OK, I figured it out (it's the Small function that allows you to find the nth smallest item in a range). Updated results posted. It's not quite as close at the top now, but it does pull the HC's down a bit.
Here is the chart used to figure it out (so you can double check to make sure I am not doing something silly). As you can see, it's essentially Dean's lack of a win that puts him into 3rd. Brick, Darwin and Drillin are all out of drops now though.

Shouldn't I be in 10th at Brands Hatch instead of 12th?
I will update the HC weights tonight.
So moving forward how will drops be added? I was thinking that they would be applied starting with the third race and the second being applied at the start of the 8th race. Does this make sence?
HC updated on the server adjusted for the 2nd Drop. Changes things around a bit at the front. Should make things close next week!!!!
In reply to gunner (Forum Supporter) :
OK, yeah, there was a flaw in the spreadsheet. I SWEAR, I have no idea how these pop up, put they happen a lot. Doesn't really give me great confidence in Google Sheets.
It's pretty possible for me to do entries wrong (I try to do them pretty fast), so a good idea to double check those also.
In reply to dean1484 :
I currently have it setup to start applying the first drop in the 2nd race (maybe it makes more sense in the 3rd?), and applying 2 drops in the 6ths.
The drops are from anytime in the season though, so if you miss the first two races, you don't get that second miss credited until race 6.
How did this piece of E36 M3 get a ten race season? 
Ya git what ya git, unless you come up with something else.
Sold for 1.2 Million on Bring a Trailer:

In reply to aircooled :
Yeah, Ive seen it happen to several of us. I appreciate you staying on top of it. Just wanted to bring it to someones attention
Here is a quick highlight from the last race. For some reason I did not get the first race unfortunately.
Standings and Highlights. Highlights are almost dull since the racing was very clean. CONTENT PEOPLE, WE NEED CONTENT!

11/5/24 7:05 a.m.
LOL... love that the sprayer discussion made the highlight reel! 
With the two drop plot twist I'm pretty pissed I'm going to miss this week :(
For anyone who missed the sprayer discussion, the answer was: Room temperature Mercury
Things are tight at the front!!
Edit : things are tight back to 8th no one has a lock on there spot back to 8th
Oh did anyone get a look at what happened with Rodan and I in the 2nd race? Net code? Did we bump? I did not feel anything but we know from the past that does not mean anything. I did run that corner very deep in to the braking zone but I got it slowed down and made the corner with out issue if I remember.
I thought it was clean but the replay will tell all.
Could the "race officials" take a look at it?
Great racing with Pro. We spent most of the 2nd race racing very close.
Bumping this thread to have people take a look at the mid season testing thread. We have two weeks left for this series.
In reply to aircooled :
Excelent video Air!! That battle with Pro was for just about every lap of the 2nd race. I should go back and ride along in Pros car.
Everyone ready for tonight?
11/13/24 5:55 p.m.
Is your internet down Dean?
Trying to connect to run a few laps but both the main and the test servers are unreachable.