7/17/23 12:06 p.m.
Yesterday I met up with a friend and as always I was discussing my finding that magic car that does it all (track days, autocross and vintage races).
My friend immediately commented that I have become synonymous with my Datsun; seeing as we started competing with it in 1989 I could see his point. I’m also approaching 39 years of ownership.
So are you synonymous with your car?
My racing friends used to call me "Mustang Boy", but considering I'm in my upper 30's and primarily racing other vehicles now... I'm approaching 20 years in this hobby.
I seem to have junk and E36 M3boxes associated with myself...
My friends and family still associate me with my old Miata, even though (sadly) I've been without it since 2019.
Forty years on I get "Hey, you're the guy with that Turner". Hence my user name. I will say that of the 50 cars that have passed through my possession, that is the one I should have kept.
7/17/23 1:45 p.m.
If by synonymous with my car you mean that my 50yo body is much like my rust belt 50yo Porsche and falling apart, you're not wrong.
Man, that would be weird.
7/17/23 2:16 p.m.
In reply to Keith Tanner :
Thank God you dodged that bullet.........
7/17/23 5:18 p.m.
Jeep made ~2,800,000 of my car. I blend in well.
My racecar though, I get a ton of people associating us.
In reply to Apexcarver :
In this house we still call you Mustang Boy.
My friend and I both had NA Miatas at the same time right after high school, so we're forever those guys to old friends. The fun is when they ask if I still have it and I tell them no, I have a different white Miata now. That usually gets some confused looks.
My car is 51 years old and I have owned it for 47 (I think) and immediately started modifying it, so yes my user name is correct. It could sure use a garage rescue anytime. I also had a two page driving record at one time and all of the cops knew me by my first name.
And yet, although any mom in her minivan could probably beat me today, nobody has ever tried to race me in town. It is also as loud as it looks because, "If you can't make it faster, make it louder."

7/17/23 9:22 p.m.
TurnerX19 said:
Forty years on I get "Hey, you're the guy with that Turner". Hence my user name. I will say that of the 50 cars that have passed through my possession, that is the one I should have kept.
I want a Turner so bad that it is my middle name.
7/17/23 10:17 p.m.
I never realized there was such thing as a Turner until this thread. I am ashamed.
Are there any newer photos of the Volvo? I'd love to see more detaiL!
There was a Turner at our track day last weekend.

I am the first of 2 people in the world to have ever stuffed a Volvo 6 cylinder into an 1800. before the internet. Nobody believed me.

"I wouldn't get in that thing if my life depended on it."
7/18/23 12:52 a.m.
For years I was known for my obsession with Lancer Evolutions. Owned a few, from Evo II to VIII. No points for guessing where my username comes from!
For the last 10-12 years now, I'm generally known as the guy who brings an old Mercedes to BMW CCA Club Races.
I'm pretty sure I invented the Fast and Frivolous 40 years ago.

"I wouldn't get in that thing if my life depended on it."
One winter, I drove out to Escondido, Southern California, found the richest neighborhood (Rancho Santa Fe), drove up to the biggest new house under development, and got a job within 30 minutes because of my car, was from North Dakota, and had a 28 ounce framing hammer. Mostly because of my car. 
On the way, I had to punt some drunk off of the road with my rear flare. Story coming up in, My Life, Chapter 25.
"I wouldn't get in that thing if my life depended on it."
I mean I'm still the Hyundai humper even though I only own Kias

I'm definitely the Zoomboni guy.
Yeah, I've definitely become synonymous with owning this thing. 21 years this year.

As my wife has told aspiring tire kickers in the past, "He's had that thing longer than he's had me; it's not going anywhere!".