rust articles, project cars, conversations, and more

rust articles

Shop Work: How to replace rusty rocker panels

We all talk about avoiding rusty cars, but let’s face reality: If no one was willing to fix any corrosion, there wouldn’t be many cars left to restore.

Shop Work: ACF-50 works as advertised for rust removal and prevention

We often get people coming to us saying their product is amazing. ACF-50 was one of those products. The truth is, it works.

Shop Work: Can a sealer kit save a rusty, 50-year-old gas tank? | KBS Coatings

Rust in the gas tank usually calls for a replacement, but is it possible to reseal it–and save some money?

More rust Articles

rust project car updates

How to address rust spots while preserving the original paint

Our turbocharged 1984 VW Rabbit GTI didn’t sport much rust at all, but we still had to fix a few small issues–like one on the rear valance. 

Before hooking up a new battery, investigating something ominous

Our Mustang came with a trunk-mounted battery and a rather nicely made mount from Jegs. But beneath the battery, we didn’t like what we saw: a crude little …

rust Forum Topics

Coder's 88 Dodge D150 Project (WARNING: long and picture heavy!)
Jeep CJ2A Flat Fender Fun
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Learning about Porsche 914s
'86 Audi 4000CS Quattro project in NH for $1K (NMNA)

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