Rodan Dork
2/21/20 7:12 p.m.

On another front, we're really wanting to get our Bronco out in the boonies this year, and towing it behind our camper has always been part of the plan.   When I specc'd out our current trailer, it wasn't really feasible to fit the Bronco (cheaper to buy an open trailer in addition than to spec an enclosed for it), so I knew I'd be looking at other options down the road.

After the traveling we've done, I realized that we have a lot more campsite options without a trailer, so I'm looking at flat towing the Bronco.  The first hurdle is the transfer case...  it's got an electronic BW1356, which doesn't allow the selection of neutral, which is necessary for towing.  Last summer, I picked up a manual BW1356 with the shifter and linkages.  It's a straightforward swap, but I want to rebuild the TC first.  More on that later.

I also started looking at how exactly I was going to pull it...  when I fabbed the bumpers, I built in heavy duty tow points which are welded through the bumpers and to the mounts, directly in-line with the frame rails.

I was able to find tow bar adapters from Roadmaster that are designed specifically for this kind of attachment, and rated to use with their full line of tow bars (up to 10k lbs).

Next step is working on designing the tow bar, and working out the truck end (hitch ball or pintle...?).

I have a few other projects for it as well, including finishing the fuel can carrier for the rear bumper, but first is comms.  I have a CB, and I'm planning to pick up a VHF/UHF mobile for trail talking.  I decided to tackle the CB antenna first.  I've always had good luck with 1/4 wave whips, so that's the direction I went.

When I built the bumpers, I added a vertical tube that was originally intended to support an 'exo' mount for a roof rack, so the fiberglass top wouldn't have to carry the weight.  I've since decided not to do a roof rack, so I decided to use the bumper extension as a mounting point for the CB whip.

I started with building a mount that would slip on and be removeable if necessary.

Probably overkill, but everyone likes overkill in a trail rig, right? cheeky

Lots more to come on the Bronco...  I guess I should change the thread title to "Our Adventures in Motoring" laugh

Rodan Dork
2/22/20 8:40 p.m.

Definitely a wet one at the track today... cheeky

Of course the one day it rains in AZ this week, it's our track day, and it poured.  Pretty good turnout, though... especially the new driver class.

We didn't run the ZL1, just took it for sound check, which they didn't do because the equipment is apparently not waterproof...

I ran Conti ECS in 205/50-15 all day, and they were remarkably good in the rain!  Grip was pretty good, though not perfect... I went off once after waiting a little too long to get on the brakes.  Fortunately I didn't get stuck in the mud off track.  One guy went waaaaay off... like 100yds.  They wasted an hour trying to get the car out of the mud, then gave up and started running again.  My wife spun once, but stayed on the track.  It was her first wet trackday, so I was happy she pushed hard enough to spin... good experience for her.

It finally dried out a bit in the afternoon, and I was able to get some 'nearly dry' times on the Contis just for the sake of having the data.  The track was still pretty green, as the other TT guys were running well off their typical times.

I was also able to get a sound check in on the ZL1, and it PASSED! laugh  That means next time we can run it, which is good, because this is our favorite local track.  PCA has a day there in two weeks, and we're planning to go, but I'm waiting on a good forecast to register this time! 

Rodan Dork
2/29/20 4:13 p.m.

Busy week, but not many pictures.   Went over the NA for its post/pre trackday inspection.  No issues other than some cleanup from the off-track excursion in the rain last week.  ZL1 also got an inspection (pre- in its case), and an oil change.  Weather looks to  be good for next weekend's PCA event.  If the forecast holds another day or so, I'll sign us up.

Made some progress on the comms install on the Bronco.  Yesterday, I got the roof mounted dual-band antenna installed.

And today I got the radios and external speakers mounted up on the overhead console.  Pardon the shagnasty headliner... I was hoping to replace that while it was out, but they seem to be on backorder.

The CB is a Radio Shack branded Cobra Professional I've had for a long time.  I'd forgotten how big the dang thing is...  Dual band is one of the budget chicom offerings.  I hope to get the power leads wired in and SWR tuning done tomorrow.  Assuming I can get the programming software for the dual band downloaded and working... cheeky

Rodan Dork
3/3/20 12:38 p.m.

I got both radios wired up, and discovered the CB appears to be dead...  It's about 20 years old, so not a big surprise, but it was working when it went into storage.  Trying to figure out a replacement...

The VHF/UHF radio is up and running after several hours of trying to interpret Chinglish instructions, downloading software, cussing, google searching, cussing some more, downloading more software, more cussing, etc...  FINALLY got the base frequency plug uploaded and have been able to send/receive on the channels I've tried so far.

Today I also rented a new trailer storage spot... 1/2 the distance to the prior spot, and $15/month cheaper.  Also has 24hr access (the other site was 6am-8pm), so I can grab-n-go early on the morning of an event, and drop it off if I'm running late coming home.  This will be a big improvement over the current arrangement. smiley


mr2s2000elise Dork
3/3/20 12:41 p.m.

Gorgeous NSX at the track. 


Beautiful Bronco. Only thing that surprsises me, given how immaculate all your other toys are, the Bronco (on the outside) doesn't seem to fit your fleet. I.e. its more "Goodyear" than "Paradise Valley."  Are you going to correct the exterior so its worthy of your fleet? :)

Rodan Dork
3/3/20 12:59 p.m.

LOL... cheeky

The Bronco is a trail beast, and looks the part.  In all honesty, it's been somewhat neglected for a few years in favor of the various other projects, mostly being used as a snow vehicle for my wife, and to haul the dog to the bark park.

We want to start using it more for back country exploring, so I've been working on the functionality as a first priority.

As far as appearances, in the short term, it's going to get rattlecanned desert tan.  You can see that I've started with the roof and a pillars while I was up there drilling holes.  I kind of like that look anyway, and it works pretty well here in the southwest.  If I get really motivated after I retire in 3 years, it may get a 'real' repaint.

Interior parts are getting hard to find, and what's there has deteriorated pretty badly.  I had to deal with a number of broken mounting points on the dash panels last weekend... the plastic is like a dried out sugar cookie.

I do have a set of seats out of a 2012 Ram 1500 that should be here in the next couple of days, so I need to work out how to install those.  Should be a nice upgrade over the barcalounger soft stock seats, which are really pretty uncomfortable.


mr2s2000elise Dork
3/3/20 1:03 p.m.

My FJ is a trail beast, and doesn't look the part (lots of work, after every trail run) :)


I will calender the 3 year repaint hehe. I am thinking of a doing a 2500 mile offroad trip from LA to Moab to 4 corners to White Sand and back through AZ back home. 


Looking forward to more on the Bronco. Keep up the great work as always

Rodan Dork
3/6/20 6:18 p.m.

Loaded up the NA, and moved the trailer back to the new site.  It'll cost me ~30 minutes in the morning to hook up and go, but I would have spent at least that much time playing vehicle tetris so I can fit it in the driveway.  My wife will be driving the ZL1 down, so she gets a staggered start to catch me on the highway.

Also, the seats for the Bronco showed up today.  They are in super nice condition!

Rodan Dork
3/8/20 10:00 a.m.

Another trackday in the books...  Arizona Motorsports Park with PCA.

It was a beautiful day in Phoenix, 82*F with just enough breeze to keep it cool, though the wind started to blow in the afternoon...

The NA ran like a top, though I spent most of the day trying to figure out shift points and which gears to use where.   Last time out was the first time out with the 6 speed, but speeds were much slower in the wet, so I didn't really get it worked out.  I had one big spin in the first session, just pushing too hard in a corner I *know* I can take a couple mph faster... but apparently not on Rivals.  cheeky  After that session, I switched to the Toyos and didn't have anymore grip issues.  It's probably time to put the Rivals on CL...

The ZL1 worked great, and had no issues with the sound limits.

One thing I like about PCA days, is you have some really nice company... cheeky

I was a little disappointed that I never got within 3 seconds of my previous best on this track.  Looking back at the data, and some of the videos from the ZL1, I was really inconsistent in my corner entry speeds.  I guess sometimes you're just off...

Despite the lack of setting personal bests, we had a really nice day at the track.  And yesterday was Kona's very first track day!  I forgot to take a picture of her at the track, but she did really well and seemed to enjoy it.  She at least appeared to be as wiped out as we were when we got home... 

Professor_Brap Dork
3/8/20 4:23 p.m.

The pca events are very cool, I enjoy the various cars always there.

Rodan Dork
3/8/20 8:41 p.m.

PCA has a few weird quirks, but we've found their events to be very relaxed, and usually a little less crowded than typical trackday events.  Definitely enjoyable! 

Rodan Dork
3/21/20 7:22 p.m.

Fabrication day on the Bronco today...

Waayy back in 2014, I built slider steps, and front and rear bumpers for our Bronco.  At the time, I knew I wanted to build a fuel/water can carrier on the rear, but didn't know exactly what I was going to do.  As a result, the swingout on that side got the hi-lift jack, but remained otherwise unfinished.

I eventually settled on Scepter milspec fuel 'cans', and managed to get a couple off of eBay before they disappeared from the US market.  The fuel cans then sat in a spare bedroom for the next 5 years.  I recently ordered up a Scepter water can to match (which you can still get in the US), and started planning the carrier.

Today I started building.  First up was removing the swingout and clamping it to the workbench for easy access.  Next, I used some 2" angle to build a 'tray' to support and locate the bottom of the cans.

Next up was tubing to separate the cans laterally, contain them on the ends, and support the tray.  I used 1" tubing, and broke out my JD2 Model 3 tubing bender to make the bends.   The bender makes repeatable bends a piece of cake and I soon had the four supports bent.

Next was trimming and fitting the tubing to the swingout frame, and welding it all up.

Tomorrow's tasks will be to add a middle 'plank' to the tray to add support for the cans, and to bend up a support on the bottom for that 'plank'.  I also need to build the structure that will secure the cans to the carrier, and provide a locking system.  I know what I'm going to do, but need some tubing in a size I didn't have on hand, so it will have to wait for a trip to the steel supply on Monday.

Rodan Dork
3/22/20 1:58 p.m.

Got the middle 'plank' and lower supports fabbed up this morning.

I probably didn't need to use angle for the  middle plank, but I like overkill on an off-road vehicle, and 10 gallons of fuel and 5 gallons of water will be ~100lbs bouncing around out there.

Got it all cleaned up and some primer squirted on for now.

Need to run to the steel supply in the morning for a couple things to finish it up.  Hope they haven't succumbed to Coronaphobia...

Rodan Dork
3/23/20 7:13 p.m.

This morning I started with making a mount for my tubing notcher.

First, a mounting plate for the notcher

Next, welded that to a mounting tube for the bench

Done... it can mount on any corner of the bench, and I can rotate the orientation as necessary.

Much better than clamping it in the vise!

Tube successfully notched...

Then it was off to the steel supply to pick up some material.  I made a quick stop at Harbor Freight to pick up a dremel to replace the one that died over the weekend.  While there, I looked at bandsaw blades on the wall, thinking I should pick up a spare.  Naahh... I'll get one next week.

Got home and started working, and of course, the bandsaw blade broke on the first cut! angry

Spent the rest of my available time running back to HF for a blade....  maybe I can finish this tomorrow...

Rodan Dork
3/24/20 6:58 p.m.

Finished! laugh

Now that the bandsaw was back in service, I could cut the pieces for the locking bar to hold the cans in place and keep them from 'walking off'.

Once it was all welded up, it was time for paint.

Back on the truck...

Next up is the seats....

neverendingprojectgarage New Reader
3/28/20 8:33 a.m.

That can carrier looks great! Do you notice any extra noise when you've got it loaded up?

Rodan Dork
3/28/20 9:49 a.m.

In reply to neverendingprojectgarage :

So far, no, and I've been driving it with the cans empty to see if there's any rattling.  One of the several reasons I went with plastic cans over metal.

Rodan Dork
3/29/20 10:16 a.m.

Added the final piece to the puzzle Bronco swingout...

The weight on the swingouts sometimes makes it difficult to open the toggle clamps if they shift slightly, especially for my wife.  I had been keeping a piece of aluminum tubing in the back to use as a 'cheater bar', but you have to open the rear window to get to it.

I added some clips on the top bar of the swingout to hold the tubing, which got shortened by about 8" after taking the pic.

I also ordered parts for a brake job, and new wheel hubs and bearings on the front, but the next project is the seats...

Rodan Dork
3/29/20 12:25 p.m.

Went out and took some pics of the Bronco this morning, something I hadn't done in while...

My dog was bored with the process, and wondering why we weren't at the Bark Park... cheeky


Also found an old pic from right after we brought the Bronco home in 2013... the paint was nowhere near as good as it looks in the pic!

mr2s2000elise Dork
3/29/20 12:42 p.m.

Jealous of throws gas cans! Looks gorgeous 


due to the way my rear door opens and ladder I can't instal that 


thus looking at a rotopax ladder mount 


yours is gorgeous 

Rodan Dork
4/12/20 11:43 a.m.

A little overdue for an update, but had a busy week at work... no energy for thread updates.  cheeky

Last weekend, I did a quick test fit with the Ram seat in the Bronco.

Everything looked pretty good, and I thought I would be able to modify the existing 'legs' on the Ram brackets to work with the Bronco.  The Ram mounting points were ~6" wider overall, but almost 10" longer overall.

The four holes in front are the stock Bronco mounting points.  The arrows indicate where the Ram brackets would be in the rear with the fronts aligned with the stock Bronco points.

Here's a comparison of the brackets on the seats:

And the widths:

I added some material to the Ram 'legs' to bolt up to the Bronco holes, and bolted it in temporarily.  After a quick test drive, it was clear the seat was too high in that configuration, so I punted and started working on removing the 'legs' from the Ram seat rails, and the mounting rails from the Bronco seat.  That consisted of a total of 18 rivets (10 on the Ram seat, 8 on the Bronco seat), which were a complete PITA to remove.

Ram rails, legless...

Rodan Dork
4/12/20 11:49 a.m.

After a couple hours battling with rivets, I stopped for a mental health break, and lunch.

Getting back to it, I decided to use square tube crossmembers on top of the Bronco mounting bracket, which I would weld to the Ram rails.  After some trial and error, 2" square tube was selected for the proper height.  I also ended up welding up a crack in the Bronco mounting brackets.

The driver's side is in, and it's a HUGE improvement over the too soft, and crushed with time Eddie Bauer seat. laugh

Next up is the passenger side, which may end up a little more complicated.  The Bronco seat rails allow the seats to slide forward to provide access to the rear seat.  I sacrificed this on the driver's side in favor of the power adjustments of the Ram seat... stacking the two systems would not have worked.  On the passenger side, I intend to retain the sliding system, so I will have to remove the Ram seat from its sliders and adapt it to the Bronco sliders and then come up with a release system for the slider.

Rear access isn't super critical, as only the dog will be riding in the back (in fact, the rear seat is coming out permanently), and she can get back there between the seats.  That said, I do want to retain the slider on that side.

Rodan Dork
4/12/20 12:40 p.m.

Although I did finish the driver's seat for the Bronco, the weekend had kind of a rough start...

When I went out to the truck to make a run to the steel supply, it wouldn't start.  Battery showed bad on a load test, and since it's still under warranty... off to the dealer it went.

While at the dealer, I had them deal with a recall for a faulty tailgate latch.  I also wanted them to clear a second recall that I had fixed myself...

The recall was for improperly machined threads on the drag link... they didn't interface properly with the adjustment collar, and the drag link could separate from the linkage.  Obviously, this was bad.  Dodge's fix:  weld the locknuts to the adjustment collar...  seriously.  I'd been waiting for some months for them to release an updated part, and keeping a close eye on my locknuts to ensure they were tight.  Finally, they released a part number for the updated drag link installed on the 2019-2020 trucks.  And then they refused to use the new part on the recall, unless the threads were visibly damaged...  they still wanted to weld it.

It gets even better:  I ended up ordering the new drag link and installed it myself, but had not got 'round to getting the recall cleared, so while it was there, I asked them to clear the recall.  And they said they can't clear it if they don't actually do the work!  YGFKM!!  So they documented that the new part was there, but I have to call customer service to try to get the recall cleared!  How berkeleying stupid is that? angry


mr2s2000elise Dork
4/12/20 1:21 p.m.

WOW sorry to hear of the issues with the truck. Duallys are my favorite, and Dodge dealers stupidity is something to behold.  On the other hand FJ Cruiser forum h as a thread that their Panasonic OEM battery lasts 13 years in their cars..... 

Rodan Dork
4/12/20 1:41 p.m.

Yeah, not even 3 years on the battery, but I'm not going to hold that against them.  Any part can be bad right off the assembly line from time to time.  The drag link recall thing is just stupid, though...  Fortunately, the fix was only ~$200 including an alignment, which it needed anyway.

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