In reply to GCrites80s :
Trapped 84 mph last year and I'm pretty sure it was about 86 or 87 this year. Didn't save the slip. I guess that means my time was all lost at the start, huh?
also, did my first 3 runs in the lane prepped for drag slicks (at the recommendation of one of last year's track officials). I'm on A7 hoosiers. All 3 of those starts were terrible with lots of tire spin. Eventually I did some hard circles in the parking lot to try and get some heat in the tires and moved to the other lane. The starts improved but never got one I was real happy with. Car has an open diff.
10/28/20 5:13 p.m.
one wheel peel, plus poor tire choice for drag.
In reply to MrChaos :
Yeah. Several factors working against me.
So the bad aero isn't as much of a factor as you or I thought if you picked up 3mph but lost eight tenths. Nonetheless you go much faster and it is going to be a big difference quickly, I think. But are you going to be trying to hit 110 in the quarter anytime soon? Probably not.
First the positives: took the Yamaha down south to The Sandlot Off-road Park to run it a bit and try a new place. The park is pretty cool with many miles of trails, a fresh water swimming lake in the middle, food vendors and a tiki bar! The machine ran flawlessly and the new ponies feel fantastic! The mid range will help a lot in rallyx!
the negatives: I've found another SXS discipline that is beyond me (along with w2w sxs racing). The Sandlot is geared mostly toward motocross riding, but they have a sxs-specific motocross-style track. The freaking jumps are monstrous! My self-preservation instincts would not allow me to flat-foot it off the jumps - which is what you have to do to fly flat. I did several laps rolling over the big ones and contemplating a launch, but the potential consequences are just not worth the risk. I tucked my tail and finished the day riding on the trails. They were fun!
jumps in the photo below!

All Florida Rally group is hosting another rallyx Saturday at another new venue! The course looks short, but I'm hoping for many runs.

also, Woodsman Cup is coming up mid December. Haven't touched the bike since last year. Rear brake is locked, front brake lever is broken, forks are a bit tweaked and no spark. But after cleaning a few connections and replacing a fuse that didn't even look bad, she fired up! I'm wondering how many more years I can do the Woodsman as a racer. I'm a little nervous about potential spills and injuries. Still gonna send it.

GCrites80s said:
So the bad aero isn't as much of a factor as you or I thought if you picked up 3mph but lost eight tenths. Nonetheless you go much faster and it is going to be a big difference quickly, I think. But are you going to be trying to hit 110 in the quarter anytime soon? Probably not.
Nah. Not chasing drag times at all. But I may slap on a turbo or swap a 2zz someday, if the right deal presents itself.
Yesterday's rallyx was a bit short and tight but still a good time as always! A low turnout gave us 10 runs each and the YXZ ran great all day! Took home the overall win!
And here's an older video from the event when the engine was beginning to smoke a lot and lose power.
Went to the Spyder FB page to ask some 2zz questions and I was greeted by this:

and at Saturday's rallyx, they were running these hopped up Chinese go karts

I think I need one for my nephews to play around on my backyard track (and me too). Trying to pickup this chassis tomorrow.

the Yerf Dog is apparently a popular starting point for the group. Here's a decked out version

In reply to Lof8 - Andy :
Color me interested, I had no idea people were making these cheap go-karts fast. What is the go-to combination for these?
In reply to artur1808 :
I'm not sure if "fast" is the right description, ha! But they sure are having fun with them. This group requires you to use a GY6 150cc engine. I'm not up to speed on what hop ups they're doing to the engine. But I'm undecided on the power plant direction. I may slap on a Harbor Freight Predator of some viariety or I might do the gy6 so racing with them remains an option.
YXZ looks like a ton of fun. Yerf Dog looks kind of boring but who am I to discourage anyone from adding more vehicles to the fleet?
The Yerf Dog looks like a ton of fun! It reminds me a lot of SAE Baja racing, the fastest cars were close to 40mph top speed with a 10hp Briggs and Stratton snowblower engine when I was last involved in it.
In reply to Petrolburner :
Haha! It's "mostly" for my 4 lil nephews, 2 of which are getting close to the right size to drive it. Of course I'll play with it too. Bringin it home!

Following along....I have a 13hp Honda stashed..... Please share your upgrades!
11/9/20 5:33 p.m.
looks like a decent upper cage would be a good start
$200 2zz spilling oil all over the bed of my truck.

In reply to Lof8 - Andy :
Plans for the MR2?
In reply to AWSX1686 (Forum Supporter) :
I'm still debating. It was a steal, so I bought it just to have the option. But I have a friend who performed the swap on his spyder last year and he's really pushing me away from it. He says the engine is anemic below the 6500 rpm cam shift. The car works and performs so well as it sits, I'm hesitant to make a big change.
Put a new gas tank in the go kart and ordered a complete new electrical system for it for $35

and a Rallyx tomorrow at the Firm! 11 UTVs are signed up!!

11/20/20 8:48 p.m.
I think a K swap would be more beneficial than the 2zz swap
MrChaos said:
I think a K swap would be more beneficial than the 2zz swap
Absolutely it would. But I don't believe it's possible and stay under $2k challenge budget
maybe it's time to find a new 2k challenger and pursue the k swap on this car.
I don't think its possible for a rallyx to be anything other than awesome, but this was the first time I was a little disappointed at a Firm event. The morning was rainy and tech inspection took longer than usual. The Firm is now using transponders for timing and they don't seem to have very many. They have to be traded between specific drivers/cars between each run group (this is more time consuming than you'd expect). There were also more entries than usual and SXSs were the last run group.
All of this culminated in waiting around until about 2pm (got there at 9:30) for my first 2 runs. The first 2 runs were awesome! The course was about 2.2 miles ~ 3 minutes long with lots of different surfaces and a long run-up to the big jump. There were several YXZs that I was hoping to beat and 11 SXSs total! After those first 2 runs, I was sitting 3rd in class behind Vlad in a turbo Polaris and a YXZ with a badass low-slung custom chassis (this dude pulled up in a monster toter-home and stacker trailer).
Then the 2nd round of hours of waiting began.... Eventually, we were approaching dusk and I was hoping to get my 3rd and 4th runs in before dark. Then a 3-driver STI had to do 4 more runs (including transponder changes) while everyone else in class was done. Then, when it looked like I might get to run before dark, a subaru rolled over on its lid. I had also brought 2 new friends to the event who were running their 4 seater CanAm, and they were getting pretty agitated by all of the waiting at this point too.
Finally the course was clear and it was our turn. Turns out my oem headlights aren't fantastic and the night runs weren't as cool as I had hoped. I lost about 15 seconds over my daytime runs and my tinted visor meant I had to run with it up and collect all the sand and dust in my face. Just not super enjoyable. After those 2 runs, it was about 6:30pm and I decided to load up and skip waiting for another complete round of run groups.
If I had gotten 4 daytime runs, I might be singing a different tune, but it was just sooo. much. waiting. throughout the day. Here are some cool pictures to try and redeem this post.

oh yeah, the dude in the flying Ranger above and I became internet pals over the last few years, as we both built and raced similar Rangers. I sold mine, but he kept building...3 link rear end and serious shocks all around. He towed it down from South Carolina for this event and he gave me a couple of rides in the truck. Its still got the factory 4 cylinder, so there is almost no horsepower, but it soaks up all of the ruts with ease. He took a super long line for extra run-up to the big jump just to make it soar! LOL! That was the highlight of the day for me - felt like we were in the air forever, and the landing was butter smooth. Super nice dude as well.
In reply to Lof8 - Andy :
I don't see how he feels that way. I have owned three spyders and this latest one is so much more fun to drive with the 2zz. It feels very comparable off cam to the stock 1zz, but on the big cam it is a revelation...
What part of Florida are you in? You can totally take mine for a test drive.