11/7/13 11:11 p.m.
I am trying to follow this guide to configure a bluetooth adapter for my megasquirt:
I power the bluetooth up, set up hyper terminal as shown but get nothing when I try to communicate with the device (type something in to the box, no text shows up).
I had a similar issue when I was testing out my serial cable as described in the megamanual. Until I jumpered the cable no text typed into hyper terminal would show on the screen. Once it was jumpered I could type text onto the screen.
What am I doing wrong?!?! 
11/7/13 11:48 p.m.
This is my reading of the instructions, does it jive with what you've read/thought/done?
1) make some hardware changes to the two-ended serial device.
2) attach serial device to PC, open up hyperterminal, do stuff
3) detach from PC, use.
It sounds like you're stuck on step 2?
Questions: does the PC you're using have a real, honest-to-goodness serial port, or are you using a serial/usb adapter?
What -exactly- did you have to jumper to get the serial cable to work with the MegaSquirt (and was it in the cable, on the MegaSquirt, where?).
Those are some rather flimsy instructions (what about pairing the bluetooth device, etc?). I'm neither a MegaSquirt guru nor a serial guru, but I know enough to get myself in trouble...
11/8/13 12:03 a.m.
SUCCESS! Caps lock needed to be on.
I couldn't get the rename function to work, but I changed the baud rate and can see my megasquirt 2 on my android phone now!
In reply to peter:
That's the basics. The only modification to the bluetooth device before you change the settings with the computer is to add that temporary jumper. I just used a stiff piece of wire bent to grip onto the two "pin" points, and skipped soldering it.
The wire that is added simply allows the megasquirt to power the bluetooth, and removing the female plug is just to prevent fatigue from having a large weight on the end of it and hitting bumps in the car.
For anyone willing to spend some more to avoid the trouble, this company makes a BT module intended for connecting to MS ECUs that works out of the box:
Cuts out the shopping, research and serial console work of using a regular serial-BT adapter, and a whole lot of work over a DIY adapter.
11/8/13 9:32 a.m.
You can also get a ready to rock version from EFI Analytics. $60 though.
I think mine was $9. If you can build and set up a megasquirt you can modify this Bluetooth device, I was just being thick. You can't see the commands you are inputting in hyper terminal, only the response from the device which is what caused my confusion.
bgkast wrote:
I think mine was $9.
What model is yours and where did you get it?
11/8/13 10:44 a.m.
Mine is marked "JY-MCU" "BT RS232" "V1.3"
I got it here:
I guess it was $11.80 shipped

OK gonna order one...I'd say the effort of setting this up is worth the price difference.