I stumbled on this 6 part documentary about John Britten while putting off my homework yet again.
I had forgotten all about his bikes until I ran across the picture in the newest Cycle World. It took me right back to when I had first seen the bike on the cover back in 1993 or so, I wasn't even 10 years old then but fell in love with the bike immediately yet understood nothing about it at the time.
Such a shame when he passed away. I can't even imagine what the value of his bikes are now if they sold for $140K back then!
That guy was truly amazing. He made parts for those bikes in his back yard. They won races too.
2/25/10 9:13 p.m.
Casting his engine parts, building state-of-the-art carbon fibre body parts, engineering super high tech suspension components, and no computers, no engineers. New Zealand must have something special in the water. What did he die from?
2/25/10 10:05 p.m.
Thanks, Chester. Amazing!
cwh wrote:
What did he die from?
If there was any justice this guy would've died some kind of baller death like jousting with Osama Bin Laden on the back of his motorcycle at 200 mph.
But...I think it was cancer.
The only thing that will ever look good in hot pink and metallic blue.
And he didn't die. No planet can contain that much awesome.
Hasbro wrote:
Thanks, Chester. Amazing!
You are welcome!
There's also a really good 7-8 part series on a few F1 drivers from the 60's as well. Chris Amon, Bruce McLaren and Denny Hulme if I'm not mistaken.
EDIT: And you can watch "The Worlds Fastest Indian" on there as well! I just wish I would have brought my headphones with me to school today.
I remember this pic from the Cycle News article.

Thanks for the picture Jensenman!
I absolutely love the exhaust on these bikes. I remember seeing this article and just being so confused by the bike. I had never seen anything like it!
The suspension and bodywork added downforce. The cooling was in the tail section and utilized the air coming off the back tire like a fan. The engine was part of the frame before that was any where near cool.
F'in visionary.
The exhaust pipes look like intestines, which is kind of fitting considering their function.
amazing, thanks for the link