GameboyRMH wrote:
Apexcarver wrote:
That being said, I do wonder when we can all leave the name obamacare behind and call it what it is,
Wait, you don't even LIVE HERE! 
(I was under the impression that the ACA didnt apply down there, or am I mistaken? I dont have a good hand on how regulation and stuff works out down your way. )
Hahaha no it doesn't apply down here (we have single-payer health care available, comrade!), but I couldn't resist that joke opportunity 
Go Canada. I'm not trying to be political (I don't think) but I thank my lucky stars I do not have to worry about how I will pay when I get sick. I worry about the sickness not the money. That said, asking for medical advice on an Internet forum is just plain bad news. Go see a doctor and find the money somehow.
In reply to Appleseed:
for an actual pinched nerve, i would suggest a chiropractor with kinesiology skills, preferably not one of the ones that thinks that they can cure cancer with chiropractic.
2/4/15 11:49 a.m.
In reply to Apexcarver:
Its about as gaff as calling it affordable to be honest(and to be fair, the names have been used interchangeably everywhere). But either way, I don't think his initial post was to start this discussion. Over the last few years some people have seemed to get a bit combative on here.
I have nothing really to offer you appleseed that hasn't already been mentioned, other than wishing a speedy recovery. 
Appleseed wrote:
Clarification: I did see a doc. Nothing to do with the diabetes, not a heart attack.
Update: left arm is back to normal. Right arm is better. Only the thumb, middle, and pointer finger tip are numb. I was able to sleep fine last night. I'm sure this is a pinched nerve. If it doesn't keep improving I will go see doc in a box in a few days.
I am glad to hear things are improving. The two most potentially serious reasons for the numbness you described I know of are circulation problems and/or pinched or damaged nerves. If you have eliminated circulation as a cause, then you need to see what is going on with the nerves. I'll echo what's been said here about taking it seriously. I hope it continues to improve.
Thoracic outlet syndrome....
I took a tour of old Sacramento recently.
The guide, not wanting to invoke awkward questions from children, used the term “P” to denote working ladies from the Wild West. There were a lot of them so the “P” word came up over and over and was always accompanied by a dramatic pause and an exaggerated wink from the guide.
Obviously, this drew far more attention from the children then had the guide just used the proper term without making a big deal out of it and moved on.
This thread reminds me of that tour….we don’t need to make a big deal out of everything.
Somebody should write a song about this, something along the lines of “let it go – let it go”…kind of catchy don’t you think?
Anyway, I’m glad you’re feeling better Appleseed.
RX Reven' wrote:
I took a tour of old Sacramento recently.
The guide, not wanting to invoke awkward questions from children, used the term “P” to denote working ladies from the Wild West. There were a lot of them so the “P” word came up over and over and was always accompanied by a dramatic pause and an exaggerated wink from the guide.
Obviously, this drew far more attention from the children then had the guide just used the proper term without making a big deal out of it and moved on.
This thread reminds me of that tour….we don’t need to make a big deal out of everything.
If I was a kid I would have wondered why everyone was P-ing all over the place 
GameboyRMH wrote:
RX Reven' wrote:
I took a tour of old Sacramento recently.
The guide, not wanting to invoke awkward questions from children, used the term “P” to denote working ladies from the Wild West. There were a lot of them so the “P” word came up over and over and was always accompanied by a dramatic pause and an exaggerated wink from the guide.
Obviously, this drew far more attention from the children then had the guide just used the proper term without making a big deal out of it and moved on.
This thread reminds me of that tour….we don’t need to make a big deal out of everything.
If I was a kid I would have wondered why everyone was P-ing all over the place
Yah, it was pretty dumb, most of the parents took their kids aside and quietly explained what a “P” was to get them refocused on the tour.
One time when I was a young lad, I found a huge open space out in the desert to safely practice on my dirt bike. It was perfect with the exception of one rouge cactus to avoid. Only a tiny fraction of one percent of that space was cactus but I managed to smack into it.
That day I learned that you inevitably go wherever your attention is focused – obsess over the bad stuff, congratulations, you just willed it right into your world.
RX Reven' wrote:
That day I learned that you inevitably go wherever your attention is focused – obsess over the bad stuff, congratulations, you just willed it right into your world.
I don't believe in psychic manifestation, but I absolutely believe in target fixation 
Appleseed wrote:
Clarification: I did see a doc. Nothing to do with the diabetes, not a heart attack.
Update: left arm is back to normal. Right arm is better. Only the thumb, middle, and pointer finger tip are numb. I was able to sleep fine last night. I'm sure this is a pinched nerve. If it doesn't keep improving I will go see doc in a box in a few days.
that is great news.. we can only hope it was all the shoveling that just caused some swelling to temporarily pinch the nerves.
Coworkers daughter recently had surgery on her arm, woke up in the outpatient center not being able to feel her one leg.
A week later, still can't feel her foot.
Scary stuff.
Pinched nerves in your neck. This is due to discs collapsing.
I have had this for years. Last MRI showed bone to bone contact in my neck.
The only treatment is not do the activities that aggravate it and figure out a good position to sleep so your nerves aren't inched. Possibly a special pillow.
I had to give up my road bike (pedal kind) because the bent over position was aggravating my deteriorating disks and my arms were going numb.
I inherited this trait from my mother. She made the mistake of talking a surgeon into operating on her neck. Two years to recover. 20 years later she still has the same issues as before the surgery. Unless the pain gets debilitating I would advise avoiding getting cut.
Seems there was a timely canoe. Earlier in the year I woke up with pain and numbness, went to the doc, they think Burcitis. Which means I get to deal with it for a long time.
It's helped we finished the major project, as I think it kicked it off when lifting a 4x8 sheet of plywood myself.
It's hard to accept that you can't do stuff you did even 10 years ago without getting hurt.
alfadriver said:
Seems there was a timely canoe. Earlier in the year I woke up with pain and numbness, went to the doc, they think Burcitis. Which means I get to deal with it for a long time.
Another timely canoe.
I've been getting intermittent numbness in my left hand the last few weeks. Doctor appointment this morning, and I expect him to say the same. Or like he did last year when I was in a great deal of pain on the other side, tendonitis and bursitis. Years of motocross is hard on the joints
If it's mostly in the elbow and forearm, especially if it's after lots of heavier work with your hands, such as shoveling snow, it might be tendonitis. A good treatment to alleviate some of the symptoms is to use a double kitchen sink or two totes at least as deep as a kitchen sink, fill one with water as hot as you can tolerate and one with cold water. Submerge your forearms in the water alternating 90 seconds in the hot, 30 seconds cold back and forth 4-5 times. It truly helps and gave me more relief than any drugs did.
Pinched nerve in your neck. See below dermatome map. You can tell which nerve is pinched by the location of the pain or numbness.
The numb arms is your body telling you that you overdid it. The older you get the more bone spurs grow in your vertebrae. These aggravate the nerves if you overdo it. Rest & anti-inflammatory drugs help but it takes time. Plus you have to stop or greatly reduce doing what caused it.

Doc suspects carpal tunnel. Testing to come.