So I travel a lot and take pictures as I go. What wierd stuff do you see as you travel?
This guy had one side a silverish gray color and the other side a greenish color with a gold stripe down the center. What is the thought here?

Who is this senior citizen in this awesome Alfa Romeo?

I bet he/she bought that first car from Maaco back in the day?
eh? eh?
Man, look at the angled exhaust on that Alfa. Talk about a rice burner... er, pasta boiler...
MGAMGB wrote:
I thought this thread was going to be about pee bottles and solitary shoes.
Me too. I was all set to describe the flattened coral snake I saw in the road this morning.
I wonder if the owner of the Alfa bought it new and thought it was just such a great car that as long as it was running...he, or she, would keep driving it. BTW, a few years ago I saw a stunning Lancia Zagato outside a local grocery store. Man was I surprised when an elderly (at least 60 ish) man came out of the store and slide into the driver's seat. When you get "up there" in age, you have a tendency to hold on to anything that works for you. I'm trying to talk my father into trading his older Taurus for a more fuel efficient Focus. Can't get him to give up his old car while it still moves under it's own power.
7/25/08 3:28 p.m.
Wish I'd had a camera with me; the other day I saw an A-Team van cruising around Berlin. It wasn't 100% accurate as it had a conversion-van style side-window, but it was tinted enough not to spoil the effect. The red stripe, spoiler, and blacked out grille were all there and proper. It had German plates. Pretty awesome.
Did the old lady in the Alfa take off the rear bumper for lightness, or did she catch it on the garage door? 
I saw a car on the highway the other day with dual racing stripes across top; the only problem was the stripes were made from masking tape. Not fancy colored stuff either, just regular old masking tape.
stuart in mn wrote:
I saw a car on the highway the other day with dual racing stripes across top; the only problem was the stripes were made from masking tape. Not fancy colored stuff either, just regular old masking tape.
Masked and ready to spray!!