9/17/13 10:34 a.m.
You guys know everything else, can't be any worse than WebMD.
SWMBO is convinced I have a thyroid issue. I haven't had a physical since, well, I think we had a different Democrat president...
Always tired, etc... I read through a list of symptoms and checked yes for almost everything except pregnancy and my period. 
Supposedly it's common. Anyone with experience?
The three things that go wrong with your thyroid are hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, or cancer. Hyper winds you up, makes you hot, causes your heart to race, and will eventually kill you. Hypo does the opposite. There is a simple blood test to check thyroid hormone level in your blood.
I had hyper 30 years ago. The most disturbing part was the way my heart shook the bed at night. Great way to lose weight, that's for sure...well. other than the heart damage...
9/17/13 10:45 a.m.
If you have to have a disorder, that is the one to have. You take a pill everyday, and it is fixed.
My mom has it, numerous aunts have it, my girlfriend had a cancer scare with her thyroid--they removed half of it and found nothing. If they had, they would have removed all of it and she would have a pill every day.
mtn wrote:
If you have to have a disorder, that is the one to have. You take a pill everyday, and it is fixed.
My mom has it, numerous aunts have it, my girlfriend had a cancer scare with her thyroid--they removed half of it and found nothing. If they had, they would have removed all of it and she would have a pill every day.
Mine had it too and the took the whole thing out...takes a pill daily. Sythroid or something like that.
My wife has Hypothyroidism. Takes Synthroid every day. Your blood has to be checked every couple months to make sure you're on the right dosage.
I think her dosage needs to be changed again, because she's getting back into being tired all the time again.
Yes, go see your doctor. A blood test will quickly reveal if something's up.
Doctor? Screw that. Drink a 5-hour energy. Get off the computer and get out in the sunshine.
9/17/13 11:14 a.m.
David S. Wallens wrote:
Yes, go see your doctor. A blood test will quickly reveal if something's up.
As far as I'm concerned, asking GRM is the litmus test. You're concerned enough to ask.
Now go ask someone who can actually give you an answer.
9/17/13 11:36 a.m.
Yep, go see your doctor. A simple blood test will confirm.
I did the same thing last spring - turned out to be low iron. Easily remedied.
My wife had hypothyroidism. Low T3 I think. Apparenly it doesn't mean you're a Terminator
. It changes you. Go see a doc and have them do a blood test.
9/17/13 11:51 a.m.
Just made an appointment, thanks.
I asked my mom last night if we had a family history of it, she replied "no not really. ...I take medication for mine".
Oh mom.....
9/17/13 12:13 p.m.
captain nemo wrote:
i take a thyroid med, something else, have them test your testosterone, i got that to..........
Yes. And cholesterol while I'm there. Probably blood sugar. And..... (It's been awhile.)
9/17/13 1:21 p.m.
It's good to get a check up every decade of so. The wife has hypothyroidism as well as having a nodule on her's. Takes a small dose of synthroid and something else that is shrinking the growth.
Go to a Doctor!
When you get home, tell SWMBO the doc said you're just bored; then show her the Merry Widow you bought on the way home.
9/17/13 6:53 p.m.
SWMBO says she is taking a thyroid med, and can tell when she forgets. So, next month will be my ...uh...13 year checkup?
I take a small dose of synthroid daily myself. Levels were slightly elevated before the pills.
Also take medicine for high cholesterol and hypertension. Was border line diabetic, diet controlled now.
I went to my doctor about something else a few years ago. He palpated my neck and said:
"You have a goiter"
...And I was all "Ha! Me making the goiter jokes all these years and I get one"
So he referred me to an endocrinologist who had me get an ultrasound and some labs done.
The endo, upon viewing my ultrasound images remarked:
"That's ~stupendous!~
So I contacted the head of endocrine surgery at John Hopkins, since I so much enjoyed my neurosurgery there a few years prior. She saw me, added that I'd done a great job growing the thing, and got me on her surgical schedule.
It was much easier to grow it than to get rid of it, but after one night in the hospital I was kicked. I had a wicked sore throat, and the post anesthesia nausea was a bitch, but it wasn't awfully hateful. The morning after when she checked in with me, she gestured as though holding a couple hefty chicken thighs and said "It was ~HUGE~".
The next day I went to my nearest CVS to get my Levothyroxine prescription filled, and the funniest thing happened. The person behind the counter was utterly incompetent and was taking forever to simply fetch the bag with my name out of the basket and ring me up...
And I wasn't instantly furious. Angry me had left the building. Also, the great heaving mass of my thyroid had evidently been interfering with the baroreceptors in vessels or arteries in my neck which explained why my heart rate wasn't following effort on the the bicycle like at had the previous 30-odd years.
So I take a little pink pill every morning and I feel better and I don't miss the little motherberkeleyer much at all.
Fear not.
Glad you are going . . .
I had a bad case Hyperthyroidism (Graves' disease) . . . It was intense. Heart rate in 120-150 BPM range while sitting still, sweats at night (had to change clothes 2-3 times night), 2K+ calorie meals to maintain weight (minimum of 4 a day), very low energy (no energy reserves) and muscle fatigue.
If you have a Thyroid storm . . . PLEASE go to the ER. I had two and they are no fun . . . .
I had the Radioiodine treatment followed by Synthroid to make sure I didn't fall to hypothyroidism.
9/17/13 11:20 p.m.
After reading this thread, (and responding to it), and going over my family history with it, I'm going to go in and have this looked at just in case.
Don't screw around go to the dr.
Sister is recovering from thyroid cancer now. She's ok, but thanks to some careful dr's they caught it early.
10/1/13 5:38 p.m.
Nice little update: a good friend emailed me & a handful of friends that she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. I can't wait for that appointment now. 
Mine was the size of a large chicken wing, when my Doc and I decided to skip the antibiotics and go see the Cancer Doc. I had Mantle Cell Lymphoma, Stage 1. It's no fun, but they caught mine extremely early. I hate to sound like I'm trying to be scary but it can be serious. Or Not.
If there's any consolation, one of my doctors said that if he had to have a cancer, he'd pick thyroid since it's very treatable.