pretty"..........for about 15 minutes and then all that matters is that it's cold and you can't do anything outside plus it's going to get mushy & nasty.
You can keep you seasons as long as I can keep spring & summer. That's all a body needs.
cwh wrote:
We have a big mango tree in the back yard. Lots of blooms, baby fruit already growing. Going to be a good fruit year. We don't need no stinking winter.
So jealous of all of the fruit trees you can grow just a few hours south.
Woody wrote:
Where is Winter?
It's here. Get it off my lawn.
Ditto, 'vette is still buried behind a 3' drift (started out as a 6' drift)