I have been working on the car and enjoying it just haven't been able to document my progress till tonight.
The power steering pump was leaking from the shaft so I picked up a rebuild kit from advance for like 13.00. I also picked up the tool for removing the pulley and re-installing it, what a pain in the ass...

Pulley off...

Dirty Pump reservoir...

All apart...

A little paint...

Much better...

Old leaky radiator...

New hopefully not leaky radiator...

Like a glove

Pump on car

I got it all buttoned up and I must say the Jeep Grand Cherokee Power Steering box is a nice upgrade. The steering feels tighter and more modern. It is a great mod for less the $100 that I can't recommend enough.
After I put it all together I took the family to a car show with it down the street from my house.

My neighbor's 1962 Impala. She is really into cars, I actually took her to an auto cross and let her drive my Miata last year.

There were a ton of cool cars at the show as well...
An old E-type that my daughter said was her favorite. Smart girl!

Cool Mini...

Couldn't hope for a a better mix of car...

The impala SS had a 6-speed conversion 
Nice early Porsche

Some exotics...

What's next on the list? Suspension? More engine dress up?
It has been awhile since I updated the thread. I dropped the car off at the body shop in the first part of June. The paint on the car looked great in pictures and from about 15 feet away but left much to be desired up close.
I took off the emblems and the bumpers in preparation of dropping it off.

Stopped by last week and the body work was all done...

My buddy says it should be done Friday! 
went off to paint???
how slippery is the slope?
Yeah I am pretty much an idiot 
I figured I would update the Fury since I mentioned it earlier in the thread.
The wheels were hideous, but I am cheap and tried to come up with a workable solution that didn't involve purchasing new wheels or tires.

A little dark grey plastidip...

Much better!

Believe it or not it sold in less then a week after I painted the wheels!
I picked up the car on Friday. It was possibly the worst decision I have made in a long time.
First off it was forecast to rain, and I left the car's windshield wipers at my house. I would have had enough time to make it back before the rain started but I ran into a few slight snags.
The bolt on the back of the original alternator broke and the alternator was no longer charging. I had purchased a new one and planned to install it before driving the car home. After removing the old alternator in the parking lot I went to install the new one and discovered that the lower bolt hole was to small to accept the long bolt that the alternator pivots on. Arghhh! Fortunately I did remember to grab a fully charged battery for just such an occurrence. I reinstalled everything and started towards home.
No further issues at first but after a few minutes the car started to run hot. I thought this is weird it has never run hot before. I limped through traffic with the gauge showing about 220 degrees and pulled into a convenient Advance Auto Parts. I open the hood and discover that the cheesy chrome upper radiator hose had come off of the upper radiator outlet. I ran inside the store and bought some coolant. I reattached the hose, and filled the system. Car ran good, temperature was solid at 180. 
As I was leaving Advance it started to sprinkle. The various snafus had eaten up my window of opportunity to drive home without getting wet, not to mention that it was now approaching rush hour. As I sit in traffic the sky's open up. Now I am sweating my ass off in a torrential downpour in a car with no functioning defrost system and no windshield wipers, not to mention no bumpers.
If any of you have seen Ace Ventura you know what happened next...
Fortunately my friend's car lot was only a mile from where I was inundated. I was able to drive there with my head out the window. He let me park it in the garage out of the rain.
On a positive note the car looks great, and I am happy with the paint job. Also my Land Cruiser was parked at his shop after the most recent round of musical cars giving me a ride back to the house.
On a negative note i realized that my cowl or windshield leaks
. Also the passenger side door is slightly out of alignment and the leading edge of the door caught on the front fender, scraping my new paint. It is going back tommorow to have this taken care of...

9/1/15 5:08 p.m.
Looks good. At least the first scratch is out of the way. 
9/1/15 5:38 p.m.
I think you might have slipped down the slope a bit. But you seem to be handling it like a boss.

Slopes ary not typically completely vertical. 
Looks great! Needs tinted at about 20%, and hit hard with the lowering stick. Maybe bags?
My slippery slope turned into a precipise today. Like the glutton for punishment that I am I jumped off "like a boss".
$1150 dollars later I am the proud owner of a certificate of destruction Pontiac Firebird Formula with a T56 and LT1. I pick it up in the morning...

Drivetrain donor? Good get.
Grand-berkeleying-canyon man. 
It's gonna be a great car.
I should be able to sell quite a bit from the firebird to offset it's purchase price. The interior appears to be mint and should sell for a decent price. I might keep the wheels for autocross when I get around to suspension.
Looks like a normal build to me! My brother broke an alternator bolt on his 70 Mustang 15 years ago and did the "while I am there" dance for about 18 months.
2 years ago we did it different. After nearly 100,000 miles it needed refreshing, but we pulled the engine and basically blew it apart for a 33 day marathon of cleaning, repair, upgrading and painting.
We don't call it a slippery slope any more...we just yell "Geronimo"!
9/25/15 10:18 a.m.
I do like those wheels after some contemplation. The silver + chrome accent with the red is working.
Car didn't have any keys according to the auction listing. After winning the auction i stoped by one of the local chevrolet dealers and had both keys cut for $24.00.
This morning i woke up at 6:00 and drove 2.5 hours with my open trailer to get the car. Once in Orlando I met up with some fellow GRMers for breakfast. All three of us then went to the nearby Copart to pick up the car.
They delivered it straight onto the trailer with a fork lift. My luck held and it fired right up without a jump box using the keys I got yesterday 
DatsunS130 wrote:
Gamblers anonymous...
It was good seeing you and Ted this morning. I drove it after I pulled it off the trailer... the chevelle is going to be badass
In reply to pimpm3:
It was good seeing you too. I'm excited to see the finished product. Should be fun.