Aside from the noxious fumes, are there any drawbacks to baking off paint/grime from auto parts in an electric oven using the self-clean cycle? My oven says "550°f" and locks the door when the cycle starts, but does anyone know the actual temperature? If the temperature is only 550-600°, Aluminum should be fine in there right?
BTW, this is a dedicated garage oven that has baked painted/powder parts before, so this thread shouldn't turn into a household murder situation 
I cooked a connecting rod in our house oven once to try to install a press fit writ pin without a press. It didn't work and my wife was furious but it was clean.
It depends on what kind of aluminum part it is. 550-600 is probably enough to anneal any heat treatmeant, so I don't know if I'd put billet parts and the like in there.
It would only likely be die cast parts; valve covers, oil pans, intake manifolds, etc.. Not really trying to mess with heat treating if I don't have to...