Submitted by mkukla on March 26, 2011

Found a Lamborghini in Stongsville, oh

I wish I had a photo, I only have the image forever burned into my brain. In the 70’s there was an orange Lamborghini P-400 Muira parked in a Sunoco gas station parking lot, right front tire and brake disc removed. The car sat on that jackstand for over 5yrs in the same spot! In the winter they plowed snow right over the top! I inquired whether it was available, I was told it was “held up in lawsuit”(?!?) Then one day it was gone. So sad, I’ll never forget watching that thourobred deteriorate in front of my eyes. I stopped in regularly to check on it. In time, the mice had taken over the interior, one can only imagine the condition of the mechanicals. Is there anyone out there that also witnessed this crime?

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