Eating dinner in a second. Then I will fire up the original server. The 2nd server is up and running. Same Ip but used port 8082 instead of 8081 that has been the default for a while.
if I think of it I will swap the ip of the two computers so the new server will be the same ip and port that you all have been using for a while now.
The server that is up for people to test on is : Here: >< I may decide to run the races on wednesdays on the original server that we have been using. We will see how it works out.
This is the "new" server I put together from a bunch of spare parts a while back. The new server should be an improvement. I doubbled the ram to bring it up to 32 GB. This is a big upgrade from the 16 we were running. The server software literature recommends 1 GB of ram per player on the server for best performance. The server does have less cores but they are running at a higherGHZ. 4.0 versus 3.6 so that should give some better performance as well. The core count is not really important as the server only uses 2 cores per instance of the server that I run. T the moment I can only seem to get a single instance of the software to run at a time. If I figure out how to have multiple instances of the server (multiple servers) running on a singel PC the core count will become more important but I could run 4 servers on the new machine before that becomes an issue. It is also in a desktop case and has much better cooling than the little computer I have been using. That computer is in a case that is the size of a ream of paper and uses conductive cooling to the case for the power supply limiting it to on 450 watts. When we have a bunch of people on the server I found that the case was getting really warm. To the point that I got a small desk fan to help cool it.
I will reach out to Tom at GRM again and hopefully we can kick things off next week.
aircooled said:
OK, feedback needed.
Here are some, less artsy treatments for Race Round Posters. Any preferences?
As captured:

A filter, kind of a colored pencil look:

Just a boatload of saturation:

I like the original, the pencil look has potential if the effect were toned down a bit though.
Here is a series promo poster

And a round poster updated as per Gameboys suggestion (seems like the unmodified version is prefered though):

I like the series poster!!!
All my testing at the Red Bull Ring.

Lots of testing tonight with Sauce and Pro, and the cars on the server at the moment are all options for people to choose from. Several of these were originally thought to be overdogs, but with testing of more cars, it became evident that there are competitive cars and cars are very driver dependent and the handy cap should even the field rather quickly. I am starting at 40kg and will consider going to 50 if we hit mid-season and we don't see the appropriate evening of the field.
Also, the results above are my results. Yours will be different. For instance, the NSX I could only get a 1:35, whereas Sauce was able to get a 1:30. Same goes for the "Dean" 911. I am slow with it, but Pro is quick with it.
More Logo comps, with added text:

And another promo poster, with temp logo (title would adjusted also):

Hay Air how high a resolution of an image is the poster. I am thinking I can print me a real poster at work on my wide format color printer. At the moment I have the second roll loaded with photo quality paper. I can go up to 36" wide. So I could do a 24x36 or if the resolution is good enough a 36x48.
Also can we try the logo with a dark burgundy or midnight blue back ground?
I would lean toward simsports, virtualsports, or other suggestion (?) that is game agnostic. If you think about it there are a lot of different leagues at various points and the games change over the years. I think the Dirt Rally 2 group is still going, I think there are people who do console stuff, and wreckfest as well.
Hay Collin are you out there?
Regarding the series poster: Once we finalize the poster (logo) I will need to send you a full resolution file. Copying down the image in the thread results in a very low res file.
let me take a stab at the logo tomorrow
I found this while digging through my google drive today, which means I probably have a vector file of the original logo around...

If you have the font name, that would be helpful also. It does look a bit familiar but an image based search did not result in any meaningful results.
I like the rectangle and steering wheel part, but I am totally open to modifying the text and what is in the "monitor". I was even thinking something that represents a road in the monitor. Not sure that would translate well though.
Here is a basic attempt.... ?

Unfortunately the cad I found is already flattened - no font info :(
I'll keep digging
Ah. The font is 'Impact', but horizontally compressed.
Oh, OK, thanks, I was wondering why it looked familiar.
Ok I put about 10 minutes into this, but that's all the patience I have right now. If you are like me and you just glance at it you see Simpsons.
I made a 'logos' folder on the drive and exported* an AI file of it there if you want to mess with it Air.
I do not have AI or AI skills, I used CAD for this lol

Hay Air is Laguna Seca spelled correctly in the poster? I was going to post up in the general forum with that in the post but held off as I think the poster is wrong. But I can not spell my way out of a dictionary so I am the last person to critique spelling. :-)
Also, I am going to put together a zip file with all the current cars for future use and for people to down load in case people have server issues with car compatibility.
We also should put together a folder for all the tracks.
This week will be a "real race" format but not a points race. One last chance for people to try a car or something. I am having major dental work done Wednesday mid morning so while I will be around I may not race. I will pre-set the server with long practice and a 15 min qualifier and 2 15 min races beforehand in case I don't make it. You all can skip sessions and re-set sessions as needed to have the event should I not make it.
1/23/23 8:34 a.m.
The testing lasts longer than the series.
Yeah, we are being a bit over careful with this one since we are trying to present it properly to GRM.
Certainly start thinking about future possibilities.
I do have access to a good version of the Las Vegas F1 track if there is any interest (I know, street circuits kind of suck). We could add it on to the end, adding another track of course.