VW articles, project cars, conversations, and more

VW News

Come see our Porsche 911 Carrera and Callaway-turbocharged VW GTI on display at The Amelia this weekend

This Saturday, we'll be showing off our Volkswagen Rabbit GTI and Porsche 911 Carrera project cars during The Amelia's Cars & Community event.

How to you like your Volkswagens? Stock or modified? Cooled by water or air?

Does it get any better than No Dough Weekend? Cool VWs, perfect weather and admission for the low price of free.

How Belgium built the fast Beetle that Wolfsburg didn’t | Coming soon to an issue near you

Back in the '60s, if you wanted the fastest Beetle money could buy, you had to go to Belgium, not Germany.

A VW Beetle ready to drive or restore | Car Catcher

Said to have been refurbished “about 10 years ago,” this Beetle could be the perfect first classic or an easier restoration project.

Meyers Manx-bodied Dune Buggy | Car Catcher

This Dune Buggy is said to feature a 2180cc engine and a genuine Meyers Manx fiberglass body.

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VW articles

Buyer's Guides: Volkswagen Beetle: Buy one now? | Buyer's Guide

Whether you race it, show it or just admire it, the Volkswagen Beetle is a welcome addition to any classic car collection.

Features: Mach 1: Belgium’s thwarted attempt to produce a hotter VW Beetle

This isn’t just a Bug wearing a racing stripe. The Mach 1 Beetles also received enough horsepower to cut zero-to-60 times nearly in half.

Features: This survivor is one of just 2000 proto-Beetles ever built

After World War II, British Major Ivan Hirst revived the Volkswagen factory to produce just 2000 of these proto-Beetles.

Shop Work: Can a sealer kit save a rusty, 50-year-old gas tank? | KBS Coatings

Rust in the gas tank usually calls for a replacement, but is it possible to reseal it–and save some money?

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VW project car updates

Using a 3D printer to make custom brake deflectors

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Can more speed be created out of thin air? As it turns out, the answer is yes—as long as you have a …

Unlock your GTI's software to shave a second off your time

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Is it possible to do it all with one car? We think the answer is yes, and we think the best …

Cleaning our direct injection GTI’s intake with walnut blasting

The cause of our VW GTI’s rough idle and intermittent check engine light? Our suspicions were confirmed when we opened the hood and removed the intake manifold: The intake vales …

Dogbone inserts: Will they work just as well as solid bushings?

Our GTI has seen some track time. Lots of it, in fact, as evidenced by its podium finish in our class at the Tire Rack One Lap …

Want more full-throttle laps on track? Upgrade the intercooler.

Is it really possible to do it all with one car?

We’ve asked that question in every update about our daily-driven Mk7 VW GTI, and the answer …

VW Forum Topics

DIY EV Recommendations?
Tow-rig. Ooops, Touareg, the diesel hauler
Zink Formula Vee
1980 VW Scirocco - Dayton, OH - $3k
Package deal - Subaru BRZ + Scirocco

VW Readers' Rides

Aug 24, 2023 by anger_enginering
2014 None CC R-Line


Apr 26, 2023 by Scott Thompson
2019 None GTI

White Silver SE DSG

Aug 12, 2022 by MatthewKirk
1990 None Cabriolet

Heavily modified b*tch basket that I have owned for close to 18 years...

Aug 08, 2022 by rozap
1974 None Bus

VW bus for camping

Jun 16, 2022 by mikesbikester
1990 None Jetta

Beige 1.6TD

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