ok....most of you don't care anyways, but I'll post it anyways. And a couple disclaimers:
1a. Don't ask me what a "wraput" is.....all you need to know is that it is awesome. uh...
The video isn't really that epic, but Summit Point triple skid has some nice scenery for an autocross, plus some slickness, and Iron Maiden overdubbed makes it seem more epic, right? (yeah, lots of wind noise with the GoPro that day).
Not SCCA (yeah, I know that makes it inferior lol) Event/season was with the DC chapter BMWCCA, who I ran with this season in their "X2" class (one of four non-BMW classes determined largely by displacement/turbo/rotary/rcomps). This event was a 3rd place finish for me (behind a Mazdaspeed3 and an 08 STi on some 265 rubber), but won me the season points title for the class (attended 6 of the 8 events with no wins, but consistency with 4 2nd, 1 3rd, and 1 4th. Almost every car that beat me this year was an 06+ STi or a Mazdaspeed3 (well driven), so not too bad. This last event I actually was 4 seconds up on an Aston Vantage :)
Might go back to SCCA next year and run STU after I get some wider rubber...wouldn't have been competitive this year with stock suspension (until this last event) and stock-size tires, so ran with BMW club more for fun than anything else.
Car mods...bilsteins/RCE yellows/AP Stg1 (all just this event), SDRs w/RE01Rs, sways, a few other things. STU-legal except the tune, which I will take off if I run SCCA next year but it was legal for this club, so I put it on.
Also, this is Summit Point triple-skidpad, where they do drift events and karting events. You can see how slick the surface is in the vid!
Anyhow....here's the vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH3WTXBiONs
epic with GRM stickers...
the guys who beat me this event: