So, here we go. Going into the final race, it's getting even more interesting. There are a number of dynamics going on:
Dean: Dean is on top of the points, but.... he also has 3 dead hookers in the trunk and a dead pimp in the back seat!! Bridgehampton is his favorite track, but he is driving a car that might have the stopping ability of a stock VW Bug using only the handbrake being pulled by a 12 year old girl! It seem highly improbable he can win next week! Where he finishes will be the key!
Sauce: He sits 4 points back from Dean. He pretty much NEEDS to win next week (he IS driving a BMW!), even with the 3 dead hookers in the trunk, it's certainly a possibility! If he wins, he will have 45 points, which means Dean will need to finish 4th to tie, any higher and Dean wins. If Sauce does not win next week, Dean will pretty much have to finish last to loose!
Slowbird: Since Dean needs to at least finish 4th, slowbird is likely to take one of spots above him. Depending which Slowbird shows up, this is a real possiblity. He of course could potentially win, which would effectively knock out Sauce.
ProDarwin: He would have certainly been in the run for the championship if he did not have to skip this week. Because of this (and the fact that his car is perfect for this course) he is certain to have a high finish. How high? First, as above, will likely spoil Sauces chances.
Trevor: The mystery factor here! Showed very good speed this week, seems to be coming into his own, and has no HC! Will he slide into the top 4 spots and push Dean down? Who knows!?
Air and Gameboy are potential spoilers also, but we have shown a pretty consistent ability to find the outside of the track at some point in the race!
We will want to be very careful about taking people out next week, and may want to institute some yellow flags and of course the potential restarts.
So, what happens if Dean and Sauce tie (very possible)? I am currently consulting with the F1 competition committee to see what the best options are (which apprently has something to do with how much money they send you)