I took Friday off work to run back to Middle Tennessee.
I had been given a heads up that the LaVergne Express Pull N Save had a couple of MR2s. When I got there one remained, and had been on the lot 42 days. Not long before the crusher, so I got on it. Broke my Craftsman ratchet, and had a heck of a time getting my booty, but I got it.

What I got was 4 corners of struts, springs, and uprights, along with two drive axles. Also, I grabbed the radiator cap and housing, because why not? $266.26 spent on budget, and I'm unsure how much of this will actually end up on the car.
The car was an '86, an early model, unless I miss my guess, as the rear struts have the highly coveted sway bar mounts. None of the inserts are puking fluid, so that's a good sign. I'm not going to lie, when the girl gave me the total, I felt the slightest shimmer of panic-gotta stay within budget!
The yard was a mess, but I got some face time with a J32 someone had dropped, subframe and all from an '04 TL. I like it. Approximately 18.5" from the front of the harmonic balancer to the bellhousing surface. They're putting them in the same holes as K engines, and people have put K engines in X1/9s, so I'm feeling positive. The length (width of the V, but length in a transverse application), is not to be ignored, but the last guys were good enough to saw out the bulkheads in front of, as well as behind the engine.
I got a look at what was meant by "the exhaust manifold was cast into the head"

Ought to make header construction easy
Not the best picture, but you get the gist.