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TVR Scott
TVR Scott SuperDork
9/9/21 2:47 p.m.

Race car plus new lawn furniture: win-win!

Stampie MegaDork
9/9/21 3:12 p.m.

In reply to TVR Scott :

Speaking of which I'm told it came with a lawn chair in the trunk. I haven't verified that yet. Also we have a cb radio for recoup.

Tom Suddard
Tom Suddard Director of Marketing & Digital Assets
9/9/21 3:17 p.m.

It's a broken metal stool, not a chair. Figured you'd make better use of it than the folks at the scrap yard.

Stampie MegaDork
9/10/21 8:01 a.m.

Despite the PO's faults he's a good guy overall. Look almost a full tank of gas and the car has only 2,922 original miles. 

Tom Suddard
Tom Suddard Director of Marketing & Digital Assets
9/10/21 8:28 a.m.

Hey, I wasn't going to sell you a horrible car AND leave the tank empty! I figured you were going to drive it home.

In hindsight, you probably would have rather had a few hundred fewer pounds on the rear of the the trailer, huh?laugh

As far as that mileage... that poor little odometer has rolled over so many times IT needs an odometer.

Stampie MegaDork
9/10/21 9:50 a.m.

I just decided that I really need to go over all the work the PO did to the car. 

Tom Suddard
Tom Suddard Director of Marketing & Digital Assets
9/10/21 9:59 a.m.

Fun story: I won that stool at an equipment auction along with a few other things.

During pickup, I grabbed a perfect stool and threw it in the truck. Then I realized I'd bought a lot of two stools, with that horrible wiring/duct tape hack job holding one together. I threw it straight into the trunk of the Buick, and now it's yours to enjoy.

TVR Scott
TVR Scott SuperDork
9/10/21 11:10 a.m.

In reply to Tom Suddard :

I'm not impressed with your stool samples.

Stampie MegaDork
9/10/21 12:31 p.m.
Tom Suddard said:

Huh, so that's how you'd fix the bog at WOT.*


*If you fix the bog at WOT, I cannot guarantee the rest of the car won't explode from all the raw power you'll have unleashed.

Bog ... We don't need no stinking bog. Hit up National Carburetor since they're local. Took in all my free and cheap carb cores. After explaining that I'm a dumbass that's going to race an 85 Riviera they selected this as the best choice for a core.

Excellent choice as that one was free from what I call the Studebaker stash. They had a rebuilt one all ready to go. Little adjusting to fit my needs and out the door we go. 

Added bonus of a free t-shirt because I asked. 

Stampie MegaDork
9/10/21 1:00 p.m.

It just keeps giving. Just noticed the custom keychain. 

Marjorie Suddard
Marjorie Suddard General Manager
9/10/21 1:05 p.m.

Your experience sums it up: Tom's a stickler for detail... until he's not. laugh


Stampie MegaDork
9/10/21 1:24 p.m.

In reply to Marjorie Suddard :

So it doesn't get any better after 13 eh?

Tom Suddard
Tom Suddard Director of Marketing & Digital Assets
9/10/21 1:24 p.m.

You bought this without noticing the keychain?! I figured for sure that was the reason you wanted it so badly.

I talked about making it in my CNC thread here, though it's not perfect thanks to a crooked collet. I figured it wouldn't be the worst defect on the car, but let me know if you need a nicer one for the Challenge laugh

Also, you'll be my hero if you keep the broken key on the keychain for the duration of your ownership. It was like that when I bought it, and I so admired the optimism/lack of touch with reality you'd have to have to drive around with a broken key for years, I just couldn't bring myself to remove it.

Stampie MegaDork
9/10/21 1:28 p.m.

In reply to Tom Suddard :

Well yeah after you pointed to the broken key and said that you had no idea what it went to my brain said berk the keys and never noticed the bling.

Stampie MegaDork
9/11/21 4:27 p.m.

Today was gather the last parts day. I drove down to the Tampa area to see Mr_Asa.

We gathered up the parts and then went to lunch. Good food but I already forgot the name of the place.

I'm a little concerned. Until I saw the tire beside the 10 inch wide wheels. I never considered that a 245 tire might be stretched. 

gumby Dork
9/11/21 5:53 p.m.

245/45/15 on a 10" wheel will be stretched for sure. Local guy runs Rivals setup in this fashion on the front of a gnarly Civic, and does very well. YMMV

Stampie MegaDork
9/11/21 6:02 p.m.

In reply to gumby :

Well guess my plan to put the 15x10s on the front is a good one.  Decent one?  Berk it, it's a plan.

Stampie MegaDork
9/13/21 4:17 p.m.

Preview for you. 

Tom Suddard
Tom Suddard Director of Marketing & Digital Assets
9/13/21 5:26 p.m.

In reply to Stampie :

Stampie MegaDork
9/13/21 5:35 p.m.

In reply to Tom Suddard :

Don't hate.

wvumtnbkr PowerDork
9/13/21 7:43 p.m.

Those 245s were mounted on 15 x 10s.  T hats the fitment and wheel size I use on my racecar.


Works good for me!

Stampie MegaDork
9/13/21 7:58 p.m.

In reply to wvumtnbkr :

Hopefully to see soon.  My Jordanian tire guy wasn't there when I stopped by today.  His employees don't work with me like he does so we'll see if I can catch him later this week.

Stampie MegaDork
9/17/21 7:31 a.m.

Not stretched as bad as I thought. 

That should lower the car some.

Stampie MegaDork
9/17/21 1:23 p.m.

Last Friday I ran out of time to pick up Lil Stampie in the Riviera so today is the day. 

First while plugging in my car charger I noticed two bolts in the ashtray. Thought to myself "Should I ask the PO what they go to or just wing it?"  Wing it won out. 

Then I took it for my first drive. First thing I noted was no one will complain about it being hard to steer in the autocross. I pulled out onto the main road and thought hmmm this isn't as bad as I thought. I got to the point where vehicles start to come up to temp and look to check the engine temp. What the berkeley? 

No temp guage. In fact nothing more than basic speedo and gas. At least if you forget what car you're driving it's listed for you right there. 

Next I realized it gets a lot of attention. Mostly from cars with Georgia tags. Then I wondered would they approve of what I'm going to do to it?  Berk em. They could have text Tom just like me. 

Made it to school. Can't really call it pick up line anymore. Seems here parents just park anywhere and once school lets out they all try to leave in a mass of chaos.  At least I'm winning the chaos today. 

Now we wait until 3.

wvumtnbkr PowerDork
9/17/21 2:11 p.m.

I can't wait to see it with the little tires.  It's gonna be awesome!

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