jfryjfry said:
Not sure where you're at for steering but look at Lee's power steering in Valencia, ca. they do amazing work. Had them rebuild my box and send me a pump & reservoir kit. Looks and works amazing
I'll look into them. I'm going to be starting from scratch, the Bronc did not have power steering when new. So I'll need a new steering box as well as all the rest.
No picture today, not much has changed visually. I made a parts run to the coast last week. Picked up a bunch of parts for both sooner and later in the project. Notably a nice pair of bucket seats to be re-foamed and recovered later, a pair of taller front springs, and an adjustable track bar. I installed one of the taller front springs as a test, they appear to be around 2½" to 3" lift, and look like they will be a better match with the (apparently) 3" or so rear springs. Should sit much closer to level when they are both installed.
After the brake hard lines and hoses arrived, I returned to working on the brakes. The booster and master are now in place, and the prop valve, hard lines and center hoses also. New rear brakes went on this past weekend—drums, shoes, cylinders, springs and adjusters. Now that these are done I'll bleed the system and turn it around so I can do the other front spring and then fit the second door and fender. So far, so good.
Brakes are now mostly wrapped up. No p-brake cables yet (on the way), and not doing anything up front until I do the disc conversion, but not in a hurry on that.
Installed the second front spring, I'm now going to call it about 3" to 3½" suspension lift on both ends. Then adjusted and installed the new track bar. Got the axle centered to the frame within about ⅛". Looks like the uncut fender clearance will be fine with the 7" wide wheels and 31x10.50 tires. New shocks will arrive soon.
Hung the right door and fender, and then the grill. Fit seems reasonable so far, other than the bottom front of the 2 fenders tucking a bit sharper underneath. Will need some massaging to make them match the grill.
Gathering info and testing parts in preparation for the complete rewiring of the truck. A few more parts (mostly replacement switches) are also on the way.

New milestone today. Read on.
Since the post above, three new p-brake cables have been installed. Which means the brakes are all new except for the upcoming front disc conversion. Later this spring, I'm guessing.
Four new shocks have also been installed, so the suspension is mostly done.
Finally, the last few days have seen the beginning of the complete re-wiring project using the wiring harness kit I picked up a while back. But here's the new bit—today I actually started the engine using the key in the original ignition switch! No more hacked or McGivered wiring and switches needed. and since I replaced both the alternator (slightly upgraded) and the regulator (external solid-state) while doing the wiring, I've confirmed that it is delivering a nice, stable ~14.4v to the battery.
Lots more wiring yet to do. Stay tuned.