Hey Subaru peeps! I'm looking for the connector and pigtail for a 2004-09 Subaru Legacy or Outback throttle pedal. Not Tribeca, Forester or Impreza, this is a larger connector. I find the junkyards around here are not interested in my little requests and they don't do pick and pull.
Anybody got a parts car?
I'm surprised nobody has volunteered to grab one from a U-Pull yard for you yet. I would, but the closest one is 45 mins away, so it's hard for me to make it out there during the week. And it's below freezing. If you still haven't found one by this weekend, I'd consider it.
If a new connector shell and pins would be as good as a pigtail, there's a Facebook group that exists solely for the purpose of identifying automotive connectors and helping people find sources for them.
Given how common these cars are in junkyards now, a pigtail seems like the way to go, but y'know, time is money. Good luck.
Oh yeah, in USDM, I think you're looking for '05-'09. We got the 4th-gen Legacy/3rd-gen Outback a year later than the rest of the world. '04 was still cable throttle here.
Well, looks like I'm going to the junkyard tomorrow. Their inventory says they have an '05 Legacy, it's been there for 2 months though, so no guarantees. Still need a pigtail?
Somehow I missed the earlier responses to this.
yes, I still need a pigtail should you happen to encounter one! Thanks for the offer.
May try to hit the yard today. It may be closed for snow. I need a hood latch for an Impreza and can cut a few rows over to the Legacy. No promises...
Closed for snow? But why?

Unfortunately I struck out yesterday. This was the only 2005 Legacy at the yard. The good news is that the engine bay was fairly complete, but the bad news is that it was already missing the hood and everything got snowed on. I couldn't get the throttle body connector to release; it seemed to be frozen on. So I pressed a little harder on the clip with my screwdriver, and the clip just snapped off. Too cold and brittle.
Hopefully clownkiller or someone else is able to come through for you.
To be clear - I'm looking for the pigtail for the pedal. It's traditionally mounted in the driver's footwell, just east of the brake pedal :)
Cold weather and old plastic is a bad mix, but I could probably come up with a way to deal wtih a snapped clip.
that it, swich and connector only?
Oooo, I'll take the whole throttle pedal since you've got it right there. Everything in the pictures please, email me at keith@flyinmiata.com to let me know what I owe you.
Mission accomplished. Thank you clownkiller and obsolete.